Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mrs. Blue Jay

The girls spent the night with their grandparents last night.  David had many errands to run today.  I was tempted to join him, but they were all pretty "farm and ranch-y," so I told him I might rather stay home.

David:  Are you sure?  I think the boys want to come with me.

Me:  That's cool.

David:  I feel bad that you might be home all day by yourself.

Me:  Have you heard about my life?

How could he think that would be a bad thing?  But, alas.  Handsome Dude decided he would rather stay with me.  This is very un-Handsome Dude like, as his entire purpose in this world is to become exactly like his father (because that is precisely what the world needs: two Davids.)

So.  Little Dude got all ready to go with Dad.  He even donned his new Carhartt jacket.

He points out the Carhartt "patch" to everyone.

"My patch!  See?  Patch?  SEE!?  Like Dad!    SEE?  SEE?!?!?!"

So, I was looking forward to a quiet day at home with my Handsome Dude.  Thought I might even catch up on some reading.  Perhaps even relax.

But I must have forgotten that I was spending the day with Handsome Dude.  So now, for your reading pleasure, I would like to present:

A Day  Two Hours with Handsome Dude.

First on the agenda:  A bike ride.

See?  He has the Carhartt patch, too.  He wears it with pride.

My bike had a flat tire.  I called David to see what sort of heavy machinery of his I would be needing to remedy my tire sitch.  As soon as he said:

"Well, hon, its gonna be pretty tricky for you.  First, you're going to need to find the air compressor . . . "

I decided my bike was totally fine for a quick bike ride, flat tires and all.  So, off we went and it was freezing.  I would venture to guess it was about 38 degrees.  No joke.

Handsome Dude:

"Mom!  Beat you to the cows!"

"Mom!  Beat you to the bison!"

"Mom!  Let's go wee faster!"

Mom was a momsicle.  I was able to coerce him back inside at the promise of hot cocoa.

You would think this would be the time when I would finally be able to relax.  And you would be wrong.

We saw a bird.  A blue jay, if you will.

So, we had to stop everything and try to ascertain whether or not the bird was a Mr. or a Mrs.

Like I know.  We went with Mrs.  Next, we had to discuss with Mrs. Blue Jay might like to eat, seeing as how we are out of bird food.

I went with pieces of apple.  Like I know.

Handsome Dude then decided we should play Memory.

Then we had to check on Mrs. Blue Jay.

Candyland was next.  Handsome Dude nearly had a meltdown when I took the lead, because clearly I am uber talented at the complex game that is Candyland.

Then we had to check on Mrs. Blue Jay.

We had to load the fire because it is FREEZING today and I am my husband's helpmeet who keeps the home fires burning.

Then we had to check on Mrs. Blue Jay.

I told Handsome Dude I really wanted to read.  He said, "No."  Because he is agreeable like that.  I suggested he painted.

The idea tickled his fancy.

I meant to start reading, but was foolish and decided to clean the kitchen instead.

Handsome Dude:  Mom!  Did you change your mind?

Me:  About what?

Handsome Dude:  Reading!

Me:  Oh, well-

Handsome Dude:  BIRD!

Then we had to check on Mrs. Blue Jay.

Next, I suggested he play trains so I could read.  He reminded me that his train tracks are all discombobulated.  And no, he did not say "discombobulated."  He is only four, people.

So I went to set up the train tracks.

Train Tracks.  Not for the faint of heart.

But I prevailed and now you must all be impressed, because the task was challenging for me.

And the only reason why I am able to type this very post to you is because I have distracted the boy with peanut butter and jelly.

The boy has finished the sandwich and is currently checking on Mrs. Blue Jay, watering the strawberry plant (because he doesn't understand seasons and life, in general) and asking me if we can please go on a hike.

Oh, my lands.  It is FREEZING.  And I am ill-equipped to handle a bear attack or anything of that nature.

I think I am going to have to drink my afternoon coffee a bit earlier today.

Happy Weekend!

PS- Mrs. Blue Jay is digging my apples.  Holla!


  1. Sounds like a happy way to spend the day : )

  2. Oh you poor thing...How fun it is to keep a single bored child entertained...this is sadly why I hate weekends and spend them dreaming of Monday when my 3yr old goes to Head Start again.

    I made a blue bird today...Actually he is a blue owl cold pack...maybe you need one for your head after your morning lol

    Blessings and Good luck with the rest of your "quiet" day.

  3. You're a good momma. I would have bribed him to go with his dad.

  4. No kidding, or let him watch a movie free of siblings! Moms do need breaks, ya know.

  5. David: I feel bad that you might be home all day by yourself.
    Me: Have you heard about my life?

    HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm TOTALLY with you there!

  6. You sure were busy, and in a way, I'm sure you were wanting the day alone. But instead it turned out a day that he will always remember. Just him and his mom. You made him very happy that day, and in your heart that is what you wanted the most. I hope this weekend you get some time to read.

  7. From time to time, my husband purposely takes all four kids somewhere and leaves me home alone with absolutely no pity involved, because he knows that having a quiet house to myself is my joy and delight.

    Perhaps David needs a mentor.


  8. I'm going to spend all day saying "like I know."

    Thank you.

  9. 38...not cold ;)

    If you had said that last year, I would have TOTALLY agreed with you. This year, no sympathy. HA!

    It was really warm this morning when we got up. We climbed all the way to 18!

  10. If you have pine cones and peanut butter, that is a super yummy treat for birds!

    I think.

    I seem to remember reading that once in a child's activity book...

    But don't take my word for it.

    Because maybe you roll it in bird seed after...


  11. I just wanted to say that at first I thought the train table was on stairs because of the shadows. Because doesn't everyone keep their train tables on stairs? Like I know.
    You are awesome, mama.

  12. Just a note: Pioneer Woman used to be my "last best blog to read every day", but not any more. Now I find myself waiting until last to read The Lumberjack's Wife...I love the quirky family humor!!
    Thank you!

  13. Heavens!!

    Some days I get really sad that my girlie girls have all grown up and moved away.....then I read posts like yours!!

    (Teasing - enjoy it while you can - you will miss it some day!)

  14. I am a little surprised that your recent experience with rabbit sexing hasn't given you a leg up in the bird department.

  15. Yes, it sounds lovely.
