Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Job for the Trilldren

It is 11:08pm.  I should not be up.  However, I just watched a riveting episode of The Waltons and now I am wide awake!

Fun Fact:  I have never seen The Waltons before.

Funner Fact:  I kinda liked it.  I am 30 now, you know?  It is to be expected.

My husband fell asleep on the couch during the aforementioned television program.  Does this surprise us?  No.  No, it does not.  So, I finished the show and came downstairs.  Next, I bemoaned the state of the kitchen.

I am pretty sure I cleaned the kitchen 8 times today.  So why does it look like a tornado hit it?  Pray tell?

Oh, yes.  That's right. I have children.

Let us discuss the children, shall we?

1)  The dudes.  The dudes decided to "help Mommy" and went and loaded the wood box.  I was doing school with the girls (shocking, I know), and Handsome Dude came running upstairs.

"Mom!  Come here!  You have to look at the wood!  It's wee big!"

It was big.  Wee, in fact.  I asked them to show me their muscles for a picture, and they obliged.  And yes, Little Dude has his boots on the wrong feet, thank you for noticing.

Handsome Dude:  Did we do dood?

Me:  Yes!  But next time, if it starts to hit the window, just stop.  You've got enough.

Handsome Dude:  MMMMMOOOOOOOMMMMM!  I have a dood idea!  It can be the JOB for TRILLDREN!

Me:  Sounds dood.

Dood=good.  Trilldren=children.

Please.  Try to keep up.

2)  I asked the boys to clean up their mess.  It is something I randomly say, because, rest assured, at any given point in the day, there is bound to be a mess caused by the dudes.

They decided to clean up the loft and, being the overachievers that they clearly are today, also decided to wash their cars.

Which was fantastic of them.  And they barely got any water all over the counters.  And I love them.

3)  We have had an incredible winter here in these parts.  Very mild and warm-ish.  So, we decided to walk to meet Handsome Dude's bus.

I know this is so way confusing for everyone, but, yes, I do homeschool, but HD goes to preschool.  The plan is to homeschool him next year for kindergarten.  Rest assured, I will lose my mind next year and no longer have time to blog, exercise, think, or shower.  FYI.

The bus decided to come early and I could hear the "beep beep beep" of the bus backing up to where I am supposed to be waiting in my car.  I was still at least 1/4 mile away.  Which is far when you are walking with Little Dude.  So, I told the girls to wait on the side of the road with him while I RAN to meet the bus.

Do you know how long it has been since I ran?

I am sure the bus driver was impressed with me, late and not able to speak.  The teacher, who rides the bus with the kids, asked me if I saw the "giant creature."

Me, still unable to talk:  Huh?

Teacher:  Oh!  I just saw something big, like a moose or something walk down your way!

If I was able to speak, I would have told them I was wee scared and asked them for a lift home.  I might have even picked up the three other kids I left on the side of the road with the phantom moose.  Because I am a caring parent like that.

But, alas.  I am out of shape and did have to run, for like two full minutes, without stopping, so I just had to smile and wave and hope for the best.

My other three children were obediently standing on the side of the road, visiting the cows.  As they are wont to do.  We headed back and the older three ran ahead and I was stuck with Little Dude.

Little Dude has many questions.  Bless his heart.

We talked about . . . snow and grass and where is the grass and why did I made him wear his boots if he wasn't "a-pposed" to walk in the snow and look at the "ribbers" and he knows the "ribbers" aren't really "ribbers" they are just snow-rain and look at the horses!  they like to play in the "ribbers" and do they drink the snow-rain, Mom because that's wacky and why is the moon out because it is not dark time?

Then my boy looked up at the moon and shouted:  Go way!  Come back when its dark, K?

So, I finally got him inside and pretended not to notice him bringing his precious stick from the walk inside.

He can add it to the pile.

Later, Dudes.


  1. i love the waltons. and trilldren. and ribbers!

  2. We used to watch the Waltons when I was a kid, before they were reruns. I may, or may not, have had a crush on John Boy.

  3. You've never seen the Waltons? Oh wow I am old.

  4. Look at you, exercising! Way to go!! I am a bit perplexed about the "giant creature"...have your camera ready in case it is a sasquatch.

  5. Your Trilldren should watch the Waltons. Very helpful Dudes today. ;)

  6. Boys who voluntarily stack wood are keepers!

  7. Never even heard of the Waltons. :/

    Your little dudes have impressive muscles!

    So glad the moose didn't get you!

  8. They're so helpful. Very sweet. I have premonitions of your window breaking from all the wood. Better get another woodbox.

  9. That wood stack is adorable. And now I'm somewhat concerned you're being stalked by a moose.

  10. FINE! If you won't post a new post, I'll just have to go back to yester-year and find something I haven't read yet. You force me.
