Monday, August 29, 2011

Moose Tracks

You may ask, "Taylor!  Why this picture?  What is its purpose?"

Well.  See that little boy?  That is my cousin.  BUT.  Do you see that young lady in the background?

Do you?

THAT is my mom.  And my cousin had put this picture up on the Facebooks, and I was like, "Oh!  That's my mom!"  and then I was like "Dang!  I am like 11 years older than her right now than she was in that picture!"


I would like to state for the record, that I have never, ever, worn a dress just for kicks and grins like my mother there did.

She's so fancy and refined.  Sometimes, and only on the most special occasions, I iron my jeans before heading into town.  But let us move on.

We went to the fair this weekend.  The girls each won a ribbon for their rabbits.

Here is Sweet Pea with her bunny, Daisy.  Not to be confused with Daisy Mae.

And here is Daisy Mae with her rabbit, Thumper:

Thumper and Daisy are award winning rabbits.


So, we went to the fair and it was the hottest day in the entire universe.  So, naturally, my husband and I decided we needed ice cream post haste.  Because we are concerned about our waistlines.

Fun Fact:  My husband has lost 10 pounds and he has no clue how it happened.

Funner Fact:  If I lose 8/10ths of an ounce, I throw myself a party and gain 2 pounds all in good fun.

Most Funnest Fact of All:  The buffer zone between me and my husband's weight is shrinking.  I need to lose weight.  Or sneak lard into all his meals.

What on earth was I droning on about?  Oh!  Yes!  Ice cream!

So, we buy the ice cream and they don't have Moose Tracks OR waffle cones.  You can imagine my disappointment.  But then, I saw a different ice cream stand boasting of waffle cones and the Moose Tracks.  So, I handed my inferior Cookies and Cream to Handsome Dude and ran to the other line.  Because I love Moose Tracks THAT much.

So, there I am.  Standing all alone in line for the Moose Tracks, when I hear this convo behind me.

Convo is how cool people, such as myself, say conversation.

Keep up!

Guy #1:  I'm going to get Moose Tracks.

Guy #2:  That sounds like how someone would describe my underwear.

Charming, I know.

Guy #1:  Shhh!  You are going to gross out this lovely young lady in front of us.

That's me!  I'm the lovely young lady!  Who knew?!

Guy #1:  She's never going to want a man after hearing your talk.

Oh, brother.  They are basically talking right to me.

Me:  Oh, I have a man.

Guy #2:  Oh, good.  We were afraid we would scare you off.

Me:  Nope.  I have four kids.

Guy #1, who is now my bestest friend:  No!  You can't have four kids!  You look like you are 19!


Look at me and my 30-year-old-self-gettin-an-ice-cream-cone-and-lookin'-like-I-am-19!


So, I paid $4 (outrageous) for a Moose Tracks and me and my youthful self walked off to find my kin.

I found them.

Yes.  My pictures are terrible.  Just leave me alone.

Here is a picture of my boys milking a pretend cow.

Is it cute or disturbing?

You be the judge.

The Bouncy House!

It done collapsed when my children were in it.

But I am pretty sure they weren't responsible.

Let us discuss Sister Meagan.

Here she is.  She makes that owl look good.

Sister Meagan is moving far, far away.  She's gettin' all handsome on a new city.

After the Fair, we had a little goodbye dinner for her and here is a picture of her with all of her nieces and nephews.

Daisy Mae wrote her a little letter.  For to say farewell.


Happy Monday!


  1. I have never had moosetracks. I wonder if I can even get it in England. I wonder if I can afford to love it as much as you do. Good luck to sister Megan.

  2. You DO look like you are 19! It's kind of disgusting. I read you in spite of that, though, because where else am I going to find out about rabbit private parts and how to disguise elk meat?

  3. Will I be shunned if I dared to ask what Moosetracks ice cream is? Is it an American thing? I live in Canada and being that every other country thinks that moose and sled dogs are a common sight in these parts (they're not!) then we should have moosetracks ice cream, no?

  4. The girls look so proud of their bunnies!

    That is the best farewell letter. Ever.

  5. the ribbons that the girls won look strangely like dollar bills...

  6. How old were the dirty underwear guys? That convo was histarical!

  7. Sad to say I think I had a dress very similar to your moms. Wait-I'm proud to say it...your mom is awesome, right?

    Congrats on your big win at the fair!

  8. Lard in his food haha He probably needs it with all that lean elk he eats. Later dood.

  9. Your county fair looks just like my county fair. They must sell those plastic cows to every county in the country.

  10. The chocolate in moose tracks is AMAZING! I dig it out of the carton ON PURPOSE!

  11. yes, i must agree, it's not even fair that you look as good as you do at.your.age.and.all. not fair at all!!! congrats to the girls on their ribbons! that's way kewl!! bunnies are so much fun! why are all your pictures fuzzy?

  12. My mom and I took my kids to the state fair today and there was a whole booth designated to the Elk Association of MN.

    And I thought of you.

    Because the Elk Association was all about Elk Meat.

    Oh, Taylor. I now associate you and Elk Meat. YOU should be a part of the Elk Association of MN--or whatever state you live in.

  13. I'm only telling you this to make you feel better. My husband and I are not only the same height, but the exact same weight. And if he sneezes wrong or sweats a smidge, he suddenly weighs LESS than me. I really love that about him.

    Love hearing the stories about the weirdies you encounter on a daily basis. Keep 'em comin!

  14. Oh, My Dear. You are too much.
    Holla for your 19 year old self!
    Holla for Moose Tracks in waffle cones!
    Holla for your mad photog skillz!
    And for teaching your children to spell, rapper style!
    Lard. You can sneak it into his food...tamales. Elk tamales. That would so work. And you wouldn't hafta eat it cuz it's elk. And he would love it. Ask MindyLou's hubs. He would love it too. MindyLou is gonna love that I volunteer her to make elk tamales with you.

  15. 1. What, exactly, does a bunny do to win such a prize? And why, exactly, are the prize earnings not given to the bunny as a reward for his hard work?
    2. You are clearly crazy hot. I'm envious.

  16. I get a little crazy about those fake cows. Can't they be more realistic? Yes, I'm serious! cow's udders aren't that hard! They should make them with. . .oh, wait. My country roots are showing again. Dang it I need to get in and get some urban color added. : )

    And what color ribbons did they get? Don't leave us hanging!

  17. How do you determine the sex of a hare/rabbit? I can't read the letter. Pray tell, what does it say? The photos are all fuzzy and some won't load at all. Must be wordpress??? Cuz I know you have a gnarly camera.

  18. I'm sorry your sister is moving. I recently moved away from mine and it's been hard. Luckily there is ice cream to get us through such things.
