Sunday, February 12, 2012

Hey, Girl.

I am sure you have all been waiting with bated breath to hear whether or not I have, in fact, received a dry-erase board in my new school room.

I have.

My life is now complete.

Fun Fact:  If someone you know and love takes a Sharpie out instead of a dry erase marker and writes all over the new whiteboard . . .


Take a dry-erase marker and write over the Sharpie.  The sharpie will come right off when you erase the marks.

Ask me how I know.

I have this friend.  Let's call her Lani.  Simply for the fact that "Lani" is her actual name.  Lani is a fellow homeschooling mama.  Lani refuses, and I mean refuses to check out The Pinterest.

What Lani does not realize is that The Pinterest will rock her world and upgrade her from Plain Ol' Lani to Lani 2.0.  But I digress.

Lani, without the help of Pinterest, found this hilarious website called Homeschool Ryan Gosling.  And it is, like, the best thing ever.  I kid you not.

Case in Point:

Now if that doesn't make a girl swoon, I don't know what does.

But, wait!  There's more!

Mmmm-hmmm.  That's what I'm talking about.  That blog has a plethora of those "Hey, Girls" that are sure to make any homeschooling mama get a little weak in the knees.

But will Lani ever succumb to temptation and join The Pinterest?  I do not know, dear readers.

But I will keep you abreast of the situation.

Speaking of homeschool and all the wonders it entails, Allison, a fellow homeschooling mom,  gave my blog an award!  You can check it all out here.  Allison is very much with-child and so let us all hope the little baby will decide to come soon and ease her discomforts.


Random Topic Quick Change!


If you are one of the, oh, I don't know two people who have read this blog for awhile, you might remember that I took a 6 year hiatus from the dentist.

Well, David and I finally made it back into the dentist 2 years ago and have been trying to stay up to date.  A year ago, the dentist told me I had a receding gum line and might need a minor procedure to correct it.  He said we would wait until the next appointment and then decide if we needed to take action.  I went back in October and he said that I definitely needed to get a tissue graft done on my gums as soon as possible.

Clearly I was worried because I waited until last Friday to go in and get it taken care of.

I arranged child care for the children and went in to get this taken care of.  When I made the appointment, I asked the receptionist if I would be able to drive and such after the procedure.

Receptionist:  Oh, of course, hon!  This is really minor.  It won't hurt much-you will be just fine.

So, on Friday, I went to get the tissue graft on my gums so that my teeth won't fall out.

Because I firmly believe that just because I may live in Ruralville, does NOT mean I should look like I live in Ruralville.

The son of the dentist who told me I would be needing this procedure was the dentist they scheduled me with.

Dentist:  So . . . do you know what we are going to do today?

Me:  Um . . . kind of?  I think you are just going to graft some tissue onto my gums?

Dentist:  Well, I gotta be honest with you.  This is a pretty big deal.

Me:  Ok?

Dentist:  I mean, you are going to HURT for awhile . . . several weeks.  This is not going to be fun.

Me:  Well . . .

Dentist:  Normally we have you come in for a consult first?  Did we tell you to schedule a consult?

Me:  No.  I was just told to make this appointment.

Dentist:  Ok.  Well maybe I should take some X-Rays and have you watch a DVD.

Me:  Alright.

So they take some X-Rays and set up a DVD.  As I am watching the DVD, some white thing comes across and whacks me in the head.

Like really way bad hard.

I open my eyes and nothing is there.  So, I am holding my throbbing head trying to figure out what happened.


Nurse:  Oh!  Ha!  Did the X-Ray machine come down and hit you in the head?  It does that sometimes!

Me:  Oh!

Nurse:  You ok?

Me:  Yup.


Can we not all agree that was weird?

Dentist comes back in.

Dentist:  I gotta be honest with you.  If you were my wife I would tell you to not do this.

Me:  Ok?

Dentist:  I mean this is going to hurt.  I have about the same amount of recession on my gums and there is no way I am doing this.

Me:  Ok.  Well, I am just doing what you guys told me to do?  They told me I needed to do this or my teeth might eventually, you know, fall out?

Dentist:  Oh, you got awhile before that happens!

Me:  Ok . . .

Dentist:  And if you are going to do this, I would not recommend that I do it.  I would have my dad do it.

Me:  Ok . . .

Dentist:  Looks like you are scheduled for a cleaning in April.  With my dad.  He will probably tell you that you need to do this again.

Me:  Ok?

Dentist:  But I wouldn't if I were you.

So I left with my mouth in the same condition as when I had arrived.

But I am uEber confused.

Will I need a tissue graft in April?  I do not know.

But I will keep you abreast of the situation.


Random Topic Quick Change.

I have puppy fever.

You may ask: "Taylor!  What on earth is puppy fever?!"

Well, dear readers.  It is kind of like baby fever, but with a dog instead.  I really want a cute, little puppy.

But not a puppy like LucyFur.  Do y'all remember LucyFur?  Poor dog.  She was just too wild for us.

I want a GOOD dog.  A dog that won't leave my property, does not need a fence, does not poop in any areas that I walk in or plan to walk in, does not impregnate the neighbor's dog or allow herself to get impregnated by the neighbor's dog, does not jump up on humans, nor chews on anything ever.

Does such a dog exist?

My heart longs for a cute puppy named Norma Jean Riley.  And yes, Norma Jean Riley comes from the Diamond Rio song, a feel-good tune if there ever was one.

The kids have been talking about getting a dog and I am trying not to let on that I really want one, too.  I am just a little uneasy about adding a puppy to our already insane schedule.

Have I told you that homeschooling has caused me to lose my mind?  It's true.

So.  Will we get a puppy?  I know not.

But I will keep you abreast of the situation.

And with that, dear readers, I shall bid you adieu.




  1. And by the way - change dentists.. Ryan Gosling would want you to.

  2. Ha ha!! Love this post! And I am one of the original readers of your blog, and proud of it. But I must say I am not as thrilled with the idea that you are keeping three of my breasts.....

  3. Sounds like you need a stuffed dog. And I'm curious if you incurred a bill for the medical procedure that turned out not to be a medical procedure? My daughter had that done. And will need it again. It was not fun for her but it wasn't terrible. But she is 19 and not homeschooling 4 children, raising rabbits in Ruralville and pining for a puppy.... :) well, she might want a puppy but I think the others are out of the question at least for now.

  4. I think the fates are telling you to get a different dentist. EEEEK!

  5. Taylor- This post brings me great joy, infact this is my favorite post to date. In other news, changes dentists asap, and text me your current dentists name so I NEVER go to him. You should use Zac Brumbach; he's a fantastic dentist, and he will help you keep your teeth. David may need to bump up your dentistry allowance, as I am thinking that you need to see someone off the "Res".

  6. I have the same gum thing.. I have been putting it off for years now. I was hoping you would have the work done first. Lol. Pave the way and let me know how much it hurts. Aww you so need a puppy. We have a lab and golden so I am of course a big fan of both breeds. Spaniels are awesome mid-sized dogs. Don't get a yappy little dog.

  7. You are just too funny. My husband had that dental surgery done in his thirties, it was not fun. Definitely. Get an already grown dog, maybe? I'm glad we are breast friends. Ryan Gosling sigh. :) Holla!

  8. Based upon the above conversation, I'm pretty sure I know which dentist in town you go to. I used to go to them too. Until I switched dentists. Because they pulled one of Jarrod's teeth out because they said it was cracked... but then after they pulled it out, they discovered it wasn't cracked. It was a perfectly fine tooth.... that we paid to have them pull out for no good reason. And now Jarrod has a hole in the back of his mouth. He should move to Ruralville too. Hardy har har ;)

  9. My Aunt had that same gum situation, and her dentist told her to brush her teeth at night with a very soft dry brush (no toothpaste). I have very clear memories of her sitting on the couch, gossping about family whilst brushing her teeth. It worked like a charm - she never had any other tooth-related issues again.

    So there you go.

    I have a very firm "no pet" policy. I got enough trouble keeping all the humans alive around here.

  10. I LOVE YOU!
    I have perused the Handmade Ryan Gosling site (which makes me laugh, of course, since I make stuff and have an Etsy shop). I had no idea that Homeschool Ryan Gosling existed. Pardon my sudden exit, but I really need a good laugh today...

  11. I have a good dentist. Move to Alaska, and you can visit him ;-) .

    As for "The pinterest" and "the facebook"...Lani and I can be in a club, for I am the last remaining person in America to hold out and refuse to join either. They are the devil, I am sure. ;-P

    Skip the puppy stage. Go straight to medium aged doggy. I suggest 2 yrs old-ish. Our last two doggie adoptions have been older dogs. No house breaking. No teething. Only a tiny bit of running away (by the lab...but she always comes back). I will NEVER on purpose get a puppy again. Besides, when you "rescue" a dog...for some reason, they are just so incredibly loyal. At least, my girls are.

  12. I always knew there was something unique about you.

  13. Just some thoughts on the receding gum procedure, my husband and I have a very good friend who had the same problem. He had the procedure and was in the worst pain he'd ever had. He regretted having it done and said if he knew what was involved, he never would have had it done.

    Just a fair warning.... :) I'm sure your teeth are lovely. But worse case scenerio, dentures can look very realistic ;)

  14. Oh, Taylor! That dentist scenario was uber-unprofessional! I had tissue grafting done this past December and it was NOT bad and I had an AWESOME periodontist and they were super sweet to scaredy-cat me and I might have to have another one done and I'm not even scared anymore. It WAS surgery. They did put me under but I took the pain meds as prescribed and had no pain aterwards. I DID have to have someone drive me home and I did feel that it was necessary because it was exposing roots (or insert some other appropriate dental term they used here) and was leading to damage of my teeth. You need the name of my periodontist!

  15. I saw a cute dog on The Pinterest the other day, golden retriever look but stays the sized of a cocker spaniel. Interesting? Maybe. It was called a golden cocker retriever.

  16. A few things Taylor dear.
    1) allow me to be the voice of reason. You do not need a dog. You should not get a dog.
    Did you know the average cost of dog ownership is between $700-$3000 dollars every year?
    Don't tell me you cant put a price on a pet. You can, and it's between $700 and $3000 dollars a year.
    also, it's one more thing to care for in your already busy life.

    2) you have reaffirmed my fears that the dentist does indeed tell me that I need work done that I don't really need. I've always been distrustful of dentists. I would especially be distrustful of one who whacks me in the head with equipment.

  17. Hey girl. Do not let that dentist operate. I know it's not the same as Ryan saying it but trust me on this one. My daughter just had this procedure done back in November on four lower teeth. You need to visit a periodontist as opposed to a regular ole dentist. They are the gum experts. It was surgery ( as in she was given that twilight sleep) and the recovery process is kind of a big deal. You cannot bite into anything for 8 weeks. You can't brush the affected teeth for about a month until the graft sets. She had a soft diet for 2 weeks and still struggled with eating certain things for the full 2 month after. Lots of stuff. They watched hers for about 2 years before going ahead mostly BECAUSE of her age. If she were 50 it might not have been so worrisome but receding gums at a young age is def something to keep an eye on.

    Sorry for the long comment!

  18. for the love of ryan gosling CHANGE DENTIST! at the very least, get a second opinion (and NOT from the same office!)

    see if your local shelter will let you foster a puppy...then you can decide if you want a puppy or just continue fostering puppies...or decide "what the heck was i thinking?"!

  19. Does it have to be a puppy? Could it not be a wee bit older than a puppy dog, as in fully trained and everything, that is stuck at the pound and needs a home lest it meet an awful fate?

  20. One more vote for "new dentist already". These are the people who cannot say/spell your name correctly. Who cannot tell the gender of your third child. Now we are adding conflicting professional opinions within the office, and physical abuse by the trained staff. Is LJ's insurance really that restrictive? GET A NEW REFERRAL. That's all I have to say about that.
    Also voting for Middle Age Dog. "Cute little puppy" does grow very quickly and the cuteness is not equal to the havoc and destruction that fall in its wake. Seriously. Ask me how I know. ;-)

    Thanks for the dry erase/sharpie tip. It's a good one!

  21. I've had the gum surgery twice. It is not fun. You need to find a new dentist - that one sounded like a real jerk! I have found that when brushing my teeth I've started concentrating on the gum lines - top, bottom, front and back!! And since I spend so much time brushing my gums my check ups have been great. On the dog situation - Find an adult dog that needs a home. Many older dogs in the shelters are great dogs that have lost their owners (either the owners died and the kids could not take the dogs or the dogs got out of the yard). Puppies need alot of attention and training and it doesn't sound like you have the time to devote to a puppy... I hope Lucy went to a good home - I guess I missed reading about her being gone.

  22. Borrow someone elses puppy/dog for a day or two to keep and take care of , then decide if you want a puppy.
    I think you won't want one after trying it out....with everything else you have and no the kids won't take it out to poop/pee nor will they feed it ,nor clean up it's vomit or accidents in the house....that will be on know this.
    If you do I would recommend an older already trained already housbroken sedate elderly dog that loves kids....they will love it.
    Also, follow the young dentists lead........goodnight , if he wouldn't recommend HIS wife nor himself to do it why in the world would you do it?
    Everyone has some gum comes with age and it progresses very slowly. You are fine, you are beautiful.
    I are beautiful. Embrace it. Love your wonderful life.

  23. Sounds like the first dentist you saw was a little old school in his practice. I respect the son for telling you that it isn't really necessary at this point, and even admitting that he doesn't have the experience like his father does with the proceedure.

    But aside from that, some dental tech just whacked you in the head with as X-Ray machine! What in the blue blazes is that about? ??

    And again I must say, DRY ERASE CRAYONS! : )

  24. It's true- gum grafts are terribly painful. Both my mom and sister have had to have them and both had unkind remarks about the dentist and in fact the whole field of dentistry afterwards.

    A second opinion is in order.

  25. Hi five on the no Pinterest thing! (Although, I will admit that I am a member of Facebook...)

  26. Yet another vote for "Change dentist."
    Yet another vote for "Adopt an older dog."

    And yet another member of the "Not Pinterest-ing" club.


  27. Rachel in Superior, WIFebruary 13, 2012 at 5:51 AM

    This is probably in the realm of too-much-information, but I had to run to the bathroom in the midst of reading this post in order to prevent peeing my pants. Right about the part where you got knocked on the head and couldn't figure out by what. Thank you - I needed the laugh today!

  28. Rachel in Superior, WIFebruary 13, 2012 at 5:52 AM

    Oh yes, and if this is the same dentist who thinks one of your dudes is a girl, I'd be moving right on to someone new....

  29. Will u pls wait wait wait till I get there and can assess your gums otherwise known as the gingiva. It would take too long to expain online.

  30. As a nurse I feel compelled to say that it was not a nurse that was in the dentist's office, but a dental hygienist. At least I think so...

    I've been wrong before.

    You will be getting a puppy. I find that once one starts thinking on puppies, they simply can't say no. And hence they get a puppy. But I recommend an OUTSIDE puppy.

    But that's just me.

    This post was uEber entertaining, by the way.

  31. Don't get a puppy. Get an adult dog. Dogs can learn new names very easily. If you look long enough you can find the right adult dog that fits most of your requirements!!

    Yeah, and I'd change dentists as well...there's obviously a power play going on there!

  32. o.O
    I am never going to the dentist again.
    Okay, I probably will one day.
    But I've been avoiding him lately already because my wisdom tooth is starting to poke through the gums and he'll want to yank it before it comes all the way up. Despite the fact that he told me I have small teeth so there is plenty of room for it and that it's coming up straight... too much pressure to have it pulled "Just in case" so I'm waiting til it's up haha.
