Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Tuesday Afternoon Post

Well.  My blog fell off the face of the earth last week.  I was in my mourning period when Bimlissa's sister's husband saved the day and rescued it.  People who have been reading my blog for less than a year have no idea who Bimlissa is and probably find me to be an addled, old homeschooling marm.  And I am ok with that.

2 points for using the word "addled!"

I need to move my blog.  The horror! This makes me want to crawl into a hole and suck my thumb.  I have no time for such nonsense and just thinking about it makes my brain hurt. I did, however, learn what bandwidth means.  And it has nothing to do with the waist size on my jeans.  So that's something.

2 points for "bandwidth."

We got a kitten.
sp and poppers 
I KNOW.   I am out of my mind.  This cat is named Mr. Poppers and he weighs about as much as a sock.  He is actually going to be my mother-in-law's kitten, but she is needing a temporary home for him for a few weeks.  I am sure there will be no drama from my children whatsoever when it is time for him to go.

2 points for the name "Mr. Poppers."  Don't steal it.

I am so tired.  I have no reason, really.  My husband has been working extremely long hours and we are still doing the rental.  And then there's the education of the children.  I am just weary.

Weary makes it all sound so much more dramatic.  Which is totally what I was going for.

Today, whilst doing science with Sweet Pea, Daisy Mae entertained the boys by destroying the house.  Bless her heart.
pillow fort 
I am so weary that I don't even care anymore.  At least we got science done.

The astute reader will notice that my pictures look a bit zazzier today.  It's true!  I EDITED them.

Look at me with my big girl blogging pants on!

One of the problems with my blog is it is TOO BIG.  Not too big as far as visitors and hits, but as far as posts and pictures.  I never resize my photos.  So, I am trying to be a good girl.  I found a site where you can resize the pictures for free and it also had some box that said "polaroid."  So, I clicked it and voila.  I am now a big time blogger all because of it.

So that's it.  Nothing is new.  I am tired.  My husband is working too much.  My blog is a mess.

I did, however, get some cozy new sweatpants.  It has certainly boosted my morale.  In case you could not tell from the tone of the post.

Oh!  I do need to brag about one thing.

You all know of my troubles with educating The Boy, right?  Well, I had to take him in for state testing yesterday and, well, you had better sit down for this.

He tested at and above grade level.


Stand down, readers!  I do not mean to be boastful, but, hello!?  Have you read this blog?

Handsome Dude.  At grade level.  Imagine that.

It is almost like my whole life purpose has been to get him to this point.  From taking him in twice a week to get his glasses repaired to teaching him why we can't pee on mama's washing machine (sadly, a very true story) to making him keep sounding out letters even though they make him want to throw himself on the ground in despair and sorrow.

He can be taught!

Either that, or they made a mistake during testing.  Which is totally possible.

Later dudes.


  1. My home educated children are working on an art lesson, I am out of the room, for good reason. I shall return when they are finished but not until. Art, not for the faint of heart.

  2. congrats on "at and above grade level" !! Smart boy, really good mama, a faithful God, there you go!! You are an amazing family!

  3. I am just trying to help, Teller. You don't have to make that gesture.

  4. YAY! for The Boy! I've taken to Preschool Prep DVD's for mine. It's as close to outsourcing education as I can get. It's sweet and wonderful and blissful EVEN AS they learn. Talk to the hand, all ye screen-time nay sayers! (Mostly myself.) One must do what one must do.

  5. I'm so happy that you did not lose your blog!!
    And way to go Handsome Dude (and Momma!!)!

  6. I have been a reader of yours for a long time (I think since Mindee featured you) and I have to say I AM SO GLAD YOU DIDN'T LOSE YOUR BLOG!! It makes me laugh every time and its one of my favorites. This is especially important now as I've just had a newborn baby and need some entertainment at 3am. So please- keep writing! Keep resizing the bandwidth or whatever! Get all handsome on your blog-moving.

  7. I'm so glad you got your blog back! Yay for Bimlissa's orthodontist's sister's cousin!
    So glad you are encouraged in your schooling of HD - you have smart kids. Astute blog readers can just tell these things.

  8. Hooray! Your back! I needed those giggles today.

  9. They did NOT make a mistake. He has very bright parents, it's in his genes!

  10. The peeing on the dryer post was the first post of yours that I ever read... It made me laugh so hard, I was totally hooked.
    Keep up the good work homeschooling... Anyone who has done it knows homeschooling isn't for the faint of heart!

  11. Congrats on the testing! I'm sorry you are weary. I have come to the conclusion that once you become a mom you are going to be weary forevermore. I'm also sorry about you having to move the blog but your audience demands that you continue to post so you're gonna have to carve out the time. Just sayin'.

  12. What's the bandwidth of your big girl blogging pants? I'm just curious.

  13. Teller, make your life easier and get a cage filled with something soft and cozy for that kitten at night or whenever you must leave the ranch. They love hanging ferret hammocks clipped inside a cage. Congrat's on The Boy. Homeschooling is wee weary.

  14. you are using picmonkey, aren't you? I LOVE picmonkey.
    I'm sorry that you are weary. And I am so proud of you for going for the dramatic!

  15. I'm so glad you're back! You should get your blog bound into a book for safekeeping. I use this website, don't print comments, and let them arrange it to fit best. It's chronological but sometimes they adjust where the photos fall and I'm okay with that.


    I hope you get a nap : )

  16. May, who is not know for her tact and diplomacy, said, "Why Mr. Poppers? That's a silly name!" Hum. Seven year old girls - not for the faint hearted! Cushions on the floor - that happens here too. Drives me WILD. Let me know if you come up with a solution.With you on the weariness. Chocolate is the answer. In copious amounts.

    p.s. Yay, Handsome Dude! :o)

  17. YAY!!! Your blog is back! :) YAY for Handsome Dude... he gets a BIG thumbs-up!

  18. I'd never heard of this! Thank you for sharing it.

  19. Wow, you used some mighty big words, there. And proved why you get to wear the big girl blogging pants while you produce at and above grade level handsome dudes. I'm still uber impressed. Especially by the newly needed size of your bandwidth.

  20. Could SPs grin be any bigger? That looks like a very young baby. I love the name, I had a cat named Mr Stubbs. He was my best cat. Good for you on homeschooling so many grades. It's a huge challenge.
