Thursday, November 17, 2011

VicTROY is mine!

I made these homemade rolls for dinner tonight.  For I am Susie Fantastic, didn't you know?


100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess where I found the recipe.

Hint:  It starts with a "P" and ends with an . . . "interest" . . . . and I may or may not have become obsessed with it.

David walked in as I was rolling the dough into the uber cute little roll balls.  He looked all excited-like and asked me if I was making cookies.  You can imagine his disappointment.

David didn't even try one of my rolls (lame), although the kids loved them.  Except for Handsome Dude.  They made him sausage, you know?  But everything makes him sausage.  Except for Tootsie rolls.  And he says Tootsie wrong, which isn't surprising.  He substitutes the "oo" sound for the short "i."

Changes the meaning a bit, eh?

Dinner is over. I am blogging.  Willie Nelson is singing.  David is making cookies.  Such is life.  I probably won't have a cookie, since I am a total health guru and all.

I am feeling a little blue tonight, a little forlorn, if you will.  It happens.  So, let us talk about things that will cheer me up.

Things I find humorous.

1)  This picture.


Because I like to look at it and say:

"What is UP with Sister Meagan's hair?"

Plus I totally look 30 in that picture, which is fantastic and all.  I look like I need a shawl.  And my mom has lost tons of weight and now I probably double her in size.  So that is fun.

2)  Have I mentioned David is making cookies?  I am excited.  I will have four one with a glass of milk.

3)  Skim milk.  Obviously.

4)  My husband just told me my eyes glisten whilst I am at the computer.  I will take it as a profession of his undying love for me and my 30-year old beauty.

5)  Little Dude keeps sneaking upstairs to watch High School Musical 2.


He takes out his train DVD and pops that one in when no one is looking.

6)  Suddenly this picture makes a lot more sense . . .

7) I would like to send this card to a few Facebook friends.



8)  Attention Dad:  LOL stands for Laughing out Loud.  FYI.

9)  Update:  I am currently eating a cookie.

10)  With SKIM milk.

11)  I had to take the girls in for their home school portfolio conferences this week.  Just go with it. I don't have the time to explain.

Sweet Pea was doing a cheer for the teacher and she had to spell out "Victory."

Sweet Pea:  "Give me a V!  Dot the I!  Curve the C!  T-R-O-Y, T-R-O-Y!"

12)  Clearly, I am the world's best homeschooling mom.  VicTROY is mine!

Alright.  That's all I got.  Feel free to share something humorous with me, to ease my woe.  Or I can just eat more cookies.

And I will.



  1. I would have eaten your rolls. They look scrumptious. Silly Lumberjack.

  2. i am also in a state of woe. i went to bed at 6, in my woe, only to be visited by an adorable 2 year old. He had contributed to my woe, but amazingly, he managed to get me out of my woe (mostly).

    Fun story: both of my kids have been "going poo poo" for the last 20 minutes. It's like their bowels stir at bedtime. Never fails.

  3. I'm totally repinning this post. For the recipe AND the funnyhahalol joke picture thing.
    I must find you on Pinterest, because I think you are highly entertaining.
    And I obiously like being entertained.
    Eat a cookie for me.
    That is all.

  4. Thanks for the laugh! I felt as though I were taking your place last weekend when I had two of my children who wear glasses break their we are duck taped and packing taped while we await replacement frames. Life is so fun. I am going to go make ice cream.

  5. Perhaps your daughter will grow up to marry Troy. since you are drinking skim milk, that cancels cookie calories so eat up. Those rolls look delish. I made a Pinterest bracelet yesterday!! I made it, didn't just pin it for once!!

  6. I'm feeing a little blue myself. Your posts always make me smile : ). Your rolls look divine...if you lived next door I might pop over for one or four. Good thing your ruralville is not right next door - lol.

    For the record I never use lol- my girls have strongly advised against it.

  7. I told my kids in my classroom LOL yesterday and then proceeded to only talk in text talk for the next minute or so (I have a very limited vocabulary). They thought I was crazy. I might be. I also like to take the oranges we get via a cool grant this year that provides us a snack and put them in my mouth to make an orange smile. Then I leave it there and try and teach and answer questions while pantomiming. I am entertained. I hope the children are. I can just imagine what they go home and tell their parents! Funny though, none of the parents mentioned my antics in conferences. Maybe I'm in the clear. That is the funniest story I currently know. I hope it made you smile.

  8. Hey, no fair that you repinned the rolls and made them before me!

    What's up with LJ not trying them? My hubby would have been fighting over them with the children.

    I must make them tomorrow to go with our soup. Did you use a bread machine?

  9. Did you use actual yeast in those rolls? I am impressed. I am scared of yeast. Tried it once when I was single to impress a guy. Things didn't work out so well for me. LJ is super weird for not wanting one, they look yummy.

  10. Okay a funny story, not about me because I am perfect and dont make mistakes, also I am typing this and no one is here to call me a big fat liar. Have you ever used a word you were sure meant one thing, and did not, not even close? My brother, a very smart man, usually, was talking to the owner of the company he worked at, he is the head guy under her. She was telling him some things that needed doing and when it could get taken care of, he said I am not sure let me check my libido. LOL. He said I could have sworn that libido was a datebook or itinerary, whatever he was going for lol.

  11. Have a cup of coffee WITH your creamer WITH your four cookies. Works every time. No funny stories. I depend on your for that. And you came through with that "LOL" thing. THAT is great. I've never used that because it took me so long to figure out what it meant . . . actually that's not true. I didn't figure it out. My smart sister had to tell me. So, I've been resistant to use it so as not to confuse other poor folks such as myself.(If there are any left.) Your rolls look amazing and what is up with a man who doesn't eat a ROLL?? Is he carb watching??? No, apparently not since he then made cookies. Go figure.

  12. I would have eaten your rolls. Several of them in fact. David is silly.

  13. Here is a poem that may put a smile on your face:

    When you go to kiss your honey
    And you find his nose is runny
    You may think that this is funny
    But it snot

  14. Funny Story (at least I think it's funny) Somewhere on the internet is a story about a text a mom sent her child that went like this, "Uncle Mike* passed away this morning. LOL**"
    *I don't remember the real name, that just sounds good
    **She thought LOL meant lots of love.
    This makes me laugh every time I think of it, because I could see my mom and dad doing something like that.

  15. I love your posts. The first time I read your blog I went home and read some of your posts to hubby and kids. We all LOLed.

    No really we did.

    I can't figure out how to use Pinterest. I am not technical like that.

  16. How can anyone resist the smell and taste of homemade bread of any sort? Freakie Deakie. I used to make homemade bread in Seal Beach. My recipe always made two loaves. Hubby and friend would get home from work and eat one loaf immediately so I always still had one left. I know, it's a story but not funny. Hope you cheer up soon. I have my computer home page set for your neck o the woods, been pretty cold up there!

  17. I think the highlight of my day was being directed to this blog and reading that little dude loves High School Musical 2. I think you (and your family) is hilarious!

  18. Something funny...

    That's all I have to say. I'm tired. My dad gummed husband is hunting so I slept terribly because I always FREEZE when he's not in bed to warm me up...And I was worried that he would be too sleepy driving as he left near 8pm after rising at 4am...And he had a four hour drive.

    Alas, he arrived safely, but has yet to slay a deer...

    So. Something funny...

    I got nuthin'...But you made me at least CTM which is our family's text language for "chuckle to myself." Go ahead! Use it! We are trying to make it universal.

  19. I thought of something else. Your son liking High School Musical reminded me of my nephew. When Charlie was about 5 or 6 he saw Grease 2. I owned the vhs tape, yeah hes 20 now, many years ago. He wore my tape out watching it so much. He was so in love with Michelle Pfeiffer. Not sure her name is spelled that way but oh well yall know who she is.

  20. That was my "Thank you for the country music award" hair, and you were envious. I want homemade rolls. Send me some?

  21. lol, you and your home school stories make me glad my hubby won't let me home school! it sounds good in theory, but i just don't know... ;)
