Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Did you know that pumpkin plants grow to be HUGE and have beautiful, orange-yellow flowers?

pumpkin plant
I have yet to see a pumpkin, but I am enjoying the flowers all the same.  Oh!  And from what I can gather, basically all the plants flower before the fruit/vegetable comes on.  I had no idea.

Teller's Blog.  Your Go-To resource for gardening knowledge.

Pumpkin plants look a lot like zucchini plants, what with the orange-yellow flowers and all.

zucchini plant
Look at that!  I made a zucchini!  Look at me with my Big-Girl-Gardening pants on!

I also have some cucumbers.

Sweet Pea loves pickles, so I thought I might try making her some.  But I never have made them and I am not sure if I have the right type of cucumber.

Please Advise.

When I weed, I sometimes toss tasty green treats over to the rabbits.  Their little yard borders our garden . . . risky business, I know.  But so far, no rabbits have figured out how to get into our garden for an All You Can Eat Buffet.

Anyways, whenever I come into the garden now, this little lady get all excited and waits for a treat.

Yes.  These are my friends now.  My husband moved me out to the middle of nowhere and I am forced to find companions in rabbits and chickens.

In other news, there is a chicken feather on my carpet.

feather on floor
Sad, is it not?

Come on!  You have chicken feathers on your floors, too.  Don't deny it.

Sadly, I do not have time to pick it up.  I have been busy with the homeschool planning.  I started to write out all the subjects and whatnot and had a minor panic attack wondering how I would get it all done.  I'm guessing I won't, but gosh darn it, I am going to try!

To clear my head, I went outside and walked up and down the driveway a few times.  Then I spotted the trampoline and decided I would try that for the first time in about 15 years.

Not a good plan.

I felt like my brain was going to launch out of my head.  True story.

So, I went back inside to try and sort out this homeschool scheduling mess I had created.  I found a website called Donna Young that offers tons of free printable planners.  So, I have the girls' weekly schedules planned out, but have yet to figure out how I am going to incorporate Handsome Dude into the mix.

My boy.  A kindergartener.  Seems like he is not old enough yet for such things.  I probably feel that way because the boy can't seem to aim correctly into the toilet yet.  But I am sure he is ready for math.

On Monday, I was in the garden and I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye.

Be warned!

The next picture is kind of . . . gross.

I went over to investigate and found that there was a newborn rabbit flailing about in MY garden.

newborn rabbit in garden
As Little Dude would say:  "What world is this in?"

ha.  He means, "What in the world is this?"

But, HELLO?!  Why was there a baby rabbit in the garden?  I ask you?  It was fine and not hurt in any way, so we picked it up and gently placed it in a little rabbit house.  Of course, David was not home at the time so I, Mrs. Dr. Dolittle, had to deal with the sitch.

It will be a blessed day when David decides to stop raising rabbits.

In other news, a friend might be coming over today.  I am a bit nervous because her house is all beautiful and serene.  Being in her house is like being in Pinterest.

I am sure she will be impressed with my house with the peach walls, chicken feathers on the carpet, and newborn bunnies in the garden.

Maybe I should tidy up?  Perhaps?

And now, I must answer some huckleberry questions that I received yesterday.

1)  A huckleberry is actually very delicious.  I don't think it tastes like a blueberry at all.  It is sweet and tart.  We usually use them in milkshakes or sprinkle them on cereal.

2) I have never heard of anyone successfully growing a huckleberry plant.  They only grow at very high elevations.  This is why they are so desired.  People sell them for $40 a gallon.  I am not exaggerating.

3)  Not that I ever exaggerate.

And now, to conclude this well-organized post in which I have covered homeschooling, pumpkin flowers, rabbits, and trampolines, I shall leave you with a hilarious auto-correct text from my mother in law.

I have no idea what she was trying to say, but she was basically telling me she had a 5 gallon bucket to give me and her text read like this:

"I will get it to you swineherd."



I shall take it as a compliment.


  1. Hmmm... I might know who the friend is from your description ;-) Be sure to show her the chicken feather! I am, as always, amazed to get a glimpse of life through your eyes... I will use the latest catch word to describe it ....YOLO....

  2. Funny when I tried jumping on a trampoline after having birthed three kids I felt like my insides were going to fall out of well you know.....When I take this 54 year old body in for its yearly check-up and maintenance my doc always asks how's my bladder and I always tell him I can still cough and sneeze but I can't jump on a trampoline. TMI?

  3. I have an easy pickle recipe. Let me know and I'll send it to you. Bread and butter or dill?

    My big boy loves math, definitely start with that.

  4. don't lie. They are precious. I can't ever get anyone to take me picking and I've lived in these parts for 10+ years. But, I guess I'm not too anxious to go picking because I hear it's hot. And, quite difficult. I'll just buy them for $40 a gallon....and I know for sure you're not exaggerating on that price!! Good job dealing with the baby bunny. I'm not sure I could've. Poor thing.

  5. :) If you look at the bottom of those pretty orange-yellow flowers, the bulbous bottom is the pumpkin!

  6. Truth be told, my trampoline concerns are much more like Debbie's.

    I'm sure your friend could not care less about your peach walls and is coming over because she thinks you're swell and thoroughly enjoys your company. And possibly because she wants to glean a few ranch & garden tips.

    Are you using that 5-gallon bucket for more huckleberries? No fair.

  7. I need to take a nap. I am going to take a nap even if I hear the boys killing themselves in the room they are trapped in.
    However, when I saw the title of your post, I HAD to come check it out!

    you are hilarious!
    Yes, you!
    Because only you would be called a swineherd. Others may take it as a compliment, but they wouldn't be called it.
    Only Teller/Taylor/LJW.

  8. Swineherd : The Sequel
    Like Braveheart.......
    Your movie ---Swineherd , the life and times of a former big hair girl turned bunny wrangler

  9. Hmm, maybe your MIL is trying to warn you that her son is thinking of keeping pigs on the Maliblablah ranch????? Yep, I think that's it!!!!!!! (Well at least baby pigs are bigger than baby bunnies...)

    Love your posts, as usual, keep 'em coming!

  10. A friend gave me two cucumbers, two yellow squash, two zucchini, and two green bell peppers. We ate everything but the cucumbers. I guess I'd better turn them in to pickles. Any recipes that call for two cucumbers?

  11. Your Stories make my Day : ) Thank you for writing them for they have become the Replacement of Erma Bombeck Books I used to pull out and read quiet often!

  12. I really thought you were going to tell us about a personal pants wetting incident from the trampoline session. That is what I would have had to tell.

  13. I think swineherd is the slang for posthaste. Yep.

  14. I love Donna Young printables. I hope it helps you organize your homeschooling so you don't get headaches :)

  15. I let company into my home today and a few chicken feathers would have been an upgrade from the mess I am crrently living in... I should probly stop reading blogs and clean... I will later.

  16. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Little Dude's phrase and hope I can remember to use it--"What world is this in?"--and in your second life as a farmer, I can imagine that it would often be your question as well.

    I have missed your blog--during the school year I read it on my lunch hour (ha, 20 minutes) but have not kept up with your doings while I was home this summer. Reading it is going to make the top of my top ten reasons I'm happy to be back at school. Actually it may be the only item on that particular list.

    And the swineherd comment--isn't swine the only animal you DON'T have on your property?! I agree with the poster above who thinks David's mother may know something you don't about his plan to add pigs to the mix.

    Have a good day and thanks for writing about your life.

  17. I love so many things about this post...but I will just say this: Your mom could probably have a blog for the autocorrects she ends up with. (Yes, I know there is an entire blog already devoted to autocorrects, but I still think my idea holds.)

  18. I'm with Debbie - after four children, two of which we're HUGE at birth - I have to make sure I'm wearing a sanitary towel before getting on a trampoline!

  19. Boys are ready for math long before they are able to aim correctly at the toilet. Just sayin'.

  20. Maybe you should start a new area on your blog with only auto-correct examples? And I really really do hope that those that mentioned above that your MIL may have an inside scoop on another kind of wrinkly pink-skinned creature taking up residence at your abode are just plain wrong.
