Monday, August 8, 2011

A Post about Nothing + M&Ms. Riveting.

Want to know what's unfortunate?


That is unfortunate. 

 We are 0 for 2 over here in the glasses department.  David, being the dapper dude that he is, offered to stop and get them repaired for us while he is flitting about in the cities today.

Holla, David!

So wonderful, so kind.  I even lovingly packed all of the bits and pieces for him:

and secured them in this uber manly contraption . . .

He's loving me today.  I just know it.

Since I last blogged, I had to clean that darn rental house two times.  The first time was on Friday and, since David was busy electrifying things, I had to mow the lawn.


Are you aware of how hard it is to start a lawn mower?

I am.

I prevailed and was able to get the job done.  I was even sweating like a pig when it was all over.  I am sure you are glad to be informed of that.  I even went to church all smelly-like.  I am sure you are glad to be informed of that as well.

On Saturday, David worked.  Again.  I stayed at home and did some freezer cooking, because I am clearly awesome.  I made 4 batches of teriyaki chicken, with HOMEMADE teriyaki sauce, as if I couldn't be any more talented.  And I'm not.

 I also made 6 batches of some sort of chicken and wild rice soup.

I hate making soup.  Why do I do it?  I cannot be certain.

Nevertheless, I have 10 meals in the freezer, ready to go.  Well on my way to the 60 meals I am hoping for.  Ha!

Next up is a lemon glazed chicken and chicken noodle soup.

Again with the soup!

Why must I punish myself?

Anyone seeing a "chicken" trend, here?  It is my hope to ban all elk and elk byproducts from my menu.

On Sunday, we planned to have a relaxing, family day, filled with a trip to the beach and a scoop of ice cream.  Or, if you are David, 3 scoops of huckleberry ice cream.

But, alas.  Our plans were thwarted when the renters who were leaving that day called and said the dryer was broken.

So, instead of relaxing, we had to had back to the city where our old house abides and assess the situation.

The dryer works fine, but they damaged a piece of furniture pretty badly.  So, that's a bummer.  While we were there, we just cleaned the house for the next group.  I am beginning to become fatigued with all that cleaning.  So tedious.

We still managed to sneak off to the lake and ice cream shop before heading home.

Here's Little Dude showing some thigh.  Because he's cute and he can.

Am I confusing anyone with the geography here in this post?  There are several lakes and rivers and ice cream shops in our area.  So, we were originally going  to one beach, but plans changed and we had to go to a different one.  Clearly, we live in the best area in the whole, wide world.  Try not to be too jealous.

Dang.  This post is boring.  I am having a hard time keeping interest while writing it.  And, yet, I shall continue. 

So, we started our drive back home.  I just had to snap this picture of David to prove to you all that he carries peanut M&Ms with him at all times.

Do you see the yellow bag there?  Do you?  Do you?

What is up with his face?

Here is a close up of the bag, to further prove my point:


The XXL bag, even.

And his thighs are skinnier than mine.

No fair.

Alright!  That was my weekend, as exciting as it was.

I hope yours was most excellent.

Happy Monday!


  1. My idea of a nightmare is having two houses to clean! But "Yay, you!" for all of the cleaning and all of the cooking!

  2. Just thinking about eating anything with the word "Elk" in it causes my stomach to turn :/

    Good for you, cooking all those freezer meals! You're my hero :)

    Your lumberjack's thighs should definitely be bigger than yours from eating all of those peanut M & M's! Not fair.

  3. You crack me up! Your blog is hilarious! I love reading about your next adventure each time.

  4. Taylor you are Superwoman! I moved a daughter into an apartment in the stinkin' heat so I feel your pain. I did not get a day at the lake or ice cream when it was done but at least its done.

  5. If I could get away with it I too would eat peanut M&M's ever chance I could...but alas I do not have the skinny thighs of David.

    Love the glasses carry case...Only a true man would be seen carrying such a thing.

    Hope you have a great week
    Blessings Kelsie

  6. Ah... mowing... one of my favorites as well. And yes, I do - in fact - know how hard it is to start one of those... things. It reminds me of the last time that I mowed the lawn before I swore off mowing all together... my husband and I were in our first couple of years of marriage and had just bought a new house. He was working a lot of hours to pay for said house, so I thought I would do him a favor and mow the lawn(s) (front 7 Back). Whilst I was in the front yard trying to get the stupid thing started a small crowd formed of neighbor people... none willing to help... I eventually got the thing to start and went along my marry way, mowing... for hours! Still the small crowd of people watching me as I zipped aroung the yard, stopping routinely to empty the catcher (I don't know what it is really called) into the trash can, you know, the green one, which I had been trained equalled green stuff, like lawn clippings! Much later that night that crowd of neighbors approached my home and knocked on the front door... all of them. When my husband answered the front door, they asked to speak to his parents... ha! His parents! Did I forget to mention that we were married rather young? Anyhow, when he explained that he was, in fact, the man of the house, they all seemed elated and began laughing. When my husband finally got them to confess to what was so funny, they said that they all had noticed that a young girl (me) had been mowing the lawn that morning and that they were going to speak to the parents of that young girl and explain to those parents how innapropriate they felt that it was to have a young girl who was obviously 8 months preganant (oops! Did I leave that part out?... oh, ya, I happened to be 8 months pregnant...) mowing the lawn. Ha! My husband and I had a good laugh and the very next day he hired a gardener... Holla, Stephen! Holla!

  7. I wondered what that smell was when I saw you Friday night....

  8. I don't know how you do all that cleaning and now mowing. Holla David! I can't believe you gave him that little purse to carry. Maybe he'll keep his M&M's in it now. :)

  9. Rental house cleaning stinks. I hate it too. And thin thighs and XXL bags of peanut MM's (my fave) I am hating on that fact a bit too.

  10. Yes, you are confusing me with all those lakes, rivers and ice cream shops because I know northern Wisconsin has those and probably Minnesota too. . . hmmmm. (Have you ever been to the Windmill in Wisconsin? HUGE ice cream cones!) Yet, the roadies! Costco is making it's way east . . . I will continue my detective work!

    I'm very familiar with how hard it is to start a lawn mower. I'm wondering if the lawn mower makers do that on purpose so we have to ask our manly men to start them for us thus confirming their manliness. Just sayin'.

  11. You said that this was a boring post, but I want to just offer my support. Sometimes it's nice to just smile when reading instead of trying to contain multiple belly laughs so as not to wake the children.
    So thank you, Taylor, for giving my stomach a break from clenching pain!

  12. I'm glad everything turned out for a fun sunday, even after having to take care of the rental. I love reading your stories about what you are up to, and about the family. They always bring a smile to my face.

  13. Man, I'd be jealous if you lived by only one beach! And my glasses have been taped together for over a year now. Because I'm classy, that's why.

  14. I just remembered I don't know what I'm making for dinner. Darn you!
    Also, that bag is the epitome of AWESOMENESS. Rock on girl.

    I'm sorry you were stinky. I'd give you a hug but...

  15. if we all could be so lucky to have as much down time on the weekends as you =o)

  16. We almost got a rabbit at the county fair last night. Then I thought of you and quickly said, no! I'm thinking that I need no kids in diapers before we add a rabbit :)

  17. Did I miss something? Why do you need 60 meals in the freezer? I mean, I have a plan in the next few weeks to stock my freezer but I am having a baby in 18 days. Are you having a baby in 18 days? You are waaaaaay too skinny to be having a baby in 18 days.
    Are the meals for my freezer? Bless your heart!
    Thanks for the giggles....

  18. Dude! Do the renters have to pay when they damage furniture? That should totally come out of some kind of damage deposit.

  19. Way to Go on the Freezer Cooking, Taylor!

    Super! Homemaker! Mom!

    Soon you will be grinding your own wheat and baking your own bread.

    Oh yes. Yes you will.

  20. We have a cabin my parents are trying to sell and my husband suggested we use it as a seasonal rental... I didn't ever respond to his questions about this, since I could picture it... A whole summer of me deep cleaning messes I didn't make... Once a week all summer... He dropped it... Smart man.
    Does he at least share his M&Ms? My husband loves swedish fish... He has them hidden all around his areas (Shed, garage, basement) but will only share if we actually catch him in the act of eating them... Otherwise his response is always "I'm almost out and I'm saving them." (Fink)
