Friday, January 20, 2012

The Friday Post


bbq in snow
Anyone want to come over for a BBQ?

Ha.  Yes.  That was lame, but this is what you have come to expect from me, is it not?  All the southerners are baffled because:

A)  They don't see Barbecue

B)  They are wondering why I am showing a picture of an outdoor grill.

Do y'all recall my convo with a Tennessean in regards to BBQ?  Yes?  No?

Bimlissa, my dearheart friend, sent me this picture from her general region last week.

melissa's snow day
They had a snow day.


Our school district?

bbq in snow
Had school today.

Let us examine Bimlissa's photo again, shall we?

melissa's snow day
100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can find the snow.

I can find a smudge on Bimlissa's lens.  This brings me great comfort in knowing that I am not the only one who has this sort of thing happen to her.

Apparently Bimlissa is sick today.  So we won't make fun of her photography skills.  Or skillz, whichever you prefer.

So, we got our school work done today and then the kids went outside to play while I worked on some cooking.

kids sledding 2012
Sweet Pea, who is clearly not as hearty as my other children, had already come inside at this point because it was too cold.

Little Dude somehow coerced Daisy Mae into pulling him all around while he took a nap.

kids sledding 2012 2
I think he really fell asleep there.  And no.  He does not have gigantor feet.  He is wearing his big sister's boots.

And yes.  Handsome Dude's glasses are not on him.  This is because the lens popped out, as per the usual custom around here.

I have some links to share with you all.  Put on your party pants!

1)  I am making yogurt.  I KNOW!  Could I get any stranger?  I am starting to worry even myself.  I was chatting with a gal earlier this week who was telling me all about how she makes her own yogurt.  She kept saying horrific things like "raw milk"  and "from my own cow" and "live cultures."  And I was thinking Yoplait was my new bff, all while pretending to have a clue about what she was speaking of.

I didn't.

And I am NOT getting a cow.

But then!  Then I found this recipe for yogurt in the crockpot!  And I said to myself, "Teller, let's face the facts.  You already make your own laundry soap, fabric softener, and cleaning solutions.  You "can" summer bounty.  You bake bread. You grind elk meat whilst wearing a flannel shirt.  You own Carhartt overalls.

taylor carhartts
Go ahead.  Make your own yogurt.  Who are you trying to impress anymore?"

So.  I am making my own yogurt in the crock pot.  With milk I got at the STORE and yogurt with live cultures.

Here is the link.  Go ahead.  Click on it.  Join the dark side.

2)  I am also doing a bit of freezer cooking this afternoon.  I am making clam chowder, which is interesting because I don't eat clams.  I am also making elk taco soup.  This is even more interesting, because I don't eat elk.  And I am making PW cinnamon rolls.

This is fantastic because I will definitely eat cinnamon rolls!  Hence my muffin top.

3)  I found a free little freebie for homeschooling.  Yes.  I homeschool, too.  I told you I was weird.

It's printables for learning hymns and hymn copywork and all that good stuff.  We started the first one today:  All Creatures of Our God and King.

It was enjoyable.

4)  We have some friends who are trying to adopt from Africa.  They are hosting a little Starbucks coffee giveway.  You are entered if you make a $10 donation via PayPal.

If you are interested in supporting them, click here.

Happy Weekend!


  1. Teller! You always make me laugh, and you always bring back memories of my childhood with my 5 brothers and sisters in rural Iowa. So. My little sister makes PW's cinnamon rolls and they are She can't make them often because we would all be about 50 lbs. heavier. They are that good. Have a good weekend!

  2. Raw Milk. : O (That's a picture of me screaming . . .)

    There is only one other word (immunizations) that can start a bigger fight between me and my inlaws. My advice is be very careful (Or very, very quiet) about raw milk consumption. And I mean like Joni-Mitchell-won't-tell-who-she-wrote-You-Are-So-Vain-About quiet. : )

  3. I literally laughed out loud at your comparison of snow pictures. I live very near your dearheart friend (well, I live in East TN...compared to you, I think I live very near her) and we have had 2 days out of school for snow this year so far. And both days I still got out and about and ran some errands. Around here the school districts almost call off school if there is a chance of snow. And everyone runs to the store to buy milk and bread and eggs. I guess so we can make french toast? If it was to ever snow here like it does in your neck of the woods...I am pretty sure chaos would ensue. We just don't know how to act when it starts to flurry. And if there is actual snow on the ground, there will be at least 100 serious car accidents because no one knows how to drive in the stuff. But I am sure that my kids would have a ball playing in all that snow!

    And good luck with the yogurt! I am interested to hear how it turns out!

  4. Ooooh, I love it when my internet worlds collide. Crockpot Lady is my faaaave. I've lovingly eyed her yogurt recipe post because my kids love the stuff but it still looks SO involved. Even with the regular milk. Yes, I'm kind of lazy like that. :)

  5. 10 bucks says that a year from now you'll have your very own cow. Or maybe a goat.

  6. Whoa. I've said it before and I'll say it again. As long as you don't start wearing a denim jumper and grow your hair super long and braid it everyday, you are good. A little weird, maybe(I'm just kidding!Geesh!!), but oh, so adventourus!! No offense to the demin jumper, long hair in a braid people, though. Really. I'm just looking out for my friend Taylor. Or Teller. Whatever.

  7. I'll put ten bucks on that, Jesse. There is totally a cow in Teller's future. Poor thing.

  8. Make that yogurt and then go to the store and enjoy your yoplait! Frozen and then microwaved to thaw because it took too long to get soft.
    That has never happened today in our house!

  9. a goat! most definitely it will be a goat! One with no ears! Let her just get weirder and weirder, shall she?

  10. a goat! most definitely it will be a goat! One with no ears! Let her just get weirder and weirder, shall she?

  11. The recipe I used calls for regular milk.

  12. I, too, am looking forward to hearing about your yogurt making. I bought a used yogurt making contraption a long time ago when I was "making Michaela's baby food" (read: reading a book about making Michaela's baby food) and had very good intentions. We all know about good intentions. They pave the way to the grocery store. Or something like that.

  13. I've been making my own yogurt for a while now and I love it. I tried the crockpot a couple of times, but have better luck on the stove. The crockpot yogurt was always runnier than I liked, but when I do it on the stove and pour into mason jars I get a much thicker yogurt. BTW, I just use whole milk from the grocery store, too.

  14. Why are you making your own yogurt? Is it more economical than what you buy or supposedly more healthy? Just curious.

    We woke up to snow today...hope you have a nice weekend!

  15. Don't forget the applesauce. You get bonus points for jumping on the applesauce making wagon.

  16. I have now made yogurt in the crock-pot "thrice" (there's that word) and once . . . . brace yourself . . . with RAW milk! No No No, I didn't go pay $10 a gallon for it AND we most certainly DON'T have a cow. (Although my sports loving husband did grow up the son of a dairy farmer.) A friend gave me a gallon because she does pay the big bucks for it and it was time for her to pick up more and she hadn't used her current stuff up. So. I made yogurt with it and I will say as scary as raw milk sounds, it's a rock star when it comes to yogurt. It gets thicker and in double time, it's more mild in flavor and boasts way more healthy business than pasteurized stuff. (I googled pasteurized milk in my yogurt-making research and became very angry at what the pasteurization process does to the milk and then to us and how expensive the raw milk is and how my delinquent refrigerator doesn't keep milk cold enough anyway let alone RAW milk and became angry in general at the world. So don't google pasteurized milk.) The only problem I've had with store milk is keeping the yogurt going . . . saving a cup and using it for the next batch. It was very runny. I would have had to strain it for three days. I'm pretty sure I didn't use ultra-pasteurized milk so I'm not sure why my next batch didn't "yogurt"? Anyway, I will press on because it's embarrassingly easy YAY for saving money!!

  17. Just to see if I can save money that way. You too!

  18. Mine turned out runny, too. I think because I used 1% instead of whole milk. (David was in charge of shopping . . . what can you do?!) But I blended it with peaches and called it a smoothie. My kids sang my praises, so I guess that's good.

  19. I read these in my email now, and seriously i die laughing, but I'm too rude to comment. Feel free to hate me.
    I just wanted to say you are doing a good job. I know it. Don't forget it.

  20. Anything that makes your kids sing your praises is fantastic and if it was frugal and healthy too, well, you just rate the awesome gold star for the month!

  21. I love raw milk, it is AMAZING...but cows don't do so well in interior Alaska. Pesky creatures like to stay somewhat warm.

    You are several up on me. I have never made fabric detergent or softener, nor have I made yogurt. I have contemplated making my own cheese soon though...

  22. I came over from visitors from you link to my blog - thanks :)
    I so enjoy your sense of humor! Your homestead efficiency is way ahead of me - elk meat? We do our own veld-raised lamb and beef meat. Ostrich meat would be exotic! [smile]
    I am an honest milk-maid, and we make our own butter, yoghurt and cheeses. I do our yoghurt ala "Homestead Blessings" style - in a cooler box with hot water and it works easy-peasy! No need for electricity and the crockpot is available for other good meals.
    Blessings, Nadene

  23. I've looked at that crock pot recipe. Just looked at it. You go, girl!
    I read Practical Pages, too. Hmm.
    I like your flannel and Carhartt overalls.
    I need to find your laundry soap and cleaning stuff recipes so I can pass them on to my daughter who is all into cloth diapering and natural products. It hasn't rubbed off on me yet. Yet.

  24. Oh, and that snow day picture looks very familiar. We homeschool so snow or no snow we have school. But that school district office? Yeah, they know people around here can't drive/walk in the stuff so they hunker down.

    I was looking for a plate of barbeque there. That's a grill in our neck of the woods. ;)

  25. you're so vain = carly simon. how did the chowder work out? i see hd is sitting on his wounded leg, must be healing well?

  26. All yogurt must come with a foil lid, that is somewhere in the yogurt law book. Not that I am feeling somewhat less than domestic or anything.

    And, my world has officially been rocked. PLEASE tell me I have not been under the misconception that Carly Simon wrote "You're So Vain" for all these years. Sigh.

  27. I want to hear more about your bread, laundry and cleaning adventures.
    Or did you already blog about them and I didn't know....

  28. I did blog about them!
    Laundry soap:


    I never blogged about the cleaners. I use lots of ideas from pinterest

  29. My work (which follows the federal gov't) was delayed until 11 yesterday. We hadn't had snow or ice (which was roughly an inch) since Saturday. It was awesome.
