Thursday, June 7, 2012


Yesterday, we went to town.  I am happy to report that we did NOT have to stop by the eye glasses repair place, which used to be a regular hot spot for us.

Holla, Space Man Glasses!

We also went to the dentist.  As the observant reader might have already deduced from the above photograph.

Yes.  I took all four at once to a new dentist.  Remember the old dentist office?  The office that mistook Handsome Dude, AKA Space Man, for a girl? On two separate occasions?  Because he looks so girly?  We are so over that dentist.  Except for David and I.  We still go there.  Because are gluttons for punishment.  But anyways.  We L-O-V-E-D the new dentist.  He saw all four kids at once and the appointment lasted only 1 hour and 20 minutes!

Holla, new dentist who correctly identified the gender of all four of my children!


Let's do a summary of phrases I heard to recap how well the appointment went:

  "Boy, you've for your hands full!" . . . . twice

"You are such a good listening boy!"  . . . . forty quadrillion (?!)

"Looks like this kiddo needs to floss, Mom!"  . . . four (bummer)

"Zero cavities!" . . . . four (neener, neener)

"Do they all have the same dad?"   . . . . ZERO

It was a successful trip.

After the dentist, we went and hung out with my friend MindyLouHoo, who was graciously accepting visitors at her parents' house.  Ha!  That's the way to do it, folks.  MindyLou is brilliant.  We sat and chatted and her delightful mother made cookies while her delightful father took the kids on pony rides!

dm on pony
MindyLou's pa came up to me and said:

"The kids can ride a horse?  Dandy?"

And I nodded and happily replied:

"Yes!  That would be Dandy!"

Too bad the pony was named Dandy and I looked like a doofus.  But what else is new?

It was the highlight of their summer.  My kids are already begging to go back!  Oh, and summer must be over because the weather forecast yesterday was high of 37 and chance of rain and snow.  Ah, well.  It was fun while it lasted.

And before I go, we must discuss this here egg:

Pop Quiz, Hot Shots:

WHAT is going on with that egg?!

Do I have an alien hen?

What's with the skid marks?  Or grooves?  Or whatever you would call it?

Can you still eat this sort of egg?

Do I even want to find out?

Perhaps I should just sell it to an innocent bystander.  Yes.  That sounds good.

And, no.  I don't chew my nails.  Why do you ask?

Later dudes.


  1. Never seen an egg like that before. My child is so ready for summer vacation, if only summer would get here.

  2. Accepting visitors at her parents' house? That MindyLou is one brilliant girl. I think you should start trying that.

  3. Wait a minute, isn't your dentist the one who hit you in the head with the xray machine? And then acted like it wasn't a big deal? Why do you still go there? Lol.

  4. Sure is! :) It is because they offer appointments up until 7pm and we can only go after David gets off of work.

  5. Oh ok. Well it was a great story. That kind of stuff always happens to me. I thought I was the only one!

  6. Yay for great kids' dentists! (Great can modify kids or dentists...I love ambiguity!)
    Yay for pony rides (well, for other people's makes me a nervous wreck) (anything to do with animals makes me a nervous poor children and their deprived childhood)!
    And I do not know at all about that egg!! Do you have a plastic rooster hanging around?

  7. Did you do an experiment where you put the egg in vinegar or some such solution and it's supposed to turn soft or rubbery or some such effect? I know there's an egg experiment out there but I'm somewhat hazy on what it might be as I have opted out of every science experiment to date in this here school. My kids are sure to be scientist.

  8. Your chicken just didn't have enough rock or shell so it is a shell-less egg :) we've had 2 of them from ours.

  9. Yay for a good dentist for the kiddos! Finding a great dentist every time we move (about every 2 years) is one of the hazards of being an Army family. We do it by word of mouth and via Facebook nowadays. Thank God for that. Other hard things to find are hair stylists, churches, babysitters, bffs... But I digress. Yay for space man glasses saving you time and annoyance. I am very happy they are working for him. Hope it warms up there and starts acting like summer again real soon. It has been absolutely gorgeous all week here in Virginia.

  10. Man, I know no one who's parents have a pony for me to ride. I feel all deprived. Also, dandy is a naturally confusing name!

  11. Do you find yourself just driving by the eye glass repair shop, just out of habit or maybe some sort of short term nostalgia? I finally got some new glasses myself (Holla!) but, alas, I did not opt for the super stylish space man goggles. It seems not everyone can pull that look off, but H.D.? Why yes, yes he can pull it off and he does it with flair!

  12. You need to feed the chickens calcium or shell.

  13. Eeewww! Incredible that u would even touch it. Looks like a partially soft-boiled with not enough water kinda deal. creeps me out

  14. There is something about that egg that , to quote a famous blogger, "gives me the peeped shivers.".

    A friend with a horse is so much better than owning your own : )
