Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mystery Liquid

The girls informed me the other day that they would like to go out to the garden and have themselves a little harvest.

"Mom! MOM!  MMMOOOOMMMM! Please can we go get some stuff from the garden?  Please?  PLEASE?  We have the perfect basket!"

And, so, I let them.  Because I am nice like that.  And I had not one clue that two girls could get that excited over a basket.  They went and put sundresses on and made a whole event out of it.

girls harvest 2012

What's that?  Oh!  You thought we just grew weeds in our garden?  No.  You have been misinformed.  We have some lettuce, raspberries, strawberries, cilantro, spinach, and sugar snap peas that are ready for the picking.

And weeds.

We have had an incredibly busy week.  Just ask my husband who was running around in his unmentionables looking for just one clean towel for to dry himself off after his shower yesterday morn.  Never in my life have I been so far behind on laundry.

No towels.  I am such a failure.

The weather has been nice and warm this week.  This kids discovered a fun way to cool off.

kids trampoline summer 2012
We met my friend, MindyLou, at the park and met her SUPER, CUTE, ADORABLE baby boy. (Holla, MindyLou!)  We went to Vacation Bible School all week and have been blowing through our gas budget like it ain't no thang.

Yesterday, we met my sis in law, Lisa, and her two little girls at the beach.  My smart phone had alerted me earlier that very day that there would be severe thunderstorms and flash floods.  We were thinking my smart phone was not-so-smart when we arrived at the beach and saw blue skies and sunshine.

We were enjoying ourselves and having a pleasant day.

But, then:  disaster struck.

Daisy Mae was climbing up some big wooden post to get to the dock and jammed her finger.

So she came to me, wailing for all the injustice in the world, and told me she burned her finger.  This was a mite confusing, seeing as there was no fire source nearby.  I figured out that she jammed it and tried to calm her down.

But, then.  I had to take Little Dude to the bathroom.

Oh, joy of joys!  The beach bathroom with a curious, not-at-all-in-a-hurry, 4-year old boy!  Super clean and fun!

Little Dude:  (singing)  I am going poooooooooootty!

Me:  Shh!

Little Dude:  Oh!  Now I need to go poopy, Mom!  Yup, yup, yup!

Me:  Ok.

(tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock)

(That was my way of relaying to you that time was passing slowly.  Did you comprehend?)

Me:  Are you done?

(I asked him this because he is singing and touching things)

(Oh, the horror)

Little Dude:  Ummmmm . . . . nope!  There is still more.

Me:  Ok.  Can you try to finish up?

Little Dude:  IT'S SO WEE HARD!

Me:  Shh!

Little Dude:  Maybe it's stuck!

Me:  Can we try later?

Little Dude:  No.

(tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock)

(See?  It worked so well the first time in relaying to you the passing of time, I decided to do it again!)

Little Dude:  All done!

But then, we have to put the swim shorts back on, because, alas, he had two legs stuck in the mesh netting that lines his awesome Cars swim trunks.  And of course, he is stepping in the fantastic, not-at-all-creepy, mystery liquid that is covering the bathroom floor.

Is it water?

Is it pee?

We may never know.

So, we are done with the bathroom (darn) and return to see that Daisy Mae has taken a turn for the worse.  Oh!  And fun fact:  my smart phone WAS smart after all because at the same, exact moment, a dark thundercloud covered the lands and, yes:

Flash flood.

Mysterious wet bathroom floor, injured and dramatic 8-year old, and lightning.

It was the perfect storm.  Literally.

We get in the car and Daisy Mae is handling things well.

"I can't live like this!  I just can't, Mom!  I can't!  I am going to DIE!"

Boy.  She sure has a high tolerance for pain.

Lest any of you are worried sick over Daisy Mae's condition, she was completely fine within 15 minutes of assuring me that death was upon her.

So, we got ourselves all gussied up, headed to church, and got home around 9:45 pm.  Only to discover we had no power.

Does anyone remember how my mother and I made our own Mason jar candles?

I don't wanna brag, but they pretty much saved the day.

Little Dude was thinking life with candles and flashlights was pretty exciting and having a grand time.

But, then.  He tried to turn on a light.

LD (wailing):  ITS NOT WORKING!

Me:  What is wrong!?

LD:  I tried-I tried-I tried-I TRIED to turn on a light and nuffing happened!  NUFFING!  NUFFING!!!

It was fun.

Luckily, I am married to a hot, electrician, wanna-be lumberjack/farmer, who doesn't scold me for not having a fresh towel for him in the morning.  Said husband somehow used our camp trailer's generator to bring some power into the house, thus allowing Little Dude to peacefully go to sleep when we could turn the hallway light on.  You know.  So the monster could not get him.

I knew I married that David Maliblahblah for a reason!

Happy Weekend.


  1. Great Post!

    I have always wondered about that mysterious liquid too! It is wee scary!

  2. The excitement never ends with you and yours! Holla! :) :)

  3. Doesn't Sweet Pea look different without her glasses! HILARIOUS post. Loving Little Dude - can I adopt him??!

  4. One time when I was twice as old as Daisy Mae (okay I was 14 almost 15), I got a sunburn so badly that I was SURE I was not going to heal in time to go to Disney World--2 months later!!!!!

    Oh, Daisy Mae is my soul sista!

  5. I'm jealous of your harvest. I have to go down the road to the farm stand. I'm thinking next year LJ will be constructing you a farm stand of your own and you'll have a small business going : )

    I love overly dramatic little girls. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  6. Poor DaisyMae, I'm so sorry you hurt your finger. SweetPea I'm very impressed with all the help you give and I love your vegetable basket. There is a name for a special basket like that but I can't think of it right now because I am old. I think it starts with a tr... . And congratulations on your mason jar candles. Handy. Hi to all. Do you just pull weeds out of the ground when you weed??? Because when I weed, I use a long claw and dig them all up then the kids or anyone can just pick them up, or even just rake them out. Easy peasy. You'll break your back, knees and fingers just pulling them directly out of the ground. not criticizing just tryin to be helpful.

  7. oh yeah, it's called a trug.

  8. Oh! The bounty you've accumulated! Does it make All Of The Weeding feel just a smidge worth it? Daisy Mae and I were separated at birth (just about 30-ish years apart, is all). And why, oh WHY, do the littles have to announce to the Universe that they have to poop. I just do not understand... And, have just gotten back from a beach trip an hour ago - I feel ya on the mystery liquid. It makes my stomach a tad queasy. Eww. Just, eww.

  9. Reading about the beach bathroom has me in need of a shower now. So gross. I remember those times without the slightest trace of fondness.

    Super impressed with your garden and LOVE that the girls needed sundresses and a basket to harvest. LOVE.

  10. My kids loved to jump on the trampoline with the sprinkler sprinkling it. That's where all your towels went to. I love reading your blog AND the comments Even!!

  11. Wow, my son Gabe is just as dramatic as Daisy Mae. It's sort of comforting to know I am not the only one who has to listen to the "deathbed woes." ;)
