Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fancy-Pants Dots

I would like everyone to notice that I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, am blogging TWO days in a row.  This was made possible by my husband's crazy work schedule.  Does anyone else have a husband who is never really sure when he is coming home?  Dinner was to be at six, then seven.  And then at seven, he called to tell me he still had another hour or so.

In my youth, this would have frazzled and/or annoyed me.  But I am too old to care anymore.  I have gotten very creative at holding dinner off and turning overcooked soups into casseroles. So, dinner is ready, my husband is late, and I shall blog.

I made a pie tonight.  I know, I know.  I am stupid.  But I am bound and determined to make pie crust and not have it be a traumatizing event . . . if that is even possible.  The pie is banana cream and I do not know if it was a success or a fail, but I am thinking the crust is looking pretty snazzy and we should all applaud my Suzy Homaker-ed-ness.

Since my husband is ridiculously late, I doubt I shall be getting my ginormous dry erase board.  Oh, for the disappointment that is my life.  But that reminds me of this week's COW.

I KNOW!  Did you forget we even did a COW around here?  The COW stands for "Comment of the
Week Whenever-I-think-of-it."

This week's COW goes to Auntie Datenutloaf, who was a TOTAL downer, if there ever was one.

Her comment to my excitement over my upcoming Dry-Erase-Homeschooling-Magic-Board?

"dry erase markers are toxic"

And I think we need to do a second COW, because we can.  Check out this little convo I found in the comments section.

(Sister Meagan is referring to Katie B's use of über with the fancy-pants dots on the top)

Sister Meagan says:

Woah! You got an umlaut in there! Very impressive!

Lola says:

Hi, dear Sister Meagan!

The word “umlaut” is written “Umlaut” ; please look at the initial. All nouns begin with a (big) initial in German.
But I am very glad that you taught your sister the correct way to write “ueber”. LOL.
Hugs, Lola (a nerd in Germany, and a native. A native nerd, I suppose)

And I shall now announce that I heart Lola for schooling Sister Meagan.

Holla, Lola!

Let's move on with a random list, shall we?

1)  I caught the girls passing notes to each other in "class" today.  And I use the term "class" quite loosely.


2)  We painted dinosaur fossils today.  And Little Dude is cute, so here is a picture.

ld dinosaur fossil homeschool 2012
You're welcome.

The girls were being a bit goofy.

dm sp painting headbands 2012
They were painting headbands.  Lest any of you think they were fossils.  And you know you did.

3)  We will be studying the Latin numbers 1-10 coming up, so I made a poster to hang in my SCHOOL ROOM, because I can do these things now.

latin poster 2012
Check out what is Latin for six.


Daisy Mae noticed it right away.  Which I found to be worrisome.

DM:  Mom!  Look at six!

Me:  Yes?  What about it?

DM:  Look at what it says!  Sex!

Me:  Yup.

DM:  That's funny, you know why?

Me:  Nope.

(And neither should you, Little Missy.)

DM:  Because it is just a different vowel!  "E" instead of "I"!  That one will be SO easy, huh, Mom?

Me:  Totally.

4.  Teaching Latin is NOT for the faint of heart.

Who knew?!

5.  David and I were watching Pawn Stars the other night.  During the show, there was a reference made to a Yugo.

When I was a young lass, my grandfather owned a restaurant and purchased oh, about 11 Yugos for delivery cars.  Because . . .


Anyways.  During Pawn Stars I had a humorous flash back.  Back in the day, we used to carpool with a fairly wealthy family.  When it was their turn for carpool, we rode in a Mercedes Benz with leather interior.

When it was our turn?  My dad would cram himself plus five children into the Yugo.

And you know what is sad?

I think I probably thought the Yugo was cooler.

Because it was red and I thought it might be a sportscar?  I cannot be certain.  My dad also starred in a commercial and he gave a riveting performance.

Remember my dad?

goober dad computer
Happy Thursday!


  1. We started teaching Latin/Greek stems after Christmas break. In the public school setting I'm seriously thankful I don't have to teach 5th graders the Latin word for six. I don't think we'd survive. They cringe when I mention poop much less Latin six!!

  2. What commercial was your dad in? Can we find it on YouTube??

  3. Probably not. It was for the restaurant my grandpa owned and it would have just been local . . . plus it was probably about 20-23 years ago. At one point it was somewhere on VHS, but have not seen it in awhile.

  4. I was in a commercial once!! I had to pretend the camera was a dog visiting the vet hospital I worked at, smile at it , grab it's "leash" and walk it around the facility. It has a lovely close up of my face and then nothing but my booty for the next 20 seconds. Thank goodness I was skinny then!!

  5. Crayola makes non-toxic dry erase markers!! Don't let anyone rain on your parade!! A ginormous white board is like Christmas in Disney World for a homeschooling momma!

  6. dry erase markers are awesome, they will take permanent marker off wood and plastic. I guess the lesson here is, dont eat them, check.

  7. Holla Crayola! (Please notice, I capitalized the noun Crayola even though it's not German.)

  8. I don't know when my husband will come home. I serve dinner about 6:30pm and if he's here, great! If not, I'll still eat. Then I put the leftovers, his portion, in the fridge. Maybe he will eat them, maybe not. Often he will just make himself a sandwich when he does come home-even if I leave his portion out on top of the stove!
    Funny story: Back when I still had kids at home my in-laws visited. It got to be 5:30pm and they asked when their son, my husband, would be home. I said I didn't know. An hour later I put dinner on the table and they asked, "Is he always this late?" I said, "What's late? I never know when he's coming home. " He showed up about 8pm that night, long after we'd eaten.
    It's hard when your husband doesn't come home to eat with the family. But since the wife has no control over the work schedule, we might as well be as happy as we can!

  9. I didn't mean to get your comments section fired up with my love of random punctuation. Maybe I can start a linguistic "battle to the death" about the proper use of Spanish or tildes by typing "jalapeño!"

    Maniacal Laugh!Mwa-ha-ha-HA!

  10. Oh!

    And I recommend Crayola's dry erase CRAYONS! : ) They don't leave 'crumbs' all over your class room, they don't stink, and they don't stain my cheap dry erase calendar. Plus, since they are Crayola, they are probably Non-Toxic but I can't remember for sure.

  11. I hope you get your dry erase board this weekend! That is such a sweet picture of your girls-they look so happy and carefree. It's a keeper!

  12. Oh, I love this word: jalapeño... (don't you think it sounds so sexy?) Makes me swooooooooon....

  13. Dear Taylor, I thank you so much! I <3 your fabulous blog.

  14. Dude the Yugo story is awesome. When I was little my dad would pick me up from school in a rusty orange blazer. Or whatever. It was missing it's hubcaps and the interior was brown and dusty. I was mortified. It was, of course, the early to mid 90's, when baby blue reigned supreme. Good times.
    Oh OH! And once he had a mouse problem with it. In it. You know. So much in common with the Lumberjackses.

  15. I am faint of heart...we are sticking to Spanish, Latin's much more relaxed cousin.

  16. I just love your blog and your humor but have always been too lazy to comment (yes, I'm one of those people). I have a daughter (7) and a son (4), half of your load. With being said, I feel compelled now to applaud you. :)

    Anywho, I had to tell you that I share your love for dry erase boards. It's actually my job to write about them and other school furniture. I kid you not. ( Did you go for a melamine or magnetic surface?

  17. I'm in awe of someone who can make crust. I mean, I can make crust, but I cannot roll it out. How 'bout this... (who said it?) you show me pie crust and I'll give you a 2nd opinion on your gums.
