Friday, February 24, 2012

Mar-FA Speaks

Last time we chatted, Little Dude wasn't a bit sick.  This has changed and the poor chap is weak and weary.  You know how I know he is sick?

Because he is TAKING A NAP IN WHICH SLEEPING IS INVOLVED.  I'm really quite worried.  A trip to the ER might be in order.

Let us discuss the dogs.  Tank and Miley, if you will.

sp dm tank miley
They feel they belong to the girls and only the girls.  The other night, the girls were in their room with the door closed.  The dogs were in the depths of despair, standing forlorn outside their door, just staring at it.

Tank is especially protective of his girls.  If David goes to load the fire late at night, which is near the girls' room, out comes Tank, struttin' his stuff, barking at the obvious intruder.

If I go to the bathroom( which happens, oh, 4.2 million times in the middle of the night because I have had four children and that's that),  up the stairs comes Mr. Ferocious to inform me that I am also an intruder.

If the lights are off, Tank barks.

If a rabbit breathes, Tank barks.

If a leaf falls, Tank barks.

If nothing happens, Tank barks.

If, however, a rabbit is loose, Tank goes back to sleep.  Tank is too lazy to actually be a dog.  He just enjoys feigning to be one.

Tank has gas.  It is getting to be a problem.  I spend all my time near him with my shirt covering my face.  And, as Erin cleverly mentioned, he should be called Gas Tank.  Let us all share a giggle because Erin is punny.  And we love her, yes we do.

So, there you go.  The Dog Update.  Let's move on.

Last night, I decided to read the Bible to the kids.  The girls had been doing a lesson earlier on John 11, which is the story of Lazarus, so I decided to read that story.

As I was reading, I come to the names "Mary" and "Martha."

HD (bewildered): Mar-FA?

Me:  Yes.  Martha.

HD:  Oh!  Mar-FA!  Like that talking dog!

Me:  Huh?

Sweet Pea:  It's a TV show, Mom.

So that was humorous.  We went on with the story and it named Thomas, the disciple.

HD:  Thomas??

Me:  Yes.  Thomas.

HD:  Oh!  THOMAS!  Like that nice, blue train!

In completely unrelated news, I am pondering whether or not it would be beneficial to keep the boy back from kindergarten next year.

Because, yikes.

Happy Friday!


  1. Oh dear. Your life is full of such....interesting things. I hope you have a lovely weekend! We are supposed to get some snow! That means you can send the kids out to play in it! With the stinky dogs!

  2. Oh, I can so relate to all your posts. I currently have sick kids in the house. Our outside black lab is happily watch me bake in the kitchen, and yes, she sure is a protective thing! I LOVE Gas Tank...too too funny!
    Hope you don't have to go to the ER! Have a good weekend, and hopefully you are all on the mend.

  3. Maybe it's his food? Did you switch it when you got him? If not, maybe you need to. Ask at the pet store - I'm sure they'll recommend something pricey.

    BTW, just to be clear, I'm talking about Tank here - not Little Dude.

  4. I am watching Mar-Fa speaks while reading this!
    We had a boxer while growing up and he had really bad gas. Most of the pictures I have from one of my slumber parties are of my poor friends with their shirts over their noses. I'm not sure why they still came over. Anyway, we gave him gas pills for dogs. It didn't help him much, but maybe it would help Gas Tank.

  5. The fact that she has a dog that doesn't toot, that is...

    Although dog toots are annoying too. But misery loves company and all of that.

  6. Some dogs are just gasey bombs waiting to explode. At least that's my determination. However, my sister has a dog that she has never known to toot.

    And yes, I find that quite annoying.

  7. Try a dog food for sensitive doggie tummies. One of my bostons had gas all the time and I changed his wet food to something labeled "healthy digestion" and whaaallaa less gas...still a few toots but nothing stinky!! Love the dogs and so glad you adopted them. They will protect the kids and in time stop barking so much. They are in a new environment and with time they will settle down! Don't give up on them!!

  8. I just love reading your blog! It's always a delight when I see a new post in my inbox. That my dear, is saying something, because I subscribed to like 89 thousand blogs, and then promptly unsubscribed to all 'cept one, because somehow receiving their daily posts made me feel like never reading their blog again. Not you sister... you've outlasted them all. Congrats. I'm fresh out of gold star stickers, but you can have a colorful smiley face. I love that you live in Ruralville, because I live in Retirement Community, which must be the next town over in the wilderness of The Middle of Nowhere. Stop by for coffee anytime. You can even bring your dogs, because we have a fenced yard. ;)

  9. Tank's problem could be food related. Ask your vet for some advice because certain foods are better than others in this department. Also, exercise is supposed to help with this little problem and you say he's a slug so that probably contributes too.

    Stay well and enjoy your weekend!

  10. I am thinking Tank is male, and that pretty much sums up all of his "behaviors".

  11. Yep, I agree. My girl dog RARELY passes gas that is noticeable. The male dog visiting us right now passes gas ALL THE TIME! Disgusting.

  12. This totally fixed my dog's gas issues, and it is way easier than trying to make sure you're getting all the nutrition your dogs needs in home made food!

  13. Perhaps digestive enzymes or yogurt? Clearly his intestinal flora are not very friendly.

  14. If it makes you feel any better, this is a convo I overheard between my 17 and nearly 20 year old daughters a couple days ago... Girl 1: "She named her son Jericho?" Girl 2: "Yes, I think it's from the bible." (mind you I home-schooled her for 12 years and she took Bible every one of those years.) Girl 1: "Is it the name of a profit?" Girl 2: "No, I think it was one of Abraham's sons." Me: (not able to take it anymore) "It was the city Joshua marched around until the wall fell." Girl 2: "Ahhhh, yes, the one with the french peas and purple slushies!" Girl 1: "Is that the one where Larry sang the hairbrush song?" Me: .... (speechless)... Yep, the veggie tales are their best source of biblical reference...

  15. Any kid who likes letters that much is probably ready for Kindergarten. I had a dog once a billion years ago, it had intestinal challenges also. I was told to feed it lamb and rice. It actually worked, but I couldn't reconcile cooking for a dog. Good Luck!

  16. I am sorry to say, and please still be my friend, this is another reason why I could not have a dog.
    I can appreciate the loyalty/protective factor though!
    Hope you are all well going into this week!!

  17. I was waaaay off what I thought the post was going to be about when I read the title! My hubs called his maternal g'father "mar-fa" (although I'm pretty sure it's not spelled that way) for mother's father.
    Funny how you get something in your mind!
