Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jammin' harder than a Rock Band

We have been busy little food preservers these days.  Oh, yes.  So hold on to your pants and prepare to be dazzled!

Amy came over and, as Jason put it, we "jammed harder than a rock band."

taylor amy jam 2012
Plus we had cute aprons.  We are THAT cool.

Amy and I feel like we are truly earning the right to represent the Maliblahblah name.

taylor amy jam 2012 2
We may or may not have shared in a celebratory hug once we discovered that all the jam had set up properly and all lids were sealed nice and tight.

Jam making.  Not for the faint of heart.

Our green beans are on.  Daisy Mae, who is a true Maliblahblah at heart, went out to the garden and gathered some beans.  She then helped me cut up the beans and pack them into quart jars to prepare for the pressure canner.

dm green beans 2012
I have used the pressure canner thrice now and have had no disasters.

Be impressed.

The boys went and gathered blueberries from our garden.  They were extremely excited.

And is Handsome Dude pinching Little Dude's chesticular area?  I ask you?


Yes.  I believe he is.

It is time for a COW.  Because I am really good about remembering to do a COW once a week.

This week's Comment of the Week was probably the best comment I have ever received.

Back in April, my blogging friend, Kendra, aka The Queen of the Brussels Sprouts, suffered from several mini-strokes.  She has been recovering in a hospital and has had a miraculous recovery.  She is still recovering, but she is now home.

My heart skipped when I saw her name come through.  She wrote:

"hi friend
i am home again
it was good to laugh at your posts again…."

I am so glad she is home!  She is such an amazing lady and I pray for her continued recovery.  You can check out her blog here.

Happy Weekend!


  1. Holla, Taylor! I have canned green beans, pickles, pickled beets, peaches...etc.

    But never once have I jammed. For I am as frightened of jamming as you used to be of making yeast bread!

    I salute you!

    And Holla! to Kendra, too! Great news!

  2. You r silly. You made me cry.......

  3. You r silly. You made me cry.......

  4. You r silly. You made me cry.......

  5. Hooray for Kendra and her family to have her home again. Is that a Haiku?

  6. That was the best COW ever!!!!

  7. You can all your food? instead of trying to eat it all before it goes bad? Because that's what I'm trying to do!

  8. But Teller, when oh when are we to be treated to a pressure cooker pictorial demo? Hmmmm?

  9. Glad your friend is getting well. What kind o jam? Are those all your very own blueberries? Wow!

  10. You have your own blueberries? I don't want to think of all the money I spend on blueberries. Of course, Oklahoma isn't exactly conducive to growing blueberries. Tornadoes, drought, wildfires. We have those.

    Blueberries? Not so much.

    I always feel safer canning with a friend. That way if it's a disaster it's not all my fault!

  11. Holla Kendra! Go God! Glory! Additional prayers for full recovery and many blessings.

    Way to go with all the jam, beans, and berries.

  12. Okay, that's it, I'm officially going to try canning. Or maybe I'll keep being too lazy.

    Hard to tell.

  13. Such great news about Kendra!

    Your boys are hilarious : )

  14. Glory about your friend Kendra!

    Cows are purty. To look at from the safety of my computer screen.

    Your canning progress IS impressive. As is your word-ology. "Chesticular". LOL

  15. So glad Kendra is doing better!

    Since I have five boys and I am therefore *ahem* an expert, let me assure you that they do not stop pinching each other's chesticular area when they grow bigger. They also start "scooping" each other, which is extremely embarrassing for the scoopee and everyone around that happens to witness the scooping action.

    And don't ask what scooping is. I don't want to have to show you.
