Monday, June 11, 2012

Grand Prize Champion

The girls have a rabbit.  Her name is Independent.  A lame name for a rabbit, don't you think?  I prefer names like Scarlet O'HARE-A and Norma Jean Riley.  But, no.  They went with Independent.  Independent has a litter of kits.

Yes.  I just said "kits."  Kits are what baby rabbits are called.  Consider yourselves informed.

Independent's kits are the first surviving litter here at Maliblahblah farms in many months.  She has eight and they are thriving.

sp and baby rabbit
Sweet Pea thinks this is just fantastic and rubs her father's nose in it all the time.  You see, dear readers, David can't get the rabbits to, *ahem*, do what rabbits do.  So, basically, we are feeding scores and scores of rabbits and making zeros and zeros of dollars.  Because we are good with money, didn't you know?

"Hey, Dad!  Are you jealous?  Are you jealous, Dad?  That we have babies and you DON'T?!  Huh, Dad?  Huh?"

Rest assured.  He is jealous.

Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae are planning on entering Independent in the county fair, where she is certain to win Grand Prize Champion.  This is based entirely on the fact that they feel she is awesome. Their plan is to then sell Independent's kits on Craigslist with the title of:

Grand Prize Champion Rabbit Babies

And they are certain they will sell like million dollar hotcakes.  Of which they won't, of course.  But we'll let them have their moment.


I have nothing to blog about.  As usual.  I asked my friend, Erin, what I should blog about and she somehow talked me into doing push ups with her everyday.


I am pretty sure that throughout my entire life I have completed zero correct push ups.  And I am okay with that.  But here I am, stuck with doing push ups everyday and still nothing to blog about.

She's tricky.

So, if this post is pointless to you, go blame Erin.

In other absolutely pointless news . . .

The chicken coop is painted!

painted chicken coop
Ain't she a beaut?  She needs a star or a nice sign or something, doesn't she?  What should the sign say?

Please Advise.


  1. Good luck on the million dollar rabbits! I'm so sorry you were somehow tricked into pushups. Perhaps you mean a bra? :)

  2. Ha! Christi wins the COW!

  3. I like Christi's suggestion, too!
    I thought I was doing push-ups, but was informed that I was not going down far enough. So, I was doing fake push-ups. But I did nine of them! Just one time. I can't do even the fake ones since then. I thought exercising was supposed to get easier after a while. :P

  4. So this rabbit stuff is supposed to be a money making enterprise? How does one make money from rabbits? By selling them to other husbands of unsuspecting wives?

    chicken coop sign - "Fabulous Breasts and Thighs" ??

    (sorry. bad deb.)

  5. I'm a new reader around here. Not new to learning how to read, of course, but new to your blog. It's a hoot! Red Hot Hen House. No, that sounds bikram yoga... then you might be forced to do push-ups in the coop. Forget that idea. I like No Vacancies.

    Ha on the Scarlett O'Hare-a. That's just funny. I look forward to reading through your older posts.

  6. Well I certainly tried to help you come up with a post. Not my fault if you're a stick in the mud 'ol schoolmarm.

    And not to be rude or anything, but I'm pretty sure baby rabbits are called BUNNIES.


  7. congrats on the girls' bunnies. (a technical term is there ever was one) How is it that the children have different rabbits with different 'habits' from LJ's? Aren't they all kind of in the same area? I know nothing about raising rabbits, bunnies or kits. But wondering. That doe (?) is named Independent, after all, and she IS apparently doin' her own thang - maybe LJ needs to name his big bunnies "Breeder" and other such terms suggesting the work they should be doing...

    Sweet Pea is quite the lovely girl. You just let her know, K?

    Maliblahblah Coop Name Submission
    In the fall at our county fair we have a Sunday morning church service. Since that sawdust filled sanctuary is also the poultry (and rabbit!) barn, it is commonly known as "Chicken Chapel." Perhaps if thusly named, your coop would encourage all comers to, "in everything, give thanks." You know, for the unsolicited new birds and the hundred eggs you must wash every day and the dogs who will spill feathers if given a chance and for a little boy who needs not wear pants to do the chores...

  8. I bet those girls are thrilled with the new baby bunnies. I would be. So soft and cute and tiny and fuzzy and sweet and warm and soft.

    Christi gets another vote from me on her chicken coop suggestion. Hilarious.

  9. Chicken coop name? How about Sunnyside (up)?!

  10. Should put over the coop's door "Full House"...

  11. ... with a subheading: "No poaching" ?

  12. Hey-the rabbits are all the same. It was just luck that their rabbit had babies.

  13. TYSON

  14. Chick Shack ---- No Foxes Allowed

    It does look really nice!

    Henny Penny Heaven

  15. "No turkeys allowed" or " Maximum occupancy ___" (fill in your magic number. You, not the Lumberjack)

  16. Awesome paint job! I'll vote for "No Vacancy"

    Congrats to Sweet Pea and her bunny success. Perhaps the Lumberjack's rabbits feel overcrowded and won't breed. Maybe a hormonal thing? I dunno. Rabbits are so finicky.

  17. How about something like "REALLY???"

  18. Coop name - the Little Girls'/Ladies' Room, Dixie Chicks, Little Biddies
