Saturday, November 19, 2011

Haircuts and Snow

Well.  That's fun.  It took me almost two hours to drive home last night, as opposed to the usual one hour.

David was able to plow our driveway in record time last night.  He used his uber manly bull dozer and was done in about 45 minutes.  And our driveway is totes going to be ripped to shreds by the time spring rolls around (which comes around the end of June here)  (because we live in a tropical area, didn't you know?).

Last year, I used to don my long underwear and help him with the driveway.  Together, we were able to get it done in about three hours using a snow blower and a 4 wheeler with a plow.  And now I am wondering if plow is spelled plough?  But probably not.  I homeschool, so I am pretty sure I excel at spelling, grammar, and the like.  Plow it is.

Yesterday was "going to town" day.  Always exciting, and a good reason for me to don the largest earrings I own.

Large earrings.  I enjoy them.

I had a dr appointment for my unmentionable areas and my sis in law had a dentist appointment, so we coordinated childcare.  My whole day was centered around getting the buy one get one free holiday drinks at Starbucks, because I was predicting my appointment to be a total downer.  And I was right.  I showed up around 11 am to get deliciousness in a cup to ease the horrors of the events I had just persevered through when, much to my chagrin, the deal was not in effect until 2pm.


So, we hung out and I forced Lisa, who is more woman that I shall ever be, to teach me the art of cutting hair.

I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, learned how to cut all FOUR of my children's hair.


(see?  I TOLD you I like large earrings.)

My husband, the frugal man that he is, shall rise and call me blessed.

Little Dude was having issues with hair getting all over his face during the deed.

He was displeased.

I only have one "after" shot, because I am slothful and lazy.

Not too bad, my friends.  Not too bad.

The kids made a snowman with their cousins.  Or, more accurately, a snow lady.  They named her "Fragile."  On account of her always falling apart.

This was the best shot I got.  I tried, people.  I tried.

Alright.  I am off to do laundry, organize homeschool curriculum, and form raw elk flesh into Lil' Cheddar Meatloves.

Please.  Try to contain your jealousy.

PS-Guess who's glasses just broke at this very moment?

Go on.




  1. Love large earrings--they make my ever-lovin' workout pants feel a smidge cuter, you know? And my sister and I had that same issue with Starbucks yesterday only we didn't realize the deal wasn't on yet until AFTER we bought them. Smart us.

    I'm so impressed with the haircutting. My husband would love me forever if I did that but alas, he shall have to love me forever for other reasons and cut the hoodlums' hair himself. I just help hold them. Actually I distinctly have the raw end of that deal but he gets exasperated with me using his clippers. Because, of course, he cuts his own hair too. At least he doesn't expect me to do that too. :)

  2. I want the story behind HD's complete discontent in that picture!

  3. Woah, HD looks really unhappy...however, I'm super impressed. When I had bangs I was afraid to even cut them (of course that could be because I cut them once and they looked like a 4 year old had cut them for me - uneven and WAY too short - I cut them the length I wanted them but they were wet...didn't account for shrinkage after drying time! Oops!_

  4. Just for the record, *I* am the sister who paid for the Holiday Special that wasn't a special at all because *we*, the homeschooling mom's, can't read. Furthermore, I do not know how to back out of the drive through or cancel my order from the drive through. So *I* paid $40 dollars (give or take) for those darn peppermint mocha's. Blown budget aside, we enjoyed them very much!
    P. S. We have the same broom. Isn't that fun??

  5. Okay, I'm gonna guess it was Handsome Dude's glasses.

    I love Fragile, such a perfect name haha. We've got snow here too, but not quite that much.

    Oh, and Plough is British/Australian... Plow is American.

  6. I think this year you might enjoy the snow more since you are no longer required to help your dear lumberjack plow your driveway!

    And I hate when you go for a deal only to find that it's not the right time, date, size or what ever excuse is given not to give me my good deal!

  7. You are a woman of many talents : ) We may get snow this week...just praying my girlies get home without any travel interruptions. Are you cooking Thursday? Did LJ kill your turkey with his bare hands?

  8. I used to cut the girls hair all of the time when they were wee toddlers...And Brent would always stress because it was his job to keep them occupied while I snipped and *oops* had to fix that part...And he would always say "you know, we CAN afford to pay for hair cuts...

    Now, I pay to have their hair cut when they are old enough to sit still for me to do it...Because they love the experience of the salon...And I only do it every six months. However, I totally want to cut their hair right now, and they are both refusing...

  9. Gotta be HD. (Handsome Dude, keep up people!)

  10. Love the photos. Looks very Holiday-ish but very early for snow. Let's hope that Spring will arrive early too. Holla for skilled sisters-in-law!

  11. I'm totally in awe - I wish I had cutting hair skills!

  12. This is the first time I have been able to comment since the cockpit photo...............I would like to say look like your girls' 18 year old babysitter.
    Congrats on the haircutting skillz .
    The glasses breaking is beyond me....I honestly don't know how he can do that , even if it his brother doing it.
    I think I might tan some hide if either of them were doing it on purpose. :) I mean threaten to do it.
    I thought since he got his new prescription that he might be seeing better and not be so inclined to break his glasses.

  13. It sounds like I need to get large clip on earrings! You go so much done! I love that you can cut your children's hair.

  14. I totally read this when you first posted, and then I saw it again today and i thought it was new. What the heck Mrs. Post Everyday? Get cracking!
    I wish I had pierced ears still but mine closed up. How can I even call myself a LADY?!

  15. Where are you, girl???

    I wanna hear about your American Thanksgiving holiday!

  16. Hello? (large echo)..

    Where are you? We miss you? But but but, I kinda miss your posts, what am I going to do without your posts, my days just aren't the same!

    I want to hear about the Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
