Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Joyous List

Snow has been dumped upon us.  This means that I did not have to chauffeur the children in the deep, deep snow to basketball practice and into the big city for Awana.

It was a wonderful break.  Just what we needed.  Or maybe just what I needed.  Yesterday, I was feeling, oh, I don't know . . . MOODY.  Sorry about that.  It happens.  But the comments from you all encouraged me greatly, and I thank you for that.  I woke up early this morning and prayed that God would just show me . . . show me something . . . anything.

An answer?  An epiphany?  The shortest route to the nearest school?

I don't know exactly what I was looking for.

But I think He gave me exactly what I needed . . . joy.

So, without further ado, I would like to present a list.

Yes.  A Joyful List.  Of blessings in my day.

1)  I woke up early and well-rested.  I had time to visit my husband before he left.

2)  I had coffee and I even sneaked in my favorite chocolate raspberry creamer.

chocolate raspberry creamer
Oh, yes.  I did.  I have almost completely given it up, I'll have you know.  I used to have it twice a day, every day.  Now I might sneak it in thrice a week.  And thrice is a fun word.  Makes me feel snooty.  And I like that quality in a word.

3)  I was able to read my Bible and pray.  And the house was . . . quiet.

4)  I exercised.  Please note that my children have not yet arisen.  This is truly amazing.

5)  I fed my children the leftovers from the HOMEMADE cinnamon swirl bread French toast I made last night.  Have I mentioned I made bread?  From scratch?  With my own two hands?  Yes?  No?

I can say with a great deal of confidence that Handsome Dude actually rose and called me blessed over the dinner last night.

He said, and I quote: "Thanks for the lubbely dinner, Mom!"

He always has been my favorite, you know?

6)  I did school with the girls.  It went well.  No tears were shed, no complaints were made, and I did not throw Daisy Mae out the window when she insisted on writing her 3's and E's and all those cooky things she tends to do from time to time.

We started a new science/social studies program and the girls LOVE it.  They beg, nay plead with me, to do it.

So that's a perk.

7)  I helped with the care of the rabbits.  I don't actually feel joyous about this.  But that's that.

Rabbits.  Not for the faint of heart.

8)  During lunch, I showed the dudes words on the fridge and tried to teach them to sound them out.  Simple words, of course, like "cat" and "map" and "hat."

They did pretty good and actually did blend a few of them!

You know, I totally could have been all bragadocious and told you my boys could read words like "Constantinople" and "Timbuktu" and you would have been none the wiser.

9)  My honesty is to be admired, is it not?

10)  I made playdough with the boys.  They were helpful and cute and we had a wonderful time.

boys play do 2012
This was the absolute best photo they would give me.  Punks.

11)  All my life, I have been hindered in my playdough making ability by my lack of a supply of cream of tartar.

I never have it.  I have bought it before.  Where does it go?

Well, friends.  Brace yourselves.  I have joyous news.  You can make substitute baking soda!  This is life-changing news!  The amounts aren't exactly the same, so check this recipe out before you try it yourself and wow all your friends and loved ones with your awesome homemade BLUE playdough.  You're welcome.

Handsome Dude made me a birthday cake.

hd play do 2012 width="300" />

Then all four children had to sing me the "Happy Birthday" song and I blew out the candles.  Which were actually butter knives.

The astute reader might notice some lovely flowers on yonder table.  This brings me to Joyous Point #12.

12)  I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, have received a bundle of flowers from my husband.  This is exciting news, to be sure, and I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I kinda sorta founded the


13)  He's probably just uber romantic like that.

14)  Did you know it bugs Sister Meagan if I write uber.  Because she went to Germany and got all handsome on their actual language and she believes I need to write uber like this:  ueber.

15)  She is ueber know-it-all-ish for a little sister.

16)  Handsome Dude was singing this song today:

"How Marvelous, how wonderful and my song shall ever be . . . "

He was singing his little heart out.  It was the cutest thing in the entire world.

Me:  Who taught you that song?

HD:  God.

Alrighty then.  His relationship with the Lord is impressive, is it not?

Happy Thursday!


  1. I am so happy that you had such a joyful day!! I think it sounds uber (or ueber, if Meagan wishes) cozy to be snowed in.

  2. We have now had not one, but two snow days!! I fear that we will be going to school until August! Ugh!

  3. Oh, I love that HD was singing that hymn. That just melts my heart.

    I'm glad you were blessed with the gift of a sweet, joyful day.

  4. I'm glad your day was full of joy. I love the hymn HD was of my very favorites.

  5. speed o light rebound

  6. Oh, I am so glad that you had such a joyful day! I read your last post and thought : "she really needs some fun..." Duh. I am awesomely clever like that.
    And I am very sad to have to confirm Meagan's point: I am german, and yes, it is written "ueber". Or rather with an "ü", - I think you cannot read this letter because it is not part of the english-American keyboard; it looks like "u" with two dots on top. Look it up here if you are interested:
    As for pronunciation of "ueber"? Well, you close your lips as if to pronounce "U" and then you close it even further as if you want to whistle (LOL, it's true). Listen here:

  7. Those darn foreign words! I got criticized for sending out an email "mafia style" and using the word 'Capice.' No less than 5 people had to correct my spelling and they were all DIFFERENT!

    Capiche, capishe, Kapice, Capeesh, Capische. I guess I won't be a mobster anytime soon. . . or an italian. I'm über disappointed. :P

  8. People who don't install the International Keyboard shouldn't throw ümlauts, SISTER MEAGAN.

    Or something.

    I don't know.

  9. So glad you had a good day! I have been the "founder" of many of those types of weeks. A friend just sent me a link to a YouTube video called Messy Mondays: Seven Lies about Homeschoolers:

    Very funny!

  10. Your day was marvelous and wonderful, just like the Dude sang! Hooray!

  11. Handsome Dude and I would get along quite well as that is one of my favorite hymns too! Only I'm pretty sure he sounds a tiny winy bit better singing it than I do. Only a hunch.

    So glad to hear your still enjoying your raspberry chocolate! You really need to get an aeropress. Coffee will never be the same for you. You will enter the land of complete coffee snobbers. You'll even be able to put less creamer in it. It's THAT good. You know how out-of-this-world delicious coffee smells? This little wonder machine makes coffee that tastes as close to how it smells than anything I've ever tried. And, let me tell you, I've tried much. Best part ever . . . it's only 25-29 bucks on amazon!

    You can make cream of tartar at home too. I'd share the link, but I know not how to "share links". I'm sure you could google it. That's my answer for most of life. Google it.

    Good to hear you had a happy day!
