Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 15: It was a Rabbit. Sadly.

My Blessings Badge
Hello!  Long time, no see.

Life has been busy and crazy and, alas, I have had no time for blogging and the like.  I currently have seven, count them SEVEN, different paint colors on my blessed peach walls, yet I know not which one to go with.

But what is life without whimsy, I ask you?

In honor of the craziness that has so easily entangled me, I have decided to go with a list of happenstances.  And we are going to look at them happenstances as blessings, even if it kills us.  GoshDarnIt.

Be excited.

1)  I removed my first dead animal body and disposed of it all by myself.

I KNOW!  It was as horrible as I thought it would be.  This was because my husband was hunting and was not around to do the deed.

I think I need flowers.

Blessings:  I am not sure on this one.  Let us chalk it up to a new life experience, shall we?

2)  I will leave you pondering what the dead animal might be.  For, again.  What is life without whimsy?

3)  Handsome Dude threw a ginormous fit about doing art the other day.  Because art is so horrible, what with the paint and all.  I can understand his woe.

But then, I told him to go outside for "inspiration."  I gave him a notebook and a pencil and told him to head on out and find some things in nature to draw.

He loved it.
hd art 2012
He came in to show me his "art."
hd art 2012 2
He "drew" many things that don't, in fact, exist at our house.  Like apples and ferocious tigers.

Little Dude also got in on the fun.
ld art 2012
Blessings:  Boys who stop throwing fits and then start being all cute and make you feel sad that they are growing up.

And according to the above picture, boys who share gum.  Lovely.

4)  Another perk to homeschool:
ld kitty
Doing work with a kitty in your lap.

True, he is doing Awana.  But just go with it.

5)  The other day, I was doing school with Handsome Dude and Little Dude was joining in.  Little Dude was being a pain and not sitting and not listening all sorts of rubbish.

I looked at him and said,

"Dude.  You do not have to be here.  Do you want to be here?"

Little Dude:  I do not want to be here.

Me:  Then go play trains.

Little Dude looked at Handsome Dude, smiled, and ran off.

Oh, the joys of being 4.

5)  My boys brought in wood.
boys wood stacking
Today's woodpile brought to you by the letter "T."

They are helpful.  And they turn their work into fun.  Apparently.

Alright.  This dinner sure ain't gonna cook itself.

Later dudes.


  1. You have active, imaginative, creative, intelligent children. This is your biggest blessing every day!

    Congrats on the corpse removal detail improvement. I knew you could do it!

  2. I'm glad my son isn't the only one that doesn't like art. Every day he comes home from school and I ask him how his day was. On the days he has art his response is always "it was a very bad day because I had art again. Why do I always have to have art?" He's in first grade! He said the same thing last year. Shouldn't elementary kids like art!?

  3. I love HD's glasses. He looks so spaceshippy scholarly. Like if he was an astronaut scholar! Which of course he is!

  4. Oh yes, flowers are, indeed, in order, with perhaps a little chocolate too?

  5. OHHH!!! OHHHH!!! Pick me!! Pick me!!!
    I want to help you choose a paint color!!!
    Word on the street is I know a little bout' decorating skillz - not that I'm bragging or anything you understand... just sayin..

  6. I can attest to the power of new paint on your psyche. Get it done. You'll be glad!

  7. Aloha strangers. what an inspiring suggestion about going outside for Art. It will be sad when they have to say goodbye to Mr Poppers.

  8. Why not go with your favorite COLORSSSSS. All the walls don't have to be the same do they?
    I really do like when you post EVERY day .......but alas, I do see why it would be almost impossible to accomplish.

  9. ...and what would life be like without wood to burn in the wood stove, even if it is brought to you by the letter t.
