Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Hearty North


My blog has been acting a bit funny . . . don't know if you noticed?  Word on the street is if you tried to click on a post, you would be taken away to a very disturbing place.  And I apologize for that.

But herein lies the truth:  I am an extremely ignorant blogger.

Do not try to convince me otherwise.  Your words will fall on deaf ears.  But awhile back I decide to try "self-hosting."  Now, I do not know what self-hosting is.  Nor do I know what "hosting"is.  So, whenever a problem arises, I don't know what to do.   Usually, I get help from the very patient guy who helps me with the self-hosting-what-not and my friend Melissa at A Time for Everything.  She is MY Pioneer Woman and always will be.  Without their help, you would probably still be visiting naughty sites from the lovely nation of Russia.

So what can we learn from this?  We learn that Taylor should not self-host.  I am working on moving my blog to blogger but hoping to still have the same address so I will be easy to find.

And when I say "I" will be switching to blogger, of course I mean I am hoping Melissa will do it for me.  I will have to pay her in elk meat and applesauce.  She's sure to be thrilled, as well as honored.

Let's move on before my blog gets hijacked again, shall we?

My girls are hard workers.  Everyday, no matter what the weather, they head outside to feed and water rabbits.  And when I say "rabbits"  I mean RABBITS as in MANY, MANY RABBITS.  And, no, I am not going to tell you how many because:

A)  You already think I am weird enough

B)  I don't know how many are out there

C)  I am too lazy to count them.

D)  I don't want to know the truth.

So, anyways, my girls take good care of the rabbits, but the rabbits are not very fun pets.  And if you need a reminder post on the rabbits, you can click here if you so desire.

The girls have been begging for a dog, and I feel they have showed us that they are responsible to take care of pets.  Plus,  I really do like dogs . . . remember Mabel?  She was pretty swell and I miss her.  So, we have been letting the girls look around for a dog . . . not a puppy.

Well, we didn't find a dog.  We found two dogs.

Meet Tank

Tank's first night 2012
And Miley

Miley's first night 2012
They are black labs.  The owners were needing a new home for them.  They are almost four years old and our children are smitten.

We did have a minor hiccup though.  Allow me to share that fun little story, if you will.

First of all, we went to go and meet the dogs to see if they would be a good fit for our family.  The owner was extremely friendly and called David "Bro" upon many occasions.  This is fantastic because:

A)  David is not his "bro"

B)  David is not even really his acquaintance

C)  I'm pretty sure David has never been called "bro" before in his entire existence.

I think next time he calls me "Teller,"  I shall call him "bro."  It seems reasonable.

Anyways, when we first went to meet the dogs, I was dead-set against it.  I mean TWO dogs?  Like I need that in my life.  I told David I would NOT be interested in these two dogs . . . kind of like I told him I would NEVER homeschool, nor would I EVER move to Ruralville.

Let us take a moment to be impressed with my iron-clad will.

These dogs were precious.  I mean, yes, they were gigantic, I'll give you that.  But they were so good.  And calm.  The owner, aka David's bro, assured us that these dogs have never run off and we should not have a problem with them leaving our property, which was our main concern.

So, we took the dogs home.  Because, yes, we are dumb.  But we have kids and what is life on 20 acres with no dogs, I ask you?  We arrived at ye olde homestead and the dogs had to relieve themselves, as dogs are wont to do.  Well, they went . . . and they didn't come back.

Because we are clearly the world's best pet owners, didn't you know?  I mean, come on.  You've lost two black labs within 10 minutes of bringing them home, haven't you readers?  So, David armed himself with a flashlight and went off to find the dogs.

David was taking awhile and I was getting a bit nervous.  I could not see his flashlight anywhere . . . plus it was dark and we were getting some heavy snowfall.  And yes, I just said "heavy snowfall" because I live in the hearty north where we say such things and it is acceptable.  So I donned my North Face jacket . . .

and loaded up the kids to go rescue Daddy.  Because what is a Lumberjack without his loving Lumberjill to break out the 4-wheel drive and come rescue him?  Well, I drove around for a bit and could not find him.  I went back to the house and he was not there.  I went out again and still could not find him, but this time when I returned the dogs were back.  I loaded the dogs into the rig.  And yes, I said "rig."  I am from the hearty north and it is acceptable to say such things.  As I was leaving to find my beloved, two cars were going down our road.

Now, this was a site!  Such a rarity to see cars!  I mean, sure we see turkeys, deer and the occasional moose.  But CARS!

Oh!  And they were POLICE CARS!  So odd.  Anyways, I pull out into the road behind the police car and notice a man, looking ironically like a "bro" out in the road talking to the cops.

And wouldn't you know it, that Bro was my husband!

Turns out my husband was tracking our new dogs down the road and ended up on our neighbor's property.  The neighbor's wife became alarmed to see a "Bro" wearing dark clothing, a hoodie, and brandishing a flashlight at such an hour.  Neighbor's wife called 9-1-1 and Mr. Neighbor came out with a gun pointed at MY HUSBAND'S HEAD.

I am happy to report that my husband was not, in fact, shot.  The dogs are home.  And the neighbors, *I think*, are still talking to us.  But I cannot be certain.

I told my husband that he definitely makes life . . . interesting.  When we are old and frail, we will have many memories to talk about.  And yes, I am sure we will talk often in our olden years.  My husband is pretty chatty, you know?

Alright, I must go and watch the AxMen with my AxMan.

Later, dudes.


  1. Congratulations on your return to bloggy land, and congrats on the dogs!! How awesome, and brave, to take on two at a time! Yes, you're crazy. I know this because I now own four because a stray followed me home on New Year's, and we fell in love with him.

    Good luck on getting them trained, though. Oh, I'm looking forward to the stories you shall soon be sharing, I'm sure.

  2. Exciting times, northern Lumberjill. Way too exciting, what with the Ruralville neighbors going nra on ya. Not that you wouldn't have done the same, right? I mean, you raise rabbits, have two dogs and a drive a 'rig'.
    Hearty congratulations on the new pups, who do indeed look very calm, what with being photographed on their first day and all. They should be very nice. So glad they are already grown up dogs.
    And I will say I do not so much miss that February-March-April snowfall. Today I prepared a little spot of dirt that will shortly be my new 'kitchen garden'. Yeah. It's that nice here. But you are too great of a person to be jealous. right?

  3. Teller, please don't move to Blogger. I hate the blogger.

    Good job getting the dogs and the Lumberjack back home safely.

  4. That's one good thing about living in Ruralville -- you can wear a North Face jacket without looking like a poser ;)

    And, awwww :) I'm a sucker for a happy ending for dogs. They look so sweet! Your kids are going to have so much fun with them I bet!

  5. Some other blog I visited this weekend mentioned a commenter that posted naughty pictures in Russian on her are not alone!
    Good Luck with the dogs.

  6. Of all the scary stories you've told about Ruralville, this is the scariest. I've lived in a city (and okay, fine it's the suburbs) my whole life and never had a gun pointed at me. Rural folk are alarmists.

  7. Previous dog owners are delusional.

  8. So glad to have you back in the land of blogging!

    The dogs are beautiful! And you have made a wise desiccation with Labs after their puppy stage. They will be a perfect addition to your home and I'm sure give you lots of fodder for your blog.

  9. Oh, now that is just about the best story ever. And your labs are the cutest ever. It almost makes me want to get two dogs. But not quite.

    And of course you can count on me for the switch. You keep me entertained, so it's the least I can do. :)

  10. I envy you with your 20 acres and two black labs! What a great way for your kids to grow up!

    Good to have your blog all cleaned up and in working order!

  11. Oh Teller! This was a scary post, but again, you had me laughing out loud, at my desk, at my office with 4 other people in here thinking I am crazy!

    Happy your blog is better and so happy to see you posting again!

  12. Ha! Welcome to the world of parolee dogs. Ours is only allowed supervised yard visits because of his ability to jump the 5 foot fence to go visiting.

  13. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying! :) Holla!

  14. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

    I'm so glad bro is okay, that's freaky!
    I can't believe you have two dogs. Think of the black hair!?
    Who cares, you have four kids. There's a certain freedom in that right? what's the point of having four kids if you can't have a few black dogs in the mix?

    Sadly, I recently gave my family's dog away. She was a small terrier. we had her for 10 years. She was getting old. she nipped when you tried to leave, she pooped in the playground, she peed in weird places (LIKE THE HOUSE), she was getting chased with plastic hangers, she was barking all the time, she was getting picked up and slammed, WWF style. She was getting ooooold and abused and I gave her to a family with girls who want to brush her hair and have tea parties with her. She's much happier, I'm much happier, but the next morning the 4 year old came into our room and asked for a big dog that plays fetch (Snickers was above fetch). Great. I did not foresee this.
    So, I'm a little nervous.

  15. Love Tank and Miley!! Nice choice for an active family with so much land! We love our labby even if she takes up the entire bed at night:) So about these rabbits? I was considering a bunny for my 3 year old. Then I read they need a minimum of 3-4 hrs of supervised out of cage play every day.. I have no time for such things! Are they really that much work?Also are you suggesting it's unacceptable to wear my north face here in NC? Lol! I used to rock it out with flip flops in FL too. I must know these things. Happy Lumberjack did not get shot by your neighbor!

  16. Oh, how I've missed your adventures! Thanks for the laughs, Teller! In order to buy a little time to read this, I told my 4-year-old son I had something funny to read him (aka I wanted to read your blog before I had to do whatever it is he wants me to do). I laughed repeatedly. He stated afterward, "That wasn't funny. I didn't laugh at all. My face was like this [very serious] the whole time." That really got me laughing! I'm glad your blog isn't written for his liking because then I wouldn't enjoy it a much.

  17. Oh Taylor, do you ever think God must allow these "adventures" to happen to you simply so that you can re-tell the story on your blog and make the rest of us cry from laughing so hard? Kinda warped sense of humor/theology...but it works for me ;-)

    congrats on the beautiful new dogs. It makes me miss my old black lab.

    You now will need a new vacuum cleaner...I'm just sayin'....Tell Lumberjack that he gets two dogs, you get a Dyson.

  18. No, the bunnies are not that much work. We don't do the supervised play though. :) If we had one bunny, we might.

  19. Congratulations on the dogs! Labs are great family dogs, and just think, if you ever get a "bro" in a black hoodie walking your property at night with a flashlight, you don't even have to call LJ to point his can just sic the dogs on him ;)

  20. Aha! I was wondering about the random naughty site that came out of nowhere. Thanks for clearing that up because it freaked me out a little bit. Two dogs? Whoa. I can't wait to ask the boys about them. :) I loved this post. HIL-AR-IOUS!! I can see you writing a book or maybe having a TV show called "The Adventures of Bro & Teller." 4 kids, 2 dogs, 50 rabbits, and 20 acres of rural madness sounds like my kind of show. If you added some singing and dancing, then it could be a homeschool version of Glee. :)

  21. Oh, I'm so glad you adopted older dogs! They are sometimes the hardest to place in a good home! I love, love, love labs! Although I have boston terriers...but that is because my yard is small...and Labs need a big yard! My dad's lab comes to visit me when dad travels. And Buddy loves to chase the cats right up the trees! Where they stay for about half a day then they come back down and love all over Buddy which kinda embarrasses him. There is nothing funnier than walking outside to see Buddy's big ole butt sticking outside a bush in the back yard with his tail wagging - his head and shoulders are shoved into that bush just watching the cat hiding back there! Buddy has never tried to hurt one of the cats, just likes to tease them. I hope your rabbits are safe until the dogs get used to them!

  22. Well I'm sure there are many who don't get this but I get it. They're so cute! And two dogs for some reason seem to get into less trouble than one left to its own devices. We are on a list for a puppy (a different kind of crazy) for sometime after May. Plus kids with 20 acres definitely need dogs!! Enjoy : )
