Saturday, October 20, 2012

Day 20: The Flowers

It all started with Little Dude.
LD kicking
The lad was looking through a farm magazine, as most preschoolers do.  He was reading it intently and very proud of the fact that we, like the farmers in the aforementioned magazine, have chickens.
But then he saw the page on pigs.  And the lectures began.

"Dad!  Look!  Look!  We need pigs?  See, dad?  See?  We NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED them."

Well, we all know that David is stingy with the farm animals.  As is evidenced by our 70-100 rabbits and 50ish chickens.

So, David has been talking about getting a pig.  The key word in that sentence being "a," mind you.

Then he thought about his decision and decided it was not good for pig to be alone.

So, he decided we would get two pigs and no more.

You all see where this is headed, don't you?

I would like you to take note of these, the flowers my husband, yes, MY husband, brought me last night.
pig flowers
You have to squint to see it, but these flowers clearly say:
"To my loving wife.  Please don't freak out when I inform you that I am getting SEVEN pigs tomorrow.  It is a smokin' deal on Craigslist and I just cannot resist.  It is not in my nature.  Please take these flowers as a token of my gratitude."

I cannot help but wonder what life would be like if Little Dude had not taken it upon himself to read farming magazines for leisure.

So.  Today, David is reconfiguring the garden into a pig pen.  Because most gardens double as pig pens.  Clearly.

Little Dude was beside himself with excitement this morning over the fact that pigs, his dream animal, were coming on this very blessed day.

Little Dude:  Pigs!  Pigs!

Handsome Dude:  Yup!  And we are going to feed them and feed them and take them to the butcher.

Little Dude (angry):  NO!

Handsome Dude:  Yes.  We eat pigs, Cokey.

Little Dude (still angry):  NO!  NO!  NO!  You are mean and rude!

Handsome Dude:  It's ok!  Because God can make more pigs!

Little Dude:  We are NOT eating pigs!

*sob, wail, sob*

So, I have to explain that, yes, we are going to eat the pigs.  Well, I am probably not, but that is beside the point.

Meat gives me the pee pee shivers.  Especially when I know the animal from whence it came.

Me:  All our meat comes from animals.

LD (crying.  Precious to my heart.):  No!

Handsome Dude:  Yes!  Cows give us trees!

Me:  What?

HD:  Trees!

Me:  No.

HD:  Yes.

Me:  No.

HD:  Yes!  They gives us trees like a boy-trees sandwich.

Allow me to enlighten.  The lad loves grilled cheese sandwiches.  Yet, he feels it is unfair to call them GIRL cheese sandwiches, so he calls them BOY cheese.  Also, apparently he cannot pronounce cheese and says "trees" instead.

Go homeschool!

So, I tried to console Little Dude and he is wee upset.  But such is life.

Today's Blessings.

Oh, boy.

*Flowers!  I got flowers!

*We saved money on fencing by using the garden as a pig pen.

*I talked David into installing LOCKS on all animal gates so we can hopefully cut down on all renegade, fugitive animals.

*I got new hairspray.  I've been out for a month.  So, that's something.

*Apparently, our freezer will be full of pork.  And the freezers of our loved ones as well.

*Now pork gets to be added to the list of things I cannot eat.

*I wonder if I can pressure can pork, like the chicken?
Pressure Canned Chicken.  Gross.
*Hmmmm.  Let's not and say we did.

*Scrubbing Bubbles really helps get your shower clean. That was pretty exciting for me this week.

*Fall scented candles.  They make me so happy.

*Little Dude has yet to ask for a cow.  This is good, because I am not ready to give up dairy products yet.

Later, dudes.


  1. I will give you a dollar if you will stop showing that picture of the pressure canned chicken. Talk about some pee-pee shivers.

    1. This is the only time that I can remember not being able to see the pics on this blog, and when I got to that one, I wasn't sad. :) haha! I'd like to see the flowers though!
      Taylor, I was wondering if this will help your weeding issues. Bonus? Holla!

  2. I was wondering when pigs would arrive. Oh my. Is the garden far away from your house? If not, you may be investing in more fall smelling candles very soon.

  3. I had pigs growing up. Their names were Bacon and PorkChop. I loved them but then...I detested them because THEY WOULD NOT STAY PENNED UP!!!! So, it is good that you are already well versed in the capturing of livestock.

  4. You are now a blogger girl, huh? Why did you change platforms entirely?

  5. you don't have to weed a pig pen, i don't think. so ... you know ... there's another blessing ;o)

  6. I met an adorable pig over the weekend. Fingers crossed he's not destined to be made into sandwiches.

  7. I feel that it should be counted as a blessing that we couldn't see the picture of the pressure canned anything. Pee pee shivers, indeed!
