Sunday, February 5, 2012

This and That and Pinterest.

David and I started to watch the Superbowl . . . simply because society insists that we do.  Yet, neither of us care all that much.  All I could think about was how much I wanted pizza.  Would you believe that there are no pizza delivery options for Ruralville?  And I am out of mozzarella?  And what is homemade pizza without mozzarella?  I ask you?

Imagine my excitement when David fell asleep during the game.  He was twitching and everything.


I quickly changed the channel.  But then I got bored so now I am blogging.  I have completely lost my mind.  Homeschooling has taken over every thought and I have been a pretty bad blogger-type-person all around.   So, I apologize for not blogging lately, but nothing all too exciting has been happening.

Here's a list.  Of all the non-existent things going on.  You're welcome.

1)  David spotted an eagle today in our very own backyard.

eagle on property 2012
An exciting moment, if there ever were one.

2.  I CALLED THE DENTIST and made the appointment to have my gums fixed so my teeth don't plumb fall out.  Because I am 30 now, and these are the things that must happen.

3.  We got the "estimated" bill for the ER visit.  I shall have this day for mourning.

4.  With the help of my sister-in-law, Lisa, I made four of these soap pumps for mason jars.

mason jar soap pumps
Don't pretend you aren't jealous.  I think I am going to fill it with dish soap.  Brilliant!  And yes, I should have one of those "design/decorating/loveliness" type blogs, don't you think?

Yes, those are all my babies in the background.

15 months apart kids
And yes, I just took a picture of a picture.  Deal with it.

Fun fact:  The girls are 15 months apart and the boys are 15 months apart and both pictures were taken when they were  about 17 months and 2 months old each.  And don't you love it when parents talk in "months?"  Like if I say my 42 month old had a pee-pee accident, it sounds so much more acceptable than if I say my 3 1/2 year old had a pee-pee accident?  Yes?  No?

5.  I have made two batches of the crockpot yogurt.  And here are my thoughts on that:

Just buy yogurt.

That is all I can think of to update you on.  Riveting wasn't it?  So, let's talk about Pinterest.   If you are looking at the computer, muttering to yourself,

"What is this Pinterest I keep hearing about?"

Then leave this blog post haste by clicking on this link and go check it out.  It is fantabulous.  Here are some ideas I would like to try.

Awesomeness.  And I could even put one of my handy dandy aforementioned soap pumps atop one of those lovely jars.

mason jar soap pumps

I am pretty sure I'll be the envy of all of Ruralville.

I really want to make this:

And when I say "I", of course I mean "I hope I can coerce my husband into basically doing this entire project for me."

I would also like to make this:

Because I certainly have five hours to make "book page rosettes."

I am pretty sure you all expected a little weirdness from me, so yes, I am planning on making my own liquid hand soap to go in my enviable mason jar soap pumps.  Because these are the things I do now.

Alright.  I better get to fixin' supper.

Wish it was pizza.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Your mason jar pump looks prettier than mine :( ...Maybe I need to paint the lid and the pumpy part too.

    I am watching High School Musical 2...Why...ummm because it is NOT the super bowl and I suspected it would put my 42month old to sleep (it did)

    SO now I am going to go back and finish watching it and make pretty pictures in my blessings book that I have ignored for the past 3 weeks...oops.

    Enjoy your quiet night to yourself.


  2. I spray painted the whole thing-looks pretty good. We shall see how well it holds up . . .
    42 months old-why just a baby still! :) ha! :)

  3. Is it my imagination, or have I been detecting a little note of sadness in your posts lately? (seriously)

  4. I'm ok. Just a bit overwhelmed and unorganized. Trying to come up with a better plan so I don't go crazy :)

  5. You have to pick up those Costco pizzas on sale and put them inthe freezer! We had to have that for dinner when someone...ahem...forgot to plug in the crockpot before we left for church this morning. Oops! The refried beans will be done in time to go to bead. Sigh. I'll let them cool on the back deck....since those are the methods we employ in these rural parts. ;)

  6. I think you have a smallish mason jar obsession. Should I worry?

  7. I should stock up on pizza . . . but I love it sooo much that I fear I would gain many pounds. :)

  8. David is an electrician! You should have awesome lighting throughout your house! He could make that mason-jar thing in MINUTES. Probably he will get so excited about it, he will want his own Pinterest account.

    You know. Or not.

  9. Love the mason jar soap deals! Wish I were as talented as you. No wonder you haven't had time to blog. You've been getting all handsome on crafts! That right there can make me feel unorganized and discombobulated. I keep telling myself that one of these days - like in 25 years - I WILL be that Woman!

    I just stocked up on 4 Costco pizza's. PERFECT Sunday evening no-cook meal!

    One day at a time! Lord, give us what we need for Monday!

  10. Pardon me. I have successfully potty-trained three other children. I'm not hiding a child.

  11. So, does it sound more acceptable to say that my 43-month-old is still in diapers and breaks into wailing and sobbing when I try to get him to go pee-pee on the potty? And that he will hold it in for hours, sit on the toilet for a half hour, and still refuse to empty his bladder until he's wearing his diaper and pajamas? Or that his 502-month-old mother has despaired of figuring it out after successfully potty training four other children and is on the verge of not caring?

    Or is that too much information?

  12. I love the pictures of the girls and boys like that!

    Maybe you could skip homeschooling and just have the kids do pinterest projects... Would making book page rosettes count as reading?

  13. Maybe he would even start his own "DIY-Decorating" blog?

    The sky's the limit ;)

  14. I applaud your use of the "handsome" phrase. Well done! :)
    The pumps were not hard. Lisa, my sis in law, drilled a hole in the top of the mason jar lid. I hot-glued the lid and rim together and I also hot-glued the pump to the lid, after it was inserted. Then I put two coats of black spray paint over the entire thing. I just reused old pumps from store bought soap bottles. Easy peasy!

  15. I submit that, yes, it would count as reading. :)

  16. I would just like to take a moment to point out that while:
    A) Your house looks like it all came out of Pinterest
    B) Your recipes are better than mine
    C) You can sew
    D) You have a awesome school room
    E) You are generally lovelier and more aesthetically pleasing than I in all areas of life

    I have successfully potty-trained FOUR children, while you have only trained THREE.
    Game on.

  17. I loved reading the comments and replies as much as I enjoyed the post!! "Game on." You are awesome, Taylor, wee awesome.

  18. I'm jealous that you saw an Eagle. I'm always on the lookout for one out here in the countryside. The last one I saw was at my daughters in DC. It flew directly over our car as we drove down the middle of Georgetown on a Friday afternoon. It was so crazy.

    I'm glad you're going to buy your yogurt. : )

  19. So who is your periodontist? I'm about to go in for round three of grafts. Yippee!

  20. Love the mason jar/soap dispenser thing. Where, I say, oh where, would one get the lid that fits a mason jar with a pump on it? See, I am not pinterest worthy at all. No crafty type genes in my entire body. How did I grow up with a mother who could sew up lovely dresses without a pattern? Another one of the mysteries of the ages.

    Repeat after me...all yogurt must come with foil lid...all yogurt must come with foil lid.

  21. I find it acceptable to tell your child's age in months until 2. After that it gets too hard to figure out the math of how old the kid is (or is that just me?) I also only find it acceptable to tell your childs age in weeks until 12 weeks. I had a friend that counted the age in weeks until here daughter was almost a year!

  22. I saw your fb mention about changing the channel last night and I was indeed quite jealous. I had to feign interest in the whole, entire game.

    I like your soap pump!

  23. I have to say I chuckled out loud when you said "just buy yogurt." I feel the same way about things that I have made too. Sometimes its worth the effort and sometimes it's not.

    I will also say that I am addicted to Pintrest too. One more computer addiction. What can it hurt? Keeping the house clean, the kids fed, and some other chores.....

  24. PS - If you send the kids to school, just think of all the school interactions that you will get to blog about!

  25. I, too, have a most awesome blog- inspired masonjarsoapdispenser! (pre-pinterest)If I hadn't deleted my blog, I would have shown you a picture, I went with the brushed nickel spray paint and for the pump I got a regular dollar store soap dispenser and used the pump from it. Redundant, no? And to make the hole I just used the screwdriver/hammer technique.
    Have a great post Super Bowl day!

  26. Ruralville in February. Ugh. Are you taking your vitamin D? Extra iron? This is the doldrums, friend.
    And pizza without mozzarella. Bummer. However, as I am a mostly dairy free person these days, this is how I make mine: brush a Tbs or so olive oil on your crust. Crush a garlic clove or 3, try to spread it around evenly. Top with whatever. But I like very thinly sliced onion and tomato, black olive, maybe some sweet pepper, baby spinach, a little bacon or that yummy apple chicken sausage from costco. If you CALL it pizza, maybe your brain will accept the fallacy...
    Good luck. :-)
    I technically live in town now (I pay for city water - yuck), but there is no pizza place here, either. :(
    I admire all your pinterest ambition. I am looking and pinning, but as yet feel no need to act on any of it. No guilt!

  27. I'm so on board with anything that isn't plastic so holla for the mason jar pump. too bad the pump has to be plastic but we do what we can do. Also holla for re-using an existing pumper so no purchasing of more plastic. Is the liquid hand soap ugly so that you have to paint the jar? Or could you just leave it clear so you can see how much you have left? Anyone with 4 young children and a husband does not need to apologize for being unorganized. Having and seeing an eagle is awesome. Hope you have a great day in Ruralville.

  28. I can't leave my name or your aunt might hate meFebruary 6, 2012 at 6:02 AM

    I have the perfect gift idea for your auntie datenutloaf... Plastic plates, cups, and bowls. Wrapped up in plastic bags.
    Amd maybe some styrofoam on the side.

  29. I like your mason jar obsession. I love the 'just buy the yogurt' comment. It should be the COW. You can nominate yourself right?? Holla! :)

  30. The soap is not ugly! I just think blue jars are pretty!

  31. We are actually having a gorgeous February!

  32. Awesome! I need Pinterest to tell me what to do. ;)

  33. The yogurt was pretty runny . . . Kind of a waste of time

  34. I bet she was the cutest 47week old you ever saw :)

  35. I think I watched, oh, maybe 8 seconds of it . . .

  36. My regular dentist is doing it . . . I guess?

  37. Was the homemade stuff weirding you out a bit ;)

  38. No, you, Christina, are wee awesome :)

  39. I am REALLY not crafty at all, but I am surprised at how many easy things there are to do on Pinterest.

    I just used an old pint jar that I used for jam. It had the rim around it and the lid. I (actually my sis in law, for I don't work drills) drilled a hole in the top, we hot glued the entire lid/rim/pump combo and then spray painted . . . make sense?

  40. I can't leave my name or your aunt might hate meFebruary 6, 2012 at 10:38 AM

    I've been outed

  41. I love your blog. And reading everyone's comments. Thank you, Taylor, and everyone for lightening up my day. I'm sure that was your sole purpose.

  42. I made homemade eggnog one time. Never again. I'm all about homemade, but when something costs MORE to make than to buy, where's the practicality in that?

    Oh, and of course I'm LYING about being "all about homemade" because last night I actually fed my family Banquet frozen pot pies...I think it could perhaps be my lowest point as a nutritional provider in my home.

    My grandma gave me coupons and they were on sale, and I only paid 23 cents for each, so how could I resist???

    If excuses were horses I'd have a whole herd.

  43. Do you have a recipe or method of making dish soap for the sink not the dishwasher, but that too if you have it? It would be helpful to hear about your successes and trials. Thx

  44. And THAT, my friend, is precisely why I refuse to join Pinterest. Because looking at all of those pretty projects that I don't have time to do (and won't for the next 18 years) makes me feel even more dissatisfied with my tiny house and it's lack of pretty things and organization. I used to be all into all those great projects. And then I had 5 kids. And homeschooled. Boo.
