Saturday, September 12, 2009

All Done . . .Almost.

Could it really be true?

2009_9_08 021

Could he really be done getting wood for the year?

2009_9_08 022

The lumberjack himself said he was all done.

2009_9_08 023Carson.

He thinks he is helpful.  But really, he is not.

And I love him.

He has been so good lately.

If he keeps that up, whatever will I blog about?

2009_9_07 012Colton?

Is it your turn to be naughty?

2009_9_07 017

No.  I refuse to believe that precious boy could ever be naughty.

I do, however, believe I put Carson's shorts on him instead of his own.

Hey.  He's number 4.  What can I say?

2009_9_08 024We really need to finish this house soon so we can move.

David is a man in need of land.

Not no city lot.

2009_9_08 025We still have to rebuild our lovely garage before we can move.

You all know how much snow we have gotten over the past two winters.

I am sure you all heard of all the roofs collapsing in our area from the weight of the snow.

How, out of all structures, did this garage from the early 1900s remain standing?

They don't build them like they used to.

So now, David will work on splitting and stacking the wood.

I might lend a hand, but I also might be busy.

I cannot be certain.

Dear David,I still vote for this instead.


  1. Oh my gosh that is a ton of wood!!! Did I see a gate around the fireplace in one of these pics? I would think you must have one. I am pretty sure you could heat our whole neighborhood with that amount of wood! And Carson being good??? Say it isn't so!! We would so miss your stories! Somehow I feel sure you would still come up with some though!

  2. Kinda sad to think of selling your darling house that so much love and work has gone into. You would have more land if you didn't have so much wood. Thanks for the blog, it delights us.
