Monday, June 18, 2012

Purely Agitated

Look at me and my farm and ranch self!

I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, have grown 11 whole baby chickens.  All by myself.  One little chick sadly did not make it . . . it died mid-crack and part of its body is poking out of the shell.

So close, little chick!  So close!

It has been like that for about 24 hours, so I think its done for.  Poor pumpkin.  We are still waiting on more to hatch, so there may be more to come!

Please.  Try and feign excitement.  Its all I have going on over here.

So, today I woke up and had many goals of which I had hoped to accomplish.  Cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, washing bedding, you know . . . the usual.  I was even toying with the idea of starting some school with Handsome Dude . . . just to see what kind of torture and agony will befall me come September.  But then, I looked out the window and saw the dogs eating a rabbit.  Which is always a killjoy.  Turns out the rabbits dug a hole under the fence and four total were out and the three survivors had managed to get themselves into the chicken coop.

I was purely agitated.

  The girls and I got the deceased rabbit disposed of and managed to get the other three to safety, where they will await my beloved who will need to come take a gander at their private areas so we know which stall to put them in.

Yes.  Be jealous of our glamorous lives.

In other, less disturbing news, we went camping this past weekend!  It was a combo Father's Day/Little Dude's Birthday trip.

I was going to make him an exquisite tractor type cake . . . I'm sure you all remember my sweet, Titanic cake.

Its obvious I have missed my calling in life.

But, I digress.

Little Dude informed me that, no, he just wanted a cake with lots and lots and lots of candy on it.

So he is now my favorite because he made my life uEber easy.

He called it "Candy World."  Basically, we made a chocolate cake.  Slapped on some frosting.  Made a Kit Kat gate, for that was one of his requirements.  Threw on some cars.  Chopped up some candy.  And added sprinkles.

Feel free to pin it.  I know you want to.

Yes.  I should have rotated the picture before sharing it with you.  I care not.

Little Dude loves, loves, loves camping.

And combining a birthday with camping?

Fuhget about it.

The camp host gal gave him a whistle.  So, he rode all around whistling for bears.  He's pretty sure that's how you "catch" them.

He happily informed everyone 4.2 billion times that he had a Candy World cake.  Sadly, no one really cared.  But he sure did.

Finally, his moment came.

And, then, just to make him explode with excitement, we sang him The Happy Birthday Song.

He was soaking it all up!

Alright!  My husband will be home soon and I must break it to him that he gets to gender-ify some rabbits.

He is sure to be thrilled.


  1. Little Dude looks happy! Candy Cake would make me smile too. Happy Birthday to LD and congrats? On your new additions : )

  2. My 5 year old thinks the birthday cake is cool! Now I must pin it! :-)

  3. My birthday is Wednesday, I wonder if candy world cake is on my diet? Nah probably not, darn it lol.

  4. consider it pinned! =o)

  5. That is THE most precious, about to pop with pride look on his face! Love the cake. I would totally eat it. Probably all of it ;)

  6. I miss the kid so hard. I love him long time.

  7. I am asking for a Candy World cake this year. That looks so good!

  8. I'm not trying to beg you to come over to Sweet Peas & Buddies, but I think you will really really like this post. because WE went camping this past weekend, too! And there is a part that immediately had me thinking about you.
    A girl I have never met in person.
    A girl who could scare me to death in real life.
    A girl who I am convinced is famous.
    But it was fun to think of you.

    And I told everyone about your parachute and how we could have used it where we were!

  9. Gender-ify? You are a hoot! Your posts just give me the greatest chuckle each day. Thank you! And, it looks like your little dude got an amazing cake.

  10. Go on with your bad self and the chickens!
    And that is one awesome cake!! Who wouldn't love a cake with Kit-Kats on it?! They slay me!!

  11. I must say, your baby chickens are the cutest ever... You go Farmer Taylor!

  12. I can't even handle how much your daily life has a whole mother nature/circle of life theme going!

  13. "I care not" should be on tee shirts.

  14. A baby chick died trying to get out?

    My goodness, that is THE SADDEST THING EVER.

    Okay, maybe not EVER, but still. Muy Sad.

    At least you don't have to explain The Circle of Life to the kids. All they have to do is look out the window. That's handy.

  15. I'm just impressed that you and the girls took care of the dead critter. You are moving on up in this farming world. ;)

  16. It's wonderfully educating for the kids to live with all the animals birth, death, genderifying etc. For you maybe not so much. A fun joyous happy 4th for LD! He's been so patient waiting for this day to come. Gifts on the way....

  17. Ok, Little Dude, is just TOO PRECIOUS!!!
    Happy Birthday Little Dude and I want a cake like that!
