Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dressing Up


Meet Kate and Hadley.

The dress up queens.

I keep waiting for the day that we can get rid of the huge tub of dress up clothes that takes up the entire closet.

Oh, Kate and her "Laura" dress.

This dress was given to her when she was four years old.

My mother-in-law has always loved The Little House on the Prairie books.

Therefore, Kate loves them.

When she was four, we had to go to the library and check the book out.

Since Kate had mastered a couple of "Bob Books", she was sure she was ready for a novel.

And she would sit there, stubborn as can be, and try and sound out each letter and word in that book.

Mother bought the girls these wigs.

2009_9_02 010Why is it that I can buy them a pair of jeans, and they are too small within 3 months.

Yet, this cowgirl outfit is going on three years?

 Hadley is always trying to acquire the same amount of attention as Kate.

It is hard playing second fiddle to the top dress up queen in the county.

Hadley always stands at the top the stairs and shouts,

"Hey, guys!  Here comes the princess!  Guys?!?  Hello!?!?"

But Hadley went through a phase where she could not say certain sounds.  For example, she could not say the "g" sound.  She would substitute it with a "d."  So it was more like:

"Hey, Dies!  Look at the princess!  Dies?!?!"

Grams was called dams.

Her most said phrase was,

"Hey, dies!  I dot a dood idea!"

She also could not say the "c" or "k" sounds.  She would say the "t" sound instead.



Tool. (cool)

Tute. (Cute)

I am sad to announce that she has learned how to say the proper "g"  and "c" and "K" sounds.

And when Mr. Carson came along, he was thrust into this dress up craziness.


 I can just imagine what he is thinking: "What on earth is wrong with these people?"

I can still hear Hadley shrieking with delight:

"Look, duys!  Tarson is a Tricken!"

IMG_3954Yeah.  I have no idea who ever inspired my girls to dress up.

Crazy in-laws.

2009_9_02 006Poor, poor, Tarson.  It ain't easy to have a big sister, let alone two.

IMG_3939Watch out, Tolton.

Your day is coming.


  1. I can so relate to wanting to be rid of the dress-up tub!! :-)

  2. That is too cute! Poor Carson having two sisters to dress him up! I remember when Melissa and I would dress up our little brother =)

  3. Yeah, we used to dress up our little brother too. Poor kid.
