Sunday, June 3, 2012

Headless Perch

Every morning, Handsome Dude wakes up, puts on his Space Man goggles, and finds Peter the Kitten.

He marches up the stairs, announcing the good news for all the world to hear:

"Peter is up!  Here comes Peter!"

headless perch 1
Then he sits on the couch and cuddles his BFF.  Tis cute.

Here's some updates.  For I know you long to be updated.

1)  Daisy Mae was the best helper when it came to building the new rabbit fences, therefore, she got to go on a special fishing trip with her dad.

headless perch 2
The two of them brought home four perch that no longer have heads and are sitting in my fridge.

I would like the people to know that:

A)  I ain't cooking them

B)  I ain't eating them

Thank you.

2)  We started to paint the chicken coop yesterday.  I went with a brown/red.  It does not have the pizazz of a brilliant red I had originally hoped for, but it will do.

headless perch 3
The trim of the roof is still the old color.  We will remedy this soon.  And when I say "we," I , of course, mean David.

I can't paint on a ladder!

We also decided to paint the sides white.  In case you cared.  But you probably did not.

It was pretty glamorous and all, standing in chicken poop and painting the coop.  A few brilliant chickens started pecking inside my paint can.  And did you know chickens can be afflicted with diarrhea?  True story.

Yes.  My yard is tidy and has no junk in it at all.  Thank you for noticing!

3)  For the past couple of months, the girls have been working hard to get ready for a live production they would be starring in.

Sweet Pea was in a skit and had quite a few lines to learn.  She did great, the fine actress that she clearly is.

headless perch 4
There she is . . . spitting out lines like it ain't no thang.

Daisy Mae was in the choir and took it quite seriously.

headless perch 5
Afterwards, they ate gobs of ice cream and spun fiercely on the tire swing.  This resulted in Daisy Mae wailing and moaning the entire ride home.

And have you heard?  We have a LONG ride home.

4)  The other day, Daisy Mae was phoning Auntie Datenut.  And yes, I just said phoning.

She sat there for a long time.

Me:  Honey, are you getting her answering machine?

Daisy Mae:  No!  The phone is just making this weird sound over and over!

So, I listened and it was a busy signal!  She was sitting there listening to it for a few minutes. Ha.  My children had never heard a busy signal before.  It was pretty exciting for them.  And a trip down memory lane for your truly.

Happy Monday!

PS-Update from the last post:

Sheetrock:  Big white sheets of some sort of material (perhaps rock?  get it-sheetrock?ha.) that builder peoples, such as my husband, nail on to studs to create walls.

Do you know what a stud is?  Do you?

And not this stud:

headless perch 6
The wall kind.

Anywho-you nail this big sheet to the studs and then you have to do something called mud and tape and all I know is David loathes that part.

And just like magic, it all turns into walls that you can paint whatever color you like!  But don't pick peach.  Please.

OSB-  OSB looks like a bunch of wood chips glued to a big board.  I don't remember what we used OSB for, but I kind of think it was used on the floor of our laundry room and perhaps we laid the tile down on top of it?
But what do I know?

Not much.

So, there you go.

And rest assured, if my husband reads this, he will be sorely disappointed in my building knowledge.



  1. I think the chicken coop is going to be cute! Also, have I mentioned that I am scared of chickens?

    And that I am thankful there are no headless fish in my freezer? Though there are two bags of Sonic ice!

  2. Can't wait to see the finished paint job! :)
    Your children are so good ....really. LD is definitely your wild card.

  3. Daisy Mae looks JUST like you in that choir picture.

  4. OSB-I think we call that particle board. You're cooler than us with your acronyms and all : ) I do know what a stud is...both kinds.

  5. We have an OSB plant in our town. OSB: Oscillated Strand Board. Or something with an O Strand Board. Ogly?
    Now ask me what MDF stands for. I dare ya!
    And we call sheetrock "gyproc" here in Canada. I think "gyp" for gypsum which I assume is what's inside. My husband has been sheeting a hotel for the past three weeks. We should call it "chiro-roc" because he'll be on close personal terms with our chiropractor once it's over.
    I think we are getting a kitty today.

  6. I thought sheetrock was paper-encased gypsum board? Let me google it... Yes..paper encased gypsum plaster to make quick walls! I've actually never heard the term sheetrock. Only drywall or gyprock.
    Yes, mud and tape fill in the cracks between the sheets of drywall to make a smooth surface. ;) Too much watching of HGTV in this house!

  7. Hola Taylor. ¿Cómo estás hoy? Voy a tomar mis hijos a la biblioteca. Ruega para mí. Ellos son traviosos.
    Que tenga un buen día.

  8. Luv all the photos. My dad always called it sheetrock too. Glad everyone is healthy this week. Miss u.


    Roll them in melted butter, then in crushed ritz crackers, fry in butter, but not long. They'll cook fast! Dip in lemon mayo. Really really good.

  10. I'm definitely from the same area of the country as you. I have always heard it called sheetrock!
    Got such a giggle out of the busy signal! I can't remember when I last heard that sound!

  11. They can get diarrhea? Reason #84 why I'll never be a strong enough woman to own chickens.
