Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Birthday Fishing Picnic

Little Dude, who has been waiting for months to turn four years old, finally had his big day yesterday.  His siblings were ever so sweet to him and all brought him presents from their own belongings that they had wrapped for him.  It was ueber precious.

For a few months now, Little Dude has been informing us that learning how to "catch a fish" was on his to-do list for the summer.  So, last night, David brought him home another birthday present to add to his stash:

ld bday 2012
A Spiderman fishing pole . . . as if life could not get any more exciting.  We packed a picnic dinner and drove to a little fishing spot about 10 minutes away.

Little Dude:  Dad!  DAD!  Hey-hey-hey-hey-hey, Dad!  It takes SO LONG to catch a fish.  When will the fish come?  When, Dad?  DAD?  WHEN?!  Oh!  Look at the worm!  He is so shiny from the waters.  Did he take a bath?  Does he like to swim?  Where are the fish?  I am hungry!  Here, fishy-fishy-fishy!  DAD!  Where is my fish?  I so freezing.  SPIDERMAN!  TO THE RESCUE!  Can I have a cupcake?

Handsome Dude was the first catcher of fish.

And how does he celebrate?

hd fishing 2 2012
By catching another one.

Daisy Mae is quite the littler fisher girl.

DM fishing 2012
She knows all about casting and reeling and whatnot.  Fun fact, and this may surprise you, I know nothing about the mysterious ways of the fishing pole.  I just sat and tried to make sure that:

A)  Little Dude did not drown

B)  The M&Ms got eaten

C)  Handsome Dude did not drown

And I had to try and answer all of Little Dude's questions.  Which is not easy, my friends.

Sweet Pea

sp fishing 2012
Sweet Pea loathes getting her picture taken lately.  It is quite exasperating for this mother who is trying to capture everything in a pointless blog.  But what can you do?

Finally, David fired me from "helping"  Little Dude fish and took the Spiderman Pole away from us for about 2.9 seconds.  Then he quickly told Little Dude to hold the pole while we all participated in:

The Great Birthday Fishing Deception of 2012

Which is basically how we all tricked Little Dude into thinking that he caught a fish.

Don't judge.  You would do it, too, my friends.  You would do it, too.

Later, we sang a little tune . . . I bet you are familiar with it?  It is called "Happy Birthday."  Little Dude had a grand time passing out his birthday cupcakes-

The great fisher-boy that he clearly is.


  1. Just darling, thanks for including your readers.

  2. What a little cutie! And YES, I have done it before... Hey, gotta keep those kiddies happy no?

  3. Happy birthday to hiiiiiim!
    Super sweet.
    Who hasn't done that????? :)

  4. hApPy DaY aFtEr YoUr BiRtHdAy little dude and congrats on that whopper of a fish you caught!

    that is a beautimous place to fish i might add!

  5. And here I thought I was the only one who had told her cousin to hand her fish-still-attached fishing pole to her 3 year old (with the attached fish hiding under the water's surface).

  6. I know personally why you had 4 children.
    Because this is why I did it.
    So you can have a birthday party without inviting anyone else.
    Your life's a party. Why does it need to be any different.

    Right? Am I right? Because this is EXACTLY why I decided to have 4 children!

  7. I think that deception is a mighty kind one. Looks like a fun time was had by all!

  8. What a great way to spend his birthday.

    By the way, your better than I am when it comes to fishing. I don't help and Dear Hubby has to do it all while I read.
