Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 8: Like a Boss

Oops!  I kind of, sort of, did not post for days 6 and 7.

It happens.
My Blessings Badge
But look at me now!  Posting on day 8 like a boss.

We have had a busy weekend.  On Saturday, we helped my parents move into their new house.  Over the past two weeks or so, my parents were packing and cleaning out stuff at their old house. My girls (who L-O-V-E to help and clean at other people's houses but scoff when I dare suggest they, oh, I don't know, make their beds) helped them pack and clean on a few different occasions and unbeknownst to me kept claiming all my parents' unwantables.

And, yes.  I just made up the word "unwantables." Because I can.

So, now my parents' unwantables have magically become my unwantables.

Case in point:
3 VCRs and one TV/VCR combo.

And they most likely don't work.  Because everyone knows when your VCR breaks, you put it in a closet and save it forever and ever, or until you move, and bestow it upon family so it can now bless them in all its brokenness.


Their new house is lovely and I really like the paint on their walls and it hath inspired me to MAYBE finally do something about my darn peach walls.

Oh!  Are you new here?  Guess what.  There is peach all over my house.  So lovely.  So soothing.

Anywho.  I think I'm going to do it!  I think, think, think!


On Sunday, David did various farm and ranch chores and I deep cleaned about 1/10th of my house. It took me all day and was extremely discouraging.  The day was super exciting and involved removing gum from not one, but TWO spots in my carpet.  Because my children are very well-behaved with the gum, didn't you know?

We also attempted to have "Family Game Night."  In the end, it somehow resulted in the kids trying to get David to tickle them.

They begged, nay pleaded, with me to join in on the fun.  And I use the term "fun" quite loosely.


Sweet Pea:  Come on, Mom!  Help us get Dad!

Me:  No, thanks!

Sweet Pea:  Awwwww.  You are no fun!

Me:  Nope, but I am smart.  I learned many years ago to never, ever, EVER, try to play-fight with your dad.

Sweet Pea: Please!

Me:  Sorry, no.  It only ends in me being angry with ripped underwear.

Yes.  Ripped underwear.  I said it.  David is a fan of the wedgie.

Within ten minutes, each child was pouting and trying to dig underwear out of their cute little hineys.

Me:  See, kids?  I told you.  He always wins and he always goes for the wedgies.

And I said it smugly with my underwear comfortably in place.

Before I go, we must discuss David and the peanut M & Ms.

David purchases these tasty treats, but this is how he eats them:
Yes!  You are welcome.  I just knew you would want to see a picture of David's regurgitated peanuts.

This begs the question:  Why doesn't he just purchase the plain M&Ms?

We may never know.

Little Dude may or may not have snuck a handful or two of the candies himself.
ld mandms
I cannot be certain.  He's pretty sneaky about it and all.

Check out his pajama sitch.  He did it all by himself.  Very classy.

Today's blessings:

*Children who are willing to help their grandparents pack

*Parents who do not recklessly fill the landfill with broken VCRs and lovingly pass them along.

*That *I* did not get a wedgie this weekend

*Little Dude is taking more initiative and dressing himself.

*Family time with a bunch of crazies is fun.  Even if it ends in anger and sore bums.

Happy Monday!

PS- I got a vacation rental inquiry last week.  The person only asked:

"Would it be ok if I practiced my saxophone while staying there?"


Because most people go on vacation with their saxophone.

I am pretty sure it was a spammer, but it gave me a chuckle.  As saxophones usually do.


  1. did you intentionally use the lumberjack's first name?

  2. Yes, I just keep the kids' names secret :)

  3. Ah the wedgie. Yes. Tactical play fighting is very much a man-thing. Ask me how I know!

  4. Paint over the peach. It will make your life so much better! I know because it improved my life. Then you'll think, WHY DIDN'T I DO THIS SONNER???

  5. Ew. Those peanut M&M's are like sunflower seeds in reverse.

    Would you believe me if I said I have never been the recipient of a wedgie? It's true.

    Loving your perspective. :)

  6. Don't you love it when you are right? I LOVE it. L.O.V.E. love it!

    Us moms sometimes we are very wise beyond our years, right?

    And no wedgie for you!

  7. The ripped underwear line made me laugh loudly. I know all to well what you are talking about.
    I love putting broken vcrs, lamps, etc. away and then when I find it I wonder if it works.

  8. Paint and post QUICK!! I can't wait to see it!

  9. Hey, wedgies are a big deal around here...especially when we pick them.

  10. You are a wise non-wedgified mama. We shall all take lessons from you. Just say no!

  11. you should do what I do and just start painting. Don't even tape off the entire area, just the area you feel like painting. Don't buy enough paint to cover the whole house, just enough for a wall. Live on the edge. Whatever you do, don't plan ahead and think about all the work and heartache painting will cause. Because it will be worth it in the end.
    I still haven't finished painting my cupboards. the amount of paint they require is less than a gallon. Still haven't finished. HOWEVER I did buy a new shower curtain to motivate me. When you start to poop out
    I am full of good advice today. you're welcome.

  12. Hey there Girlie (aka "Teller")..if you discover that ANY of the afore mentioned
    VCRs actually work, I have a TON of Disney and other totally "family-friendly" videos for the kidlets.
    Seriously.. and I would be soooo happy to share!! Just let me know!!!

  13. Oh, pshaw, I totally go on vacation to totally practice my saxophone. :) I KNEW I wasn't the only one.

  14. Well, I guess it's dum to ask questions on a blog but how did you get the gum out of the carpet? Why does LJ spit out the peanut? Oh, right...why do men do anything. It is so much more fun to cook and clean someone else's place, there's no emotional attachment. We should all volunteer to do each other's.

  15. haha That's how Eliana eats peanut M&Ms. :)
    I have very strong feeling regarding wedgies. You are very wise to avoid them at all costs. (Cost? Costs? I don't know. And it bothers me that I don't.)
