Monday, July 23, 2012

I've Come a Long Way, Baby.

So.  We can all agree that boys are odd, yes?  Well, pray tell, has this soap phenomenon happened to anyone else?

This is seriously the soap I found in their tub.


There is a bee smashed into it.


Let's move on.

I think I may have crossed a line with my rural living last night.

Oh, yes.  I think I did.

I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, took pieces of raw chicken flesh from the very chickens my husband plucked and butchered, crammed pieces of meat into pint jars, and pressure cooked them into something that I am trying to convince myself I will actually one day eat.

But I probably won't.

Now, I have heard your warnings, dear readers, about the dangers of pressure canners blowing up in one's face.

I am happy to report that I did not become yet another "Pressure Canner Fatality."

I do, however, have these unsightly jars in my pantry.

Pressure Canned Chicken.  Gross.
I mean, really.

It was all fun and games until I realized I am probably going to have to eat it.  I shudder at the thought.

Just to make up for it, I had to can something pretty right after the whole chicken flesh ordeal.

Raspberry jam.

Nailed it.

I texted my mother in law and told her I did the pressure canning of the chicken.

Her response?

"Wow, what a woman!  You've come a long way, baby!"

Bam!  Proof that I was not meant to live this life.  And, simultaneously: Bam!  I am officially a Maliblahblah now.  Pretty sure none of David's siblings have canned raw flesh before.

And did my mother in law just call me "baby?"

Meanwhile, back on the ranch . . . .

David's truck has not been driven in awhile.

Case in point:

We found a beehive when we opened the door.  My poor Handsome Dude was stung twice earlier today while standing by the truck-we didn't know about the hive then.

Oh!  And in other awesome news, our minivan's automatic door was acting funny.  David had to remove this from the door track:

Why, yes!  That IS a mouse.  I'm glad you asked!

Boy oh boy.  My blog is full of delight today.

So, tell me dear readers.  Which picture grossed you out the most today?

Was it:

A)  The Boy's Soap:

B)  The Homemade Canned Chicken

Pressure Canned Chicken.  Gross.

C)  The Dead Mouse from our Minivan

Please be advised:  one should not be eating while reading this blog.

Thank you.


  1. The chicken really grossed me out. The other stuff didn't even make me flinch, but somehow the canned chicken pieces and the thought of opening them to eat someday, really did. least you didn't have to do all the prep work beforehand. That is definitely a boy job! Boys, by the way, are so gross, aren't they? I hope yours at least snuggle like mine does to make up for it. I can handle all the stinky toots and booger songs as long as he still wants Mommy to snuggle him and read stories. Ahhh...happy place.

  2. Okay, #3, hands down!!
    I can handle the bee soap and the canned chicken, but the mouse? Yikes!

  3. Definitely #3. The tail makes my skin crawl. And you are impressive!

  4. The mouse picture makes my skin crawl the most, but it's not because of the photo itself. It's because we recently discovered that we have mice in our house, and I'm angry at all rodents. When Dave was camping with his brother this weekend, I awoke at 3:00 a.m. to a mouse scampering across my hair. Top that.

    (Now that all of your readers have concluded that I live in a dump, I shall slink away. Or perhaps I should say scamper... )

  5. The soap is the worst. There has to be some poop on it...
    Treat the canned chicken like spam and you will be ok

  6. C. The mouse one!

  7. Eeeuuuwwww; the chicken. I mean, maybe if it was soup or something. Yes, you've come a long way.

  8. I was eating my breakfast while reading this. NEXT time, PLEASE put your warning at the START, eh?! ;o)

  9. You inspire me! (I've come a long way, too, but I'm guessing I have quite a bit further to go.) I think the chicken looked the grossest, because it looked like those jars of pickled pig feet at the grocery store (no offense). I think I can explain about the soap. You see one of my dearest pals and roommate in college always ran for a bar of soap when there was a bug that needed killing. She swore by it. I watched her kill a giant spider one day by way of throwing a soap bar at it. Perhaps one of the girls heard of this trick?
    <3 <3 <3

  10. That is a hornet nest not bee hive. Hornet's attack and can be lethal.
    They can sting multiple types, unlike honey bees who lose there stinger in you
    when they sting. That looks like just the start of a nest.
    Please look that up. There really are real dangers to living out in the boonies.
    We must add canning chicken to the list of not making money sense things that you do.
    When you have a freezer, there really is no need to can it.
    Trying it once is a learning experience, though, I will give you that. I have learned along the way, there are a lot of things
    that just because you CAN do them , don't mean they make sense.
    I thought you were showing us the home made soap you made in the picture. Then I thought,
    no , she is showing us poop on the soap. :)
    Children.......... a wonderment. :)

  11. While the bee in the soap is did it get smashed into the soap. Perhaps homemade loofah? The canned chicken is disgusting, I think I may become a vegetarian just from the pictures.

  12. #3-the mouse grossed me out! I figure the dudes were using the soap to kill the bee, probably on the window ledge, and got window ledge gunk in the soap too.
    Get a can of wasp and hornet killer and while standing 8-12 feet away you can blast that nest so they all come crawling out and die!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! We had a porch once...
    There's a great blog called that talks about how canning chicken is much cheaper than buying it canned. Plus, no need for freezer worries if the power goes out! I once canned some beef with bbq sauce. It was SO GOOD!! Meal in an instant!
    Maybe I should pressure can the zucchini and squash a neighbor gave me, instead of just eating it....You are an inspiration to me! (maybe...)

  13. Hands down its the canned chicken. Shiver.

  14. Chicken! It's the chicken!

  15. The mouse! My van door has been acting up too. Now I am afraid to look.

  16. a mouse in your hair, in your bed???? *shiver* *cringe*

  17. The chicken is fine. Good for you for mastering it. The trick to eating it will be to put it IN something like pot pie or soup or something. People eat canned tuna and canned soup all the time and those both have canned meat. Yours just happens to be in a jar where you can see it.

    The mouse is much, much, MUCH grosser.

  18. Looks like I picked a great day to check in with you....... I will say - the chicken looks like something from a sci-fi movie, but the jam looks fantastic! I would say stick with the jam as you know that EVERYONE would love a jar of that sitting on their shelf:)

    And you did just save me some calories as I think I might have to skip breakfast this morning:)

    Grossest picture - I think will have to be the rodent from your car.

  19. B. As a vegetarian, it is mighty gross. But that raspberry jam is gorgeous. I too am deathly afraid of the pressure cooker. Perhaps your next batch of jam could be a tutorial/pictorial?

  20. The chicken is most definitely the grossest. But, for those of us readers with bee phobias (EXTREME), please advise before filling your blog with bee pictures. The nest picture almost gave me a heart attack. Bees...not for the faint of heart. And the bee in the soap? I probably wouldn't ever shower again.

  21. The chicken is most definitely the grossest. But, for those of us readers with bee phobias (EXTREME), please advise before filling your blog with bee pictures. The nest picture almost gave me a heart attack. Bees...not for the faint of heart. And the bee in the soap? I probably wouldn't ever shower again.

  22. Taylor,

    The chicken made me dry heave. EWWWWWW. I don't want chicken for a long time now. Katherine

  23. definitely anything bee related; seeing as how i almost died from a bee sting friday! (i may have embellished just a little =o)

  24. I have canned venison before. I have never made anything with it. It gives me the peepee shivers seeing it on my pantry shelves, and I cannot imagine actually eating it. just saying. lol!! ;)

  25. The chicken definately. I don't understand it and it grosses me out.

  26. *gagging* and *screaming* I am NOT, I repeat, NOT cut out for country living. How DID that bee get in the soap? If there would've been a bee in the shower with me, EVERYONE would've known. The chicken in a jar reminds me of pickled pigs feet and it make me want to hurl. A bee hive in the car? I abandon ship if there is a bee, wasp, or horsefly in the car. No, seriously...I pull the car over, open the doors and get out! It can have the car! And that mouse....bleh...I'm done! Soooo gross!

  27. The chicken! I can't even think about raw meat without getting the pee pee shivers!

  28. Probably the chicken, but I had a kind of grossed out feeling for the whole thing... I must admit I was just kind of curious how one would embed a bee into soap... Never mind... I am better off not knowing.

  29. i don't know why everyone is grossed out by your canned chicken - home canned chicken ( or beef, too!) is by far the most tender melt in your mouth food you will ever taste! Chicken and homemade noodles? chicken pot pie? you are going to swoon over how delicious they will be next winter!!

  30. I didn't mean to hit publish. And that typo is embarrassing. Oh, and finally you've CERTAINLY come a very long way!

  31. Speakinng of eating: I was eating lunch while I perused this blog. And no, I was not grossed out. But, then nurses are sick and twisted. We can mop up vomit and cheerfully scarf down nachos immediately thereafter.

  32. Definitely the mouse! Although the canned chicken was a very close second!

  33. I chose to focus on the Raspberry Jam. What were the other three again?

    Also, I can now state, unequivocally, that I will never be able to attain your status. The trauma that would ensue negates the possibility of that lifestyle for me. Thank you for helping those of us who would, in any way, think we could do what you d0 to come back to our senses. You ARE the woman!

  34. I am bit behind in your posts, been missing you, but wishing I had passed this post on by lol. The chicken picture still has my stomach turning. And someone said treat it like spam, omg, so glad I am not eating. Of course its midnight so no biggie there. Oh gosh that was gross lol.
