Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Day.

I woke up this morning at 5:30am.  This is early for me, but I have been praying that God will help me learn how to fit more into my day, so I took it as a big, fat sign.  I got up, drank a cup of coffee and watched my husband rush out the door.

Fun Fact:  My husband is always running late.

Funner Fact:  But he just thinks he is late.  Late to him is 15 minutes before work starts.

Most Funnest Fact of All:  I am truly late for everything.  For reals.  Or realz.  Whichever you prefer.

The kids don't wake up until 7am, so I was excited to get some stuff done.

At 6am, I decided that I would *gasp* exercise.  I KNOW!  Look at me and my health-conscious self!  I could hardly believe it myself.

At 6:02 the dudes came upstairs.  They were starving for silly-roll, which is actually cereal.  You have to be on your toes around here.  This was uber convenient and somehow, the making of silly-roll, delayed my awesome workout until 6:47am.  But what can you do?

So, I workout, feel discouraged that I don't have abs of steel from 30 minutes of mild to moderate exercise, take a shower, and get ready to tackle the day.  I am feeling quite spunky and together and decide to wash the bedding from all the beds in the house.

Five sets of bedding all before naptime?

Bring it.

As I am beginning the bedding, I am also beginning the education of the children.  I'm a multitasker and and a darn good one.  As this post will aptly illustrate.

While I am starting the education, I am getting emails about our vacation rental.  I'm sorry!  Are you new here?  Did you not know I have another house?  Another wretched house that we have deal with because we apparently have all the time in the world?  The thing about the vacation rental biz, is you kind of have to be, oh what's the word . . . professional.  And punctual.  And generally organized.

Fun Fact:  In response to an email about said rental, I signed my name "Taylot."  Because impressing people is what I do best.

I have four different inquiries going on and I am trying my best to keep up with them because we need MONEY, all while realizing that my focus is really needing to be on my girls and their lessons.

So, I am feeling guilty and then the dryer stops, so I must switch out the load, because the bedding won't wash itself, and then I get another email and go back to the lessons all while realizing I have yet to bathe the dudes.

The dudes.  They are difficult.  This we know to be truth.  But take Handsome Dude and his leg of agony, and that takes difficult to a whole nother level.  And why do we say " a whole nother" level?  Since when can you split up the word "another" and stick another one in it?

Or maybe its just me?  Probably.

So, I get the girls started on something-don't ask me what-and begin to inform Handsome Dude that today is the day:

He must shower.

Handsome Dude has not showered since his accident.  Judge me if you'd like, I care not.  You can come and try to deal with him.  The boy has an unhealthy fear of showers.

I realize there is no way I'm going to get this boy into the shower.  So, I decide to call the doctor's office and inquire when the boy can bathe.  But first I have to get online to find the number, because who has phone books anymore?  While I am online, I must respond to stupid rental email.  I call the doctor's office and discuss the wound with a friendly gal who I truly believe has no idea what it is like to deal with a four-year-old-drama-queen-boy.

His leg is not ready for a bath.  I decide that I am the parent (brilliant!) and I am just going to make him shower.

It's a good thing we don't live near people because I am pretty sure Child Protective Services would have been called on me from the screaming that came during that horrific shower episode.

Got the boy cleaned and his wound all fixed up.

Then I began the endless cycle of homeschool/laundry/rental emails for the entire day.  It is now 5pm and I feel like I have not gotten anything done.

I remember when I first stayed at home with Sweet Pea, the days would drag on and on.  I would look at the clock.

"Two o'clock.  This day is taking forever . . . "

Today, I looked at the clock while reading with Daisy Mae.

"What time is it?  Does that say 2:07 or 2:27?  Oh please say 2:07!  We still need to do science before the boys wake up."

There is just not enough time in the day.  And yes.  We do science.  What did you think?  I answered emails and did laundry all day instead of school?

I need help.  Clearly.

Anyways.  I must sign off.  There is a slab of raw elk flesh that I must form into burger patties for our supper tonight.

Please.  Try to contain your understandable jealousy.

Later, dudes.

PS-Rest assured.  I will be eating a black bean burger.

PPS-Does anyone want to buy my house?  Either one.  I don't care.

PPPS-Yes.  You might recall that I have a freezer full of freezer meals.

PPPPS- The secret to freezer meals is remembering to actually pull out the meals the day before.

PPPPPS- Guess what I never remember to do?


  1. you need help girl! as in maid/nanny help...not mental help...although...

  2. Quick--go get a freezer meal out now!!!!

  3. I need to pray about getting up earlier, for sure. That's a good idea. I am NOT a morning person.

    Um... I bake casseroles from frozen. They just need to stay covered, and cook for longer. Of course, if you freeze them in glass casserole pans, they might crack, so I would suggest using disposable pans too--also, those don't need to be cleaned. :-)

    I maintain that you need a maid for that vacation rental. You should really at least price it out, in all your spare time. And then present your findings to your husband with a statement along the lines of "we can hire a housekeeper for the rental, or you can sleep with your eyes open because I will cut you." You know, perfectly reasonable.


  4. taylot, how was the elk flash?

  5. The immortal words of Michael "Hutch" Hutchinson, my son's high school band teacher, regarding timeliness:

    To be early is to be on time;
    To be on time is to be late;
    To be late is to be sorry.

    Those kids learned how to be early! My son graduated in 2005, and we still remember that saying well around this house! We also saw it in action at a cooking school class that started promptly at 6:30. Most of us where there early and got the prime seats. The people who arrived at 6:30 got stuck in the back and created quite a scene. I don't guess I'll ever forget that. And their shock at the fact that walking in exactly at the starting time was such an issue. (We had paid over $60.00 a head for this class. The man can cook, and we were H.U.N.G.R.Y.) We just wanted them to shut up, sit down, and let the cooking - hence FEEDING - commence. :D

  6. This is my nomination for Comment Of The Week ;-)

  7. Yes. Let us all chuckle at my spelling error. Go ahead.

    And, it was nasty.

  8. I have to to stop reading your posts when I need to be quiet!

  9. I never know what to say when I get to the end of your posts except I think that you have superpowers.
    I hate when the kids (read: Eliana) scream when I am doing something that is not hurting them at all, but actually beneficial. Eliana did this in a hotel just last week. I was trying to wash her hands after she went to the bathroom. I was really and truly worried that someone would come knocking on the door and make us give her up because we were beating her or breaking her arms or something awful. In such an instance you might indeed be glad to be in Ruralville.

  10. Hi! So, not that you would know it, but I still faithfully read your blog every single day because I need the laugh lately. :) And you provide it. Without fail. However, I always read it when it is sent to my email and then I am uber (or ueber, whatev you say) lazy and never leave a comment. And it's been, like, months, and all I have to say is "I'm sorry!" No really, I am. How rude of me. But this post really made me chuckle and I realized I needed to be a responsible reader(not just a lurker) and leave a comment. So I did. Okay then. I'll go now. Bye- bye.

  11. Have your uber talented skilled husband swap out the shower head for a detachable nozzle. You'll never get that boy out of the shower. Kids love it. Well, at least all the grandkids around here do. We can't use the bathtub anymore since I saw a show on testing them for lead, and guess what? Yes, our's has lead in it. It's going to be a major remodel replacing it. Does your fancy phone have a calendar reminder thing buzzer on it for to tell you to take food out of the freezer because who can remember such a thing?

  12. You so described my life when my children were little! At that stage, just promise yourself that someday, when the kids are a little more independent, you will get the bedding washed. : )

    Now I have two adult children and four teenage children. And no, those are not contradictions in terms. No I spend time on cellphones and texting, trying to iron out differences and solve problems that aren't always that much different than things like "stop arguing" or "leave your brother alone".

    Why doesn't anyone warn people about this before they procreate in the first place?!?

  13. Line your casserole pan with aluminum foil, put in casserole ingredients. Freeze, remove frozen casserole from pan and make sure fully covered. This way its already in the shape of the pan you wanna cook it in but your not wasting your pans by having them in the freezer. When your ready to eat said casserole just slip it back into the same pan you originally used to freeze it.

  14. You're right, it's absurd to insert the word "whole" into the word "another" and yet everyone does it. Including me.

    On the other hand, it's perfectly okay to insert the synonym "entire" into the word to say "An entire other"...

  15. Haha! What a brilliant post. Time sure flies when you're having fun, no?

  16. Yep! Bake them casseroles, soups, what-have-you from frozen. My whole life pretty much goes from frozen to cooked, even in the crock pot. I N.E.V.E.R remember to plan dinner the day before so each morning I panic and pace at rapid speeds around the kitchen, to the freezer, to the barn freezer and back in again until I decide which item (which should have been out from the day before) I should cook that day. My crock pot doesn't really need a low button because I have to hurry everything. I'd swap that button out for extra-high if I could. That would allow me at least a FEW more hours of forgetting. Meals are relentless. They fly at you with reckless abandon through out the day. At least I totally get into eating! Any other job that came so often would be crossed OFF the list for good!

  17. taylot, you're always takin' it 2 an HNL.

  18. I had to laugh about your husband thinking he's late if he's not 15 minutes early--my husband was the same way when he worked. He preferred to arrive 30 minutes before his shift, and panic would set in if it were going to be less than that!

  19. Haven't needed to thaw anything out since I got my first microwave in 1982. Read the instructions and never thaw again.

  20. Taylot- Someone suggested a hand held shower head for HD and I really will fix your shower problems. The spray doesn't hit them in the face and they can control what gets wet (pretty much). If you let them use bath paint to decorate parts to wash,then they can wash it off. Lots of fun, hope it works.
