Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday Happenings

The company David works for gave us all passes to a nearby amusement park.  So on Monday, I took the kids to said park.  For to amuse them.

As we were walking in, I saw a huge stack of sheets of OSB!  And since this blog's purpose is to keep you all abreast of all things construction, I thought I would take a picture.  For YOU.  You're welcome.

wednesday happenings 1
See?  It does exist.  I speak the truth.  I asked my husband if it was the same as plywood and he said no.  Then I asked what the difference was.  And he explained it to me, but do you think I can recall what he said?  No.  No, I cannot.  I do remember him saying that OSB is more water-resistant, so it is better for a sub floor in places like bathrooms and laundry rooms.  And yes.  I just said sub floor.  Because every room needs TWO floors, didn't you know?

Taylor's blog.  Where you come to learn how to build houses.  Or not.

So, here are the kids enjoying themselves and all.

Wednesday happenings2
wednesday happenings4
wednesday happenings3
Please take notice of Handsome Dude's still-intact Space Man Goggles.  Sadly, I have not seen my BFFs at the eye glasses repair place in many days.  I am sure we are all having separation issues.

I have still not notified my girls that school, for the year, has ended.  Aren't I the worst?  We are taking things pretty easy, though.  I just want to keep things fresh in their minds, you know?  So they can be the most brilliant kids in the world and all peoples will rise and call me blessed.  Or something like that.

Alright.  Gotta go.

All four kids are going to the dentist today.  It is sure to be a treat.


  1. Handsome Dude reminds of a super hero in his new glasses. Hopefully the dentist won't be too stressful - maybe some Moose Tracks ice cream afterwards will help? :)

  2. Homeschool amusement - check!

  3. So Lumberjack's work really shells out the big bucks for the kiddie amusement park, huh?

  4. First, I hope you all had a GREAT day at the amusement park!
    Second, how cool that his glasses are intact! You guys could get big bucks for endorsing them. :)
    Third, a dentist appointment with all four kids? It has me flustered, and I am not even involved in the outing.
    Finally, I read your title as "Hodgepodge" and was seriously wondering what was wrong with me, since I never saw a reference to Hodgepodge in your post, or what was wrong with you, since you never referenced Joyce or her Hodgepodge. :) haha The problem lay with me...per usual. ;)

  5. Man, I totally want to learn how to build a house. Though it'd probably be the best for everyone if no one ever went in said house. For safety reasons, obviously.

  6. I hope you got to ride some of the rides too , with your youthful look .
    Hope the dentist goes easily for you. Although if it does , there shall be no blog post.

  7. Dentist with all four?

    Buena suerte, mi amiga. Buena suerte.
