Monday, July 9, 2012

The Anniversary Recap

Want to know how to bribe your kids into doing some extra weeding?

Tell them that afterwards, they can go to the beach!

What's that?  Oh! I'm sorry!  Have I not mentioned the massive amounts of WEEDING we have been doing around here?  My bad.  I'll try to fill you in.  But first, let us discuss Little Dude and his confusion regarding the underwear/swim trunks sitch.

Ah, yes. Classy. The tighty-whities pulled up past the Cars swim trunks.  It is a trend that is sure to catch on.

Hey.  I have four kids.  One of them is bound to leave the house with someone on wrong, backwards, inside out, or . . . extra.

The kids had a lovely time at the lake, per usual.


Not only have we been battling with our garden weeds, we have also begun to attack the driveway weeds.  And as we were attacking the driveway weeds, we noticed that there are basically weeds covering the entire 20 acres of which we call home.

Discouraging, yes?

So, today I spent 1 1/2 hours spraying weeds in the driveway and another 2 1/2 hours in the garden and I don't want to go outside anymore today and find anymore weeds because it will force me to crawl into a corner and suck my thumb.

In other, not as traumatic news, yesterday was our wedding anniversary!

Were not we cute?

We have been married for 12 years.


That's crazy talk.

We had a delightful, albeit busy, anniversary celebration that lasted from 10am Saturday morning until 8pm Sunday night.  And get this-we were KIDLESS.

Please.  Try to contain your jealousy.

Since I am certain you care deeply about all the goings-on of this fun-filled weekend, I shall present the activities completed in a list form.

Hold on to your pants, folks.  David and I live one wild and crazy life.

1.  Took our sweet, new minivan to the mechanic to get one minor thing looked at.

2.  Get rolled at the mechanic and spend all the monies getting it fixed.

3.  Took a load of stuff to the dump.

4.  Went to lunch.  Yum!

5.  Cleaned our loathsome rental.

6.  Picked up our stupid minivan.

7.  Went to a thrift store to buy a new frying pan for our loathsome rental.  No.  We don't skimp on costs for our high-class rental.  Why do you ask?

8.  Went to Walmart to buy an air mattress and cleaning supplies for our loathsome rental.

9.  Stop by loathsome rental and switch out laundry.

10.  Go to the movies.

11.  Eat a ridiculous amount of popcorn.  Seriously.  Our popcorn addiction is out of control.

12.  Go to loathsome rental and switch out laundry.

13.  Go home.  Check on 14 billion animals with flashlights.  Wash eggs.



15.  Feel badly for sleeping in.  There are weeds to be pulled, people!

16.  Pull weeds.  Eat lunch.  Head to loathsome rental.

17.  Stop by loathsome rental and switch out laundry.

18.  Hit the beach!  Now, this was a treat, folks.  Do you know how awesome it is to go to the beach and READ a book and NAP and NOT have to stare at children and make sure no one is drowning and perform random head counts?  Do you?  DO YOU?

I don't think you do.

It is incredible.

19.  Get an ice cream cone.  Because, have you met us?

20.  This one might surprise you-stop by loathsome rental to switch out laundry.

21.  I am not sure if you are picking up on it or not, but my tone is supposed to be hinting at a bit of  vexation on my behalf regarding the rental.  Of which I find loathsome.  FYI.

22.  Dinner out at our favorite Greek restaurant and-BONUS-it was NOT belly dancer night.

23.  *phew!*

24.  Switch out laundry at the loathsome rental.

25.  Pick up children.  *tear*

26.  Oh, I am just kidding.

27.  Kind of.

28.  Stop by loathsome rental and switch out last load of laundry.  Because that wasn't time consuming at all.

29.  Stop and get everyone a little fro-yo for the ride home.

And thus ends our extravagant weekend.  It was actually quite wonderful and I had a lovely time hanging out with my main man.

Even if we did have to pull weeds and get through about 18 loads of laundry.  He did, after all, buy me a Moose Tracks ice cream in a waffle cone.

He completes me.

Happy Monday!


  1. Happy anniversary! The beach does sound nice. I won't mention the weeds : )

    I'm wondering with all the gas money/time spent if it might be easier to take all the laundry to a laundromat and do it in one fell swoop?

  2. Happy Anniversary! This post is a riot. Of activity and words.

    Thankfully, you appear to have dodged a bullet with #22.

    If #11 doesn't end up killing you, I do believe #'s 9, 12, 17, 20, 24 and 28 just might. Or the weeds. It's a toss up.

    We might be kin if ice-cream/fro yo stops is a measure of such.

  3. is that rental making you rich? if not, ditch it my dear! between the rabbits, chickens and now weeds, your plate runneth over! oh yeah, there's that homeschooling thing too!!!

  4. Is that the Lumberjack who used to tan, high-light his hair and drive forever to shop at Old Navy??? Was that only 12 years ago? Just imagine what the next 12 could mean for you!! Fun times ahead!! :) Happy anniversary!!

  5. Maybe this will make your day, don't wash your eggs! They have a protective coating that will keep out all the yuckies, and are safe to keep out of the fridge for at least a couple of weeks! But if you must wash do it right before using said eggs. Our lovlies have been sitting on the cupboard for several weeks and they are perfect. A bad egg will float-so there!

  6. Good lord, woman! HOW OLD WERE YOU? 10?!?!?!!

  7. Sounds like a great weekend! ~except for the laundry ;)

  8. Happy Anniversary !
    You haven't aged a day !
    I don't know why not though with all that running around and work you do!
    Maybe it is the moosetracks........ YES . I will go with that , out to go get me some of the youthening moosetracks.

  9. My parents own a little house in town that they rent... Every year or two (or sometimes less) the tenants give us notice they are leaving and we usually have to re-do the whole thing from top to bottom... Occasionally tenants surprise us by not trashing the carpet and we can just shampoo it... So... Since the current tenants just gave their notice and since it is a mere three blocks from the ocean, my husband wants to re-do it and furnish it and make it a seasonal rental... I keep telling him that it is way more work then he is anticipating... Please tell me, If you had it to do over again, AND it were all up to you, would you go this route?

  10. Happy Anniversary!

    And the underwear thing under the swim trunks? Last time we went to the waterpark, there were multiple teenage boys that had their (designer) underwear higher than their trunks. Little Dude's just stylin'.

  11. The Lumberjack is smiling in that wedding photo! What have you done to him??? Holla!!! :)
