Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pins and Things

Ok, I'm sure you have all been waiting with bated breath to hear how the cauliflower mash went.

It was not so good.

Perhaps I did it wrong?  I cannot be certain.  I mashed about 8 potatoes with a head of cauliflower.  It was kind of gummy and strange texture, but the taste was ok.  Nobody complained (an amazing feat if there ever were one), but no one ate very much.  Little Dude however ate about 4 billion of the elk meatballs.  So feel free to ask me for that recipe.  If you are so inclined.

Sweet Pea, the homeschooled basketball player, had a game this weekend.  Let us all take a moment to admire Sweet Pea and her "can-do" spirit, seeing as how she is the only child on this team who does not go to the same school.

Holla, Sweet Pea!

She is extremely aggressive and has been known to guard her opponent even while she is on offense.  Her team was down about 9 points, which is about a million in third grade terms.  However, they had a comeback and ended up winning!  Sweet Pea even made a basket!

Holla, Sweet Pea!

My parents came over for lunch.  My mother has oft been asking me to help her with The Pinterest, as confusing as it is.

Mom:  Did you see the chicken on Pinterest?  The one in the bikini?

Me:  No.  Did you pin it?

Mom:  Pinterest won't let me pin anything.

Me:  Are you logged in?

Mom:  I think so.  But when I try to pin, it just shows me a bunch of numbers.  So I can't do it.

Me:  Well, I'm following you on Pinterest and I never see you pinning anything, so you probably just aren't logged in.

Mom:  I don't want to log in.

Me:  But then you can't pin anything.

Mom:  But I can't pin anything.  It just shows numbers.

Me:  But you can't pin unless you are logged in.

Mom:  But I don't want to.

And thus, it goes on.

So, since she was over at my house, I decided to nip this Pinterest issue in the bud.  I get her all logged in and I must inform you all that she did, in fact, remember her password.


Me:  Mom, you have like two pins.

Mom:  How do you know?

Me:  These are you boards.

Mom: I don't like them.  And I never pinned that.

Me:  Ok.  Look!  You have 16 followers!

Mom:  I know!  People have been telling me they are following me!

Me:  So, let's pin something.

My mom chooses something and goes to click on "repin."  As the mouse is hovering over the "repin" button, the number of the pin appears.

mom and pinterest
Mom:  See!  It's crazy!  Just a bunch of numbers!

Throwing all caution to the wind, I carelessly ignored the mysterious numbers and clicked on "repin" anyways.  And gosh darn it, it worked.

Mom:  Oh.  Ok.  So let's  find the chicken in a bikini.

I leave to go do something exciting like dishes and whatnot, and my mom and girls decide to find this chicken.  My mother types "bikini chicken" in the search bar and, much to her surprise,  turns up oodles of scantily women in bikinis.

mom and girls and pinterest
Sweet Pea:  I'm not sure this is appropriate for us.

So, mom keeps searching and searching for this elusive bikini chicken.  Of course, it is my fault she can't find it because I forced her to log in.

Mom:  I don't like your way of doing Pinterest.  I like the world wide web version.

I know.  She doesn't make any sense.  But we just let her be.  Don't want to crush her spirit, you know?

After about 30 minutes of searching, I open a new window and just google it.  Would you like to see this exciting chicken picture that we had to drop everything and find?  You know you do.

mom's bikini chicken

That's my mom for you.

So, mother leaves and early the next morning, I get a phone call.

Mom:  I want to go back to the old way of Pinterest!

Me:  Why?

Mom:  All the pictures are smaller!  The World Wide Web version shows bigger pictures.

Me:  Mom.  Are you looking at your boards?

mom pinterest 1
Me:  Because those are thumbnails.  You need to get out of that to see the bigger pictures.

mom pinterest 2
Mom:  I don't know.  I'm probably just going to log out.

Well.  She must have figured something out, because later that day I saw a pin from my mother!

True.  It was a picture of a backyard pinned to "Books Worth Reading."

But, STILL!  Progress!

Alright.  I was supposed to be in the shower a half hour ago.  Later dudes!

PS-If you are not a Pinterest-type person this post made no sense to you.  I am sorry for wasting your time.

Baby Steps.


  1. This is just plain awesome, and also the reason I will never introduce my MIL to Pinterest.

  2. Love it! That chicken is hilarious. I'm so glad you all found it and posted. It made me laugh. You and your mom have inspired me to start a new board on the Pinterest called "makes me giggle". The first thing I'm pinning is that silly chicken, just you wait and see. Holla Sweet Pea!

  3. Just did a search for "funny" pinterest, and what did I see??? The bikini chicken in the 4th spot with 1106 repins, 278 likes, and 12 comments. Your mom is on to something.

  4. My baby sister (Jamey) is just like Sweet Pea. This is her first year playing basketball and she has no idea what she is doing. She did make a basket on Saturday though. She called me and I said- "Well, Jamey you must be better than me, because I didn't make my first basket until like the fifth grade." And she said, "Well, some people are just more talented at some things... I mean, you aren't good at basketball but you can take pretty pictures." I about died; three games in and she already thinks she's Michael Jordan.

  5. That bikini chicken kind of creeped me out. I have conquered pinterest : ) Have a great day!

  6. Sweet Peas comment: "I’m not sure this is appropriate for us," cracked me up! CRACKED ME UP, I tell you! Oh dearie me, this is SUCH a funny post! *wipes tears from her eyes*

  7. Oh. My. Goodness. Your mom and my mom would be BFFs except that clearly your mom has a better sense of humor because if I were to write a post like this about my mom she would be MAD. Like, super duper mad.

    Go hug your momma and tell her she's fun.

  8. "White meat or dark meat" just took on a whole new meaning : )

  9. I feel your pain, I have to walk my mother thru Facebook constantly via the telephone at that...(we live in different countries)...she is still confused about the difference between Internet Explorer and Outlook is usually long and painful but I love her lol.

    I prefer my coliflower in white cheese sauce :)

    Blessings Kelsie

  10. Pinterest is a major time suck in my life. However, I have successfully made at least two of the 50 or so recipes I have pinned, so I guess that's progress, considering how little I cook anyway. Let's not talk about the crafts, though.

  11. I'm holding out on avoiding pinterest. I am impressed with myself.

    As I am an "astute reader" I happen to notice an eating table over CARPET!! Please tell me this is a "company only" table and that you don't normally dine over carpet. That just wears me out thinking about it! Maybe your kids eat differently than mine? Maybe you've been a successful manners teacher? Maybe your kids are tidy by nature? Maybe you don't eat crumbly food? Do you have an explanation??? Do you? Do you?

    Holla Sweet Pea!

  12. Your mom sounds just like my mom when I am trying to teach her to print a picture from email only my mom is 96. You are so funny, never change. I read you to have my laugh for the day.

  13. I don't know what Pinterest is, but this post made me laugh anyway lol!

  14. Funny! I love that Sweet Pea is all about the game!

  15. I love Pinterest. Except now I have to go look up Rocky Road Crock Pot Cake. There goes another hour.

    Holla Sweet Pea!

  16. My mother-in-law pins everything to "books worth reading". I've tried to explain to her how she can change that and she got confused. Oh well, at least she finally learned how to pin stuff. That took a few weeks.

  17. My favorite part of this blog post besides your lovely mom was that the image was from a place called Yep, I spend 8 hours a day with 5th graders. Can't you tell?
