Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ten Things Thursday

Wordpress has a feature on my "dashboard" that tells me what search terms people are Googling that are leading to my blog.

I fear I have left many searchers feeling disappointed.

Here are ten search terms that have led some poor, confused strangers to my world:

1)  Chocolate Tea.


I have never had chocolate tea, nor have I spoken of chocolate tea.

I am not sure chocolate tea exists.

But I am a big fan of chocolate and feel like dessert is not worth bothering with if it does not contain chocolate.

So, if given the choice, I might choose chocolate tea over plain tea.

2)  Hadley kindergarten


But I can see how it happened.

3)  Wife verses in the Bible


4)  Cooking Pudding Cakes in a Slow Cooker

I am certain this poor Googler was unimpressed with my slow cooker recipe AND the appearance of my slow cooker.

5)  Lumberjack Crock Pot


I am not making that up.

What is the difference between a regular crock pot and a lumberjack crock pot?

Maybe I should Google this.

6)  Lumberjacks worked 8 months

I am disappointing many lumberjacks out there.

Who knew Lumberjacks got online so often?

7)  My sister's name.


FYI: You are being googled by someone out there in cyberspace.

You are being googled often.

I am not putting your name in here so as to not attract more cybersearchers.

Go away, you weird Googlers.

8)  What is a lumberjack's wife called?

I do not know and sadly, neither does this poor Googler.

But if I had to guess, I would go with Lumberjill.

That sounds lovely.

9)  Compression Stockings.

I wonder just how many varicose vein procedures have been cancelled after happening upon this photo:

2009_9_12 11910)  Lumberjack looking for a Wife

Well, I hope that lumberjack found a wife.

He did not find a wife from this blog.

He did probably find what qualities to NOT have in a lumberjack's wife.

Something tells me I am not the ideal Lumberjill.


Thank you to everyone who has left a comment in the Who You Are section . . . is is greatly appreciated!

Monday, September 14, 2009

It's Coming.

Fall is in the air.

  I love fall. 

I prefer to wear cozy sweaters and jeans as opposed to shorts and tank tops. 

Cozy sweaters are way more forgiving. 

I love burning pumpkin pie candles and get ready for all the holiday seasons.

basket girls
I love Thanksgiving. 

And I am glad that during this time, I can wear baggy sweaters and eat to my heart's delight.

I love seeing family and eating delicious food that I did not have to prepare.

Yes, I have been married for 9 years and have not once prepared a huge turkey dinner on Thanksgiving.

That's not called lazy.

That's called smart.

IMG_1784And don't even get me started on the day after Thanksgiving.

I will always be a proud supporter of Black Friday.

Yes, I wake up at 4am to get good deals.

That is not crazy.

That is smart.

In the evening, we bundle everyone up and take them downtown to the parade and fireworks.

Afterwards, everyone comes over to our house for hot chocolate, dinner, and games.

I love Catch Phrase.

No one ever wants to play it with me.

But guess what else is coming.

Now, I honestly do not mind that the Lumberjack eats, sleeps, and breathes hunting during the months of October and November. 

 I can manage without him being around for two months.

What I do not like is when it enters too much into my world.

Allow me to explain:

The Lumberjack and his brother, Alex, both shot a buck one hunting season. 

For some reason unbeknownst to me, my house was determined to be the slaughter house.

I am more than willing to have the deer butchered outdoors, although the snow makes us look like our house recently filmed a horror flick.

But the Lumberjack informed me it was too cold to do that outside.


You can hunt from 4 am to 4 pm outside and be fine, but all of a sudden it is too cold to be outside when it comes time to butcher the poor innocent creature who was doing nothing wrong to you?  (sorry-I do not understand hunting)

Well, I clearly do not wear the pants because one Saturday morning, Alex arrives at our house and they are ready to go, knives in hand.

Remember Alex?


You can imagine my hesitation at the thought of Alex and the Lumberjack in my home armed with knives and carcasses.

So, there they were from 10am until 9pm.

In MY kitchen.

Using MY table.

Sitting in MY dining room chairs.

Hours and hours of slaughtering.

Right there in the comfort of my home.

Their hands were covered with sinew and blood and cartilage and meat and hair.

I actually have no clue what sinew is or if it applies.

And there is Alex, opening MY fridge, moving around MY CHILDREN'S milk jug to find a Pepsi.

Touching things.

With sinew hands.

There were deer remnants on the fridge, in the fridge, on the dishwasher, on the oven, on the counters, on the floor, on the chairs, on the table . . .

After they left, I cleaned up the kitchen.

The smell was horrible.

My stomach was queasy.

The bleach was flowing.

I believe I shed a tear. 

 Or two.

Or 8,000.

Somebody must teach me how to wear the pants.


Because I cannot go through that again.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Small Favor

Hello!  If you drop by and read this blog from time to time, could you let me know?

I love comments and enjoy hearing from you!

I added a new page at the top of the site called "Who You Are"

Please add a comment in the "Who You Are" section so I know you were here!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Matchy, Matchy

You asked for it . . .

2009_9_12 035
I wonder if my blog will ever become famous for my top quality pictures?
Hmmm . . .

After seeing the pictures, I guess the Lumberjack's shirt did not match mine as much as I had mischievously planned it would that strange, odd night at D&B Farm and Home.

He did not even notice.

What good is a trick if the trick recipient does not even know a trick has been played?

I must work on my mischievousness.

2009_9_12 030
We clean up pretty nice, if I do say so myself!

All Done . . .Almost.

Could it really be true?

2009_9_08 021

Could he really be done getting wood for the year?

2009_9_08 022

The lumberjack himself said he was all done.

2009_9_08 023Carson.

He thinks he is helpful.  But really, he is not.

And I love him.

He has been so good lately.

If he keeps that up, whatever will I blog about?

2009_9_07 012Colton?

Is it your turn to be naughty?

2009_9_07 017

No.  I refuse to believe that precious boy could ever be naughty.

I do, however, believe I put Carson's shorts on him instead of his own.

Hey.  He's number 4.  What can I say?

2009_9_08 024We really need to finish this house soon so we can move.

David is a man in need of land.

Not no city lot.

2009_9_08 025We still have to rebuild our lovely garage before we can move.

You all know how much snow we have gotten over the past two winters.

I am sure you all heard of all the roofs collapsing in our area from the weight of the snow.

How, out of all structures, did this garage from the early 1900s remain standing?

They don't build them like they used to.

So now, David will work on splitting and stacking the wood.

I might lend a hand, but I also might be busy.

I cannot be certain.

Dear David,I still vote for this instead.

Dressing Up


Meet Kate and Hadley.

The dress up queens.

I keep waiting for the day that we can get rid of the huge tub of dress up clothes that takes up the entire closet.

Oh, Kate and her "Laura" dress.

This dress was given to her when she was four years old.

My mother-in-law has always loved The Little House on the Prairie books.

Therefore, Kate loves them.

When she was four, we had to go to the library and check the book out.

Since Kate had mastered a couple of "Bob Books", she was sure she was ready for a novel.

And she would sit there, stubborn as can be, and try and sound out each letter and word in that book.

Mother bought the girls these wigs.

2009_9_02 010Why is it that I can buy them a pair of jeans, and they are too small within 3 months.

Yet, this cowgirl outfit is going on three years?

 Hadley is always trying to acquire the same amount of attention as Kate.

It is hard playing second fiddle to the top dress up queen in the county.

Hadley always stands at the top the stairs and shouts,

"Hey, guys!  Here comes the princess!  Guys?!?  Hello!?!?"

But Hadley went through a phase where she could not say certain sounds.  For example, she could not say the "g" sound.  She would substitute it with a "d."  So it was more like:

"Hey, Dies!  Look at the princess!  Dies?!?!"

Grams was called dams.

Her most said phrase was,

"Hey, dies!  I dot a dood idea!"

She also could not say the "c" or "k" sounds.  She would say the "t" sound instead.



Tool. (cool)

Tute. (Cute)

I am sad to announce that she has learned how to say the proper "g"  and "c" and "K" sounds.

And when Mr. Carson came along, he was thrust into this dress up craziness.


 I can just imagine what he is thinking: "What on earth is wrong with these people?"

I can still hear Hadley shrieking with delight:

"Look, duys!  Tarson is a Tricken!"

IMG_3954Yeah.  I have no idea who ever inspired my girls to dress up.

Crazy in-laws.

2009_9_02 006Poor, poor, Tarson.  It ain't easy to have a big sister, let alone two.

IMG_3939Watch out, Tolton.

Your day is coming.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Lumberjack buys a shirt.


We are attending a wedding this weekend.  And the Lumberjack decided he needed a new shirt.  So we went clothes shopping for him last night, something I have not done with him in about 8 years.  No joke. 

His store of choice?

D&B Farm and Home.

For a wedding.

I am sorry, but I was thinking Macy's of Kohl's or something of that nature.

While we were dating, we would shop together at places like Abercrombie & Fitch, Gap, and Old Navy. 

On Saturdays, we would go for coffee, go for walks, go shopping, rent movies, and go out to dinner.

Now on Saturdays, he goes out into the great outdoors to fish, hunt, or fall trees.

The last movie we watched together was Convoy.

Yes, that is based on that ridiculous song he likes.

And yes, he fell asleep during it.

Because it does not matter what the movie is, he will always fall asleep.

I got in trouble last night because I kept laughing at all the western shirts with the pearly buttons.

I wonder if the Lumberjack wants us to ride in a tractor to the wedding?

"Taylor!  Everyone in here wears this kind of stuff!  Stop laughing!"

But it was just us in there.  And the employees.

One nice lady came to offer us  help:

"You are so lucky,"she said to me. "I can't get my husband out of his gray t-shirt.  I finally talked him into a button down flannel for nicer occasions."

Oh, help me.  Is this my future?

I helped him pick out a shirt.

2009_9_08 018

I had to give in and be okay with a shirt with pearly buttons.

But he does not know that I picked out a shirt for him that matches mine!

Apparently it is manly to wear pearly buttons, but not manly to coordinate with your wife.

2009_9_08 019

Ha!  Take that, cowboy!

I love my handsome cowboy/lumberjack/fisherman/hunter/electrician/do-it-yourselfer former mall shopping/coffee drinking/JCrew wearing husband.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009


"If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself."

2 Timothy 2:13
2009_9_07 059

Angela shared this verse with us this week through her website, Those with Young (

I do not remember ever reading that verse before.

It is easy to give up and become "faithless" in our lives.

I have been praying for one specific request for about 7 years.

There are times when I want to give up and forget it.

There are moments when I do not feel like trusting in God, times when I do not feel like He is even listening.

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."

Hebrews 11:1

Being SURE and being CERTAIN.

Do I believe God's promises?  Am I sure and certain of His character?

"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him."

Hebrews 11:6

Why is it so difficult to earnestly seek Him every day?  God is faithful:  it is His Character.  I am trying to have faith, but it does not come naturally.

Life gets tough and confusing.

And even though I know that when troubles come I should turn to God, I often forget and try to get through the struggle on my own.

But even if I am faithless, He will remain faithful.  Because he cannot deny Himself.

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Matthew 28:20b

That is one of the most comforting verses in the Bible.

And so, I will continue to pray for my request.  My same request that I have been praying for all this time.

I may not see God working.

I may not know His plan.

But I will do my part:  trust in Him.  Have faith in Him.

And He will be faithful, for that is His character.

Happy Birthday, Mabel!

Mabel is 9 today. Or 63.

We brought her home in the fall of 2000. 

She was nothing but a poof of fur and she was a delight to our souls.

I would take her Christmas picture by the Christmas tree each year.

We would bathe her at least once each calendar year.

We would play with her.

We would feed her dog treats.

We would take her swimming.

We had a lot of time on our hands.

A whole lot of workNow she is old. 

And she has nothing to look forward to, but the occasional crust dropping from the high chair. 

She stares out the window wondering what has become of her life.

I am sure she resents the children.

She looks at us with those big, sad eyes, "Really?  Did you need 4?"

Sorry, Mabes.

But this weekend, I am happy to announce that we played with her!

2009_9_07 045
We (and when I say we, I mean the kids) tossed sticks into the river for her to fetch.
2009_9_07 043

 She had the time of her life.

Poor, old dear.

2009_9_07 187

 She is a good dog.

Although I could do without all that shedding.

She lets the kids pull on her and ride her and step on her.

She is used to the chaos and sleeps all day through it.

Why I let him throw food off the highchair . . .

And she is my vaccuum cleaner after each meal.

For that fact alone, I will forever love her.

Happy Birthday, Miss Mabel!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The End of an Era

2009_9_08 002Today was the first day of school.

It was a crazy morning, as I knew it would be.

I did have high hopes of what I would get accomplished today, but everything went wrong.

I meant to make pancakes for their special day, but we ran short on time and had toast and oatmeal.

I meant to get to the school by 8:30am, but we got there at 8:45.  School did not start until 8:55, but I wanted to help them into their classes with plenty of time.

2009_9_08 003Here they are walking into school. 

Sweet Pea was a little nervous about going all day, but Daisy Mae was just fine.  Not a bit worried.

She shoots guns, you know.

And hikes miles over treacherous terrains wearing only cheap flip-flops.

She can handle kindergarten.

2009_9_08 008That is how Sweet Pea looked as I left her in her classroom (she is seated wearing a white/light pink shirt).

She looked teary when I was leaving, but she smiled and said I could go.

So, Daisy Mae and I, along with the boys went off to find her classroom.

I went back to the familiar kindergarten wing where Sweet Pea was last year, but Daisy Mae's room was nowhere to be found.

A kind teacher helped us find her room . . . all the way in the 4th and 5th graders wing! 

Yikes!  Big kids!

2009_9_08 010Here she is sitting at her table, putting her nametag on.

She smiled with her big dimples and waved goodbye to me when it was time for me to go.

I felt a big need to make today special.  I know the first day of school is exciting and overwhelming.  The boys and I went to the store to get some groceries.  I picked up some special Hello Kitty pencils and a new pencil sharpener for our house.  Before I knew it, it was already time to get Daisy Mae.

2009_9_08 017She had a great day and loves kindergarten.

I asked her if she had recess.

"No.  Teacher said we just do that on weekends."

We headed home and had lunch.  The boys went down for a nap, so it was just me and Daisy Mae.

This is where my perfect plan for Daisy Mae being in afternoon kindergarten would have came in handy.

Can you imagine?  Complete silence for 2 hours!!

But, alas.  It was not meant to be.

Daisy Mae and I decided to make banana bread to share with Sweet Pea as a special after school snack.

We made a two loaves so we could freeze one.

I also made 3 pans of meatloaf, 1 for tonight and 2 to freeze.

Before we left to pick up Sweet Pea, I snuck a slice of banana bread-disgusting!

I figured out what I did wrong-I was emptying out my containers from the camp trailer and must have thought the salt was sugar.

I had to throw all that precious banana bread away.

And no special first day of school snack.

Sweet Pea was happy and chatty when we picked her up.  She had a great day.  I asked her if she liked her teacher.

"Yes.  But she is SERIOUS."

Sweet Pea informed me 12 times that she had 3 recesses and had a cheeseburger deluxe with chocolate milk for lunch.

"Chocolate milk makes you have strong bones, Mom.  My new friend said."

2 minutes later, the girls were weeping and wailing and fighting.

I knew this would happen:exhaustion.

They were upset because neither of them had time to color the other one a picture.


We had to hyperventilate over that?

The Lumberjack was working late, but I really wanted to make tonight special for the girls.  So I made a big dinner and a dessert.

Dare I say I made a peach crisp.

Remember the peach pie incident (

As I was peeling the fresh peaches (for the first time since the incident), I knew I was making a mistake.

Fresh peaches+dessert+Taylor having high expectations=Impending doom

The Lumberjack came home.  I was exhausted from all my overachieving and child-chasing.  He rushed through dinner and went out to work on his truck.

Which normally would not have been a big deal.

But I PEELED FRESH PEACHES for a dessert to celebrate the girls' first day of school.

Finally at 7:45 when the Lumberjack was still being a mechanic, I looked at the girls and said dessert was cancelled.

They said, "ok" and brushed their teeth.

Apparently no one cares if I made a dessert containing peaches.

I so wanted to make today special. 

I think I failed.

But there is always tomorrow.

And we can have peach crisp as a special after school snack.

The girls did not have any high expectations for their first day.

That was just me.

03-10-06 009
I think I just cannot believe a chapter in our lives has ended.

01-06-06 016I still see them as my little girls. 

My babies.

I still feel like a new mom.

It does not seem like all that long ago that I was hauling those two girls all around. . .

Sick DaySort of like I haul these two dudes all around town.

And I think what makes me the most sad is to think of the day when I take Handsome to first grade and Little Dude to kindergarten.

Because even though these are "The Miserable Years (," part of me does not want them to end.

But they did end today for my girls.

And they will end some day for my boys.

The days are LONG, but the years are short.

What will I do when I no longer have young children to raise?

It is everything that defines me.

"'For I know the plans I have for you' declares the Lord. 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'"

Jeremiah 29:11-13

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

Proverbs 16:9

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."

Proverbs 16:3

I do not know what the future holds for me.

I just know life can sure go by fast.

Excuse me now, while I eat peach crisp , cry, and mourn the end of an era.

That peach crisp is not going to eat itself, you know.

(This post is participating in Flashback Friday from Confessions of a Redeemed Diva)

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Long, Long, Long Camping Trip

This weekend was our longest camping trip ever.

We ran out of clean clothes.   We ran out of water.  Our black water overfloweth (a little trailer talk for you).

We did not run out of firewood.

Or food.

Our camping group was a little smaller this time.  David's parents were in Alaska on vacation and Jack, Lisa, and Little Miss stayed back because Jack was sick.  So, it was just David and I and the kids, my parents, David's brothers Jason and Alex, and a friend, Mike.  My sister came for 2 nights, Jack and Lisa ended up coming for Sunday, and my Uncle Greg and cousin Greg (aka The Gregs) came Sunday evening.

This will be a terribly long post.  I apologize.  But so much happened. 

And I must share it all with you. 

Because I must believe that you care.

You do care, don't you?

I have been at a loss as to how to present this fantastic trip to you.  Top ten?  Stories?  Just pictures? 

Well, I am going to make it painfully long and just tell you EVERYTHING that happened, in chronological order.

Thursday night-we arrived.

Nothing happened.  We ate dinner.  We visited.  Alex hadn't arrived yet.  That is probably why nothing happened.

Friday morning:

Jason, Mike, Daisy Mae, and the Lumberjack went wood cutting just to get wood for the fire.  The Lumberjack brought some wood from home already, but whenever he is near any sort of foresty-terrain, he must conquer it.  While they were gone, Daisy Mae apparently shot a gun.  Great.  She is a redneck, too.

Jason and Mike went to town (St. Maries) to buy stuff.

My parents and Sweet Pea went to town to buy stuff.

Alex arrived, fashionably late as usual.

Everyone came back, we ate lunch, and we went to the river.

My mom is always "aghast" when my kids are wearing stuff that is too snug for them.  While Sweet Pea was in town with them, she talked my mom into buying her a new swimsuit from a consignment store since hers was too small.  It was a size 7/8.  Check Sweet Pea out in the next couple of river pictures.  Who votes that mom got confused and bought her a size 7/8 juniors instead of 7/8 girls?

 2009_9_07 009

Poor Daisy Mae. 

 She was off being a lumberjack with her dad and missed out on a new swimsuit.

2009_9_07 070

Eventually, the Boys (Jason and Alex) got bored and had to build something.  These are the same guys who have to build massive teeter-totters and swingsets out of logs.  They were feeling a little artsy this trip and built a sculpture(?) with a piece of rusted scrap steel they found abandoned by the river.  Please notice the swimsuit.
2009_9_07 089

Poor Sweet Pea got a little too close to the work of art.  I helped her clean up, after I snapped a picture, of course.

2009_9_07 066Swimsuit.

2009_9_07 096Sculpture.

2009_9_07 005Jason riding his bike into the river past the completed sculpture.

I do not know why he rode his bike into the river.

2009_9_07 111I also do not know why Alex drove his truck into the river. 


2009_9_07 113Oops.  Forgot to put it into 4 wheel drive there, Big-A.

Jason had to crawl out and "lock the hubs" to put it into 4-wheel drive.

Alex got his truck out of the river.  And then 15 seconds later his truck would move no more.


2009_9_07 118
A friendly fellow camper/mechanic hopped on his 4 wheeler to offer some much needed help.

2009_9_07 120After a lot of peering into the engine, all they found was a lot of water and this strange bug.

2009_9_07 116Jason:  Hey, Alex!  Did you know your gas cap was off?

Alex:  What?  No way!

Everyone else withing a 1 mile radius:  You drove your truck into the river without a gas cap on?

David had to tow Alex out of the way of the other campers so Alex could fix his gas problem.

This makes David feel manly. 

2009_9_07 127Towing, towing, towing.

Alex had to dump an undisclosed amount of gas in an undisclosed location.

Alex then had to put new gas, free of river water, into his truck.

Alex's truck is expected to make a complete recovery.

And that pretty much wraps up Friday.


We took our 2nd annual hike to Crystal Lake.  We have to drive 10 miles up into the mountains to get to the start of the hiking trail.

2009_9_07 129And we got a flat tire.

2009_9_07 133Starting off on our hike.

2009_9_07 136Alex decided to take a different route with my boy.

Please don't do anything stupid, Alex.  You have my boy.

At this point, I am worried about bears, mountain lions, rock slides, Alex being in charge of one of my boys, and having to go to the bathroom with no toilet nearby.

2009_9_07 140After 1 hour and 20 minutes, we made it to the lake.  We lost my parents about 20 minutes into it.  They turned back.  It was a pretty tough hike. KThe girls had emotional meltdowns and begged for snacks.  I was feeling lightheaded because I drank no water.  Remember, I am hoping to avoid any potty breaks, for there are no suitable potty conditions on a mountain.

2009_9_07 142Apparently, all my fears of bears and mountain lions were in vain.  No creature is a match for these boys.  Not even fish.
2009_9_07 143

Clearly, I did not make sure Daisy Mae was wearing appropriate hiking shoes.

Poor thing.  She made it the whole way on Old Navy $2.50 flip flops.

I would like everyone to know that I successfully rotated this picture.  Thank you.
2009_9_07 146

Crystal Lake

2009_9_07 163

David disturbing the peace.


2009_9_07 158One of Daisy Mae's many meltdowns.

I do not blame her.

Have you ever had to hike into a mountain lake wearing $2.50 flip flops?

We made it back in 40 minutes.  We are not sure why we were so much faster on the way back.

Daisy Mae had a complete falling out at the last leg of the hike and Jason let her ride on his shoulders.

What an uncle!

2009_9_07 205Here we are driving down the mountain from our fab hike.

This is a shot of David scouting for trees to fall/fell/whatever.

Notice he is not wearing a seatbelt and he has a gun nearby.

Darn our luck, he found something.  Now we have to all pull over and be lumberjacks.

2009_9_07 164First, we admire our find.

Dude.  That is an awesome piece of cedar.

Dude.  I know.

Then, we wrap cable around it.

2009_9_07 166Dude.  This is so fun.

2009_9_07 167Then we (and when I say we, I mean them, not me) attach aforementioned cable to Jason's truck.

2009_9_07 168


2009_9_07 184

Now, we must cut the log into rounds.  Thrilling.


So, we got back to the campsite.  Meagan had arrived. The manly men were feeling quite dirty, so they were talking about baths.

Jason and Mike went to town.  Again.  To get soap.

I offered them soap.

They declined and still went to town.

They must have a honey in town.

When they returned it was time for a bath in the river.

2009_9_07 207

Jason forgot a towel, so he bought a Sham-Wow! instead.

He's saying "wow" everytime.

Everyone was clean and tired.

We ate and went to bed.


2009_9_07 214We woke up to tons and tons of rain.  We were the envy of the entire campground.  Not only did we have David's parachute, but the manly men all draped tarps up everywhere so we had our own little covered kingdom.  Plus, we had a cord of wood and a bonfire.  The camp host wanted to take our picture and keep it in his memory book.

Jack, Lisa, and Little Miss joined us for the day.  David and Alex took them blackberry picking.

I stayed behind.

I loathe blackberry picking as much as I loathe huckleberry picking and breastfeeding.

Jason and Mike went to town.

Then we had some more excitement, brought to you by Alex.

2009_9_07 219 Alex was playing with the parachute and knocked the whole thing down.  We had to evacuate our kingdom immediately.

2009_9_07 221For if we stayed in our kingdom, we would perish.

2009_9_07 222My parents sent my sister over with the fire extinguisher.

My lumberjackish in-laws just laughed at them.

The lumberjacks do not understand my family.

My family does not undestand the lumberjacks.

Nobody understands Alex.

We are all learning tolerance.

2009_9_07 236

We finished up the night by going to town (yes, Jason and Mike went again) to see the fireworks.

And that concludes my extremely long post.

I hope you stayed with me to the end!