Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Fantastically, Wonderful Day

Yes.  Hello.  Good Evening.

Nothing much going on over here in my world.  Today was a wonderfully, perfect day.

It's strange that I just said that, isn't it?

I'll give you a moment to recover.

The day went fantastically.  And I don't know if fantastically is a word.  But today was so fantastically wonderfully, it is worth the error.

School went great!  We got so much done in the earlier part of the day, which was a nice change. 

Usually the morning involves much weeping and wailing and time outs and poopy diapers and discipline and naughtiness and weeping and wailing and complaining and pooping and crying and truck throwing and pooping.  So it is sometimes hard to focus on the academics.

We took a break around lunch time and the kids played outside while I got to be inside ALL BY MYSELF.

Letting the kids play outside "unsupervised" is somewhat foolish on my part.

Earlier this week, the kids got out their sleds and tried to "boat" across the giant puddles.  (All of our snow has melted and has resulted in several giant puddles/small-ish ponds around our property.)

The boating events caused the children much joy and jubilation.  And it caused me much laundry.

Anyways.  It has been nice to let them play outside.

Today, the older three even ate their lunches outside.

And I was able to watch them through my kitchen window.

Aren't they the cutest?

The boys went down for a nap and the girls and I got back to school.  And just when we were about to start science, my dearheart friend Bimlissa called.

Now, normally I try not to answer my phone during the school hours. 


It is rare that I actually speak to someone on the phone and not text.  So when I saw it was the real Bimlissa, and not the messaging version, I just had to pick up.

So.  Science was quickly switched to coloring time whilst listening to books on CD and I got in a nice chat with a real person.

Don't judge me.

I'm lonely.

The girls were hoping to learn all about how babies were made today in science.


So I consider Bimlissa's call to be an act of God.

Then my husband came home.  And he took the kids out to build a tire swing.

Two periods of ALONE time in ONE day?!  Can you believe my luck?

Here they are trying to find the perfect spot.

Little Dude came back in before the others.  I like to think it is because he misses me and loves me the mostest.  But he was probably just cold.

He helped me make brownies.

I know, I know.  I am supposed to be watching  what I eat.

But guess what I did!?

I took one brownie mix.  Then I added 1/2 cup of applesauce, two egg whites, and 1/4 cup of water.

Mixed it all together, put it in a 13x9 pan and baked it at 350 for about 20 minutes.

I let it cool, then spread light cool whip on top and added sprinkles.

It was a hit with everyone, even my husband.

True.  I did not tell him that it was lowfat.  And if he knew, he would not have tried it.

But that man would love dessert every night and I am hoping to make healthier choices.

If you have some healthy/low fat dessert recipes you would like to share, I would love to hear them!

Anyways, that was our day!

I hope you all had a great one, too.

Happy Thursday!


  1. I am so glad that you had a great day. :)

    And that dessert looks awesome.

  2. That looks sooooo yum!!! I am gonna have to try that, I have heard applesauce is super good! My kids would totally go for something like that since it is topped with goodness :) And the kids looked adorable on the picnic table, arent these warmer temps nice! Loving it! Glad you had a good day.

  3. Yay! How nice to have a pleasant day for a change! No Lucy-fur bringing assorted body parts to your door, no broken glasses, no cars stuck in snowbanks? Awesome win!
    The only angst I have over your day, is that you got a super call from Bimlissa.. you are the second person today who told me she called them.. I haven't heard her live voice in awhile....
    People... call your Mom's..

  4. It does sound like a perfectly wonderful day...fantastically, even. It makes me happy to know you had such a great day. :)

  5. Oh man lady....
    do you know what you have just done to me by showing me that picture?
    Its midnight (my alone time) and you show a crash dieting, mentruating woman a picture of brownies with whip ....AND THHHEEENNN top it all of with sprinkles.
    If my Wii yells at me tomorrow for being 2 lbs heavier tomorrow due to a late night kitchen raid....
    its totally on your shoulders!

  6. Glad it was wonderfully fantastic!

    Oh wait. Fantastically wonderful...

    My attention span is short....

    So. How ARE babies made?

  7. holla taylor. Do you want me to explain to the girls? I know you have a hard time discussing these topics.
    And then your girls might mention it to your parents and then they would *know*.

  8. So I've never commented before, but one of the BEST low-fat dessert recipes I've ever gotten was actually from Weight Watchers. It's the perfect summertime (or anytime in my book) frozen treat! So here ya go!

    Snickers Pie

    graham cracker pie crust
    12 oz fat free vanilla ice cream or frozen yogurt
    1 small box fat-free/sugar-free instant chocolate pudding
    1 cup light or fat-free Cool Whip
    1/4 cup crunchy peanut butter

    Mix all ingredients together and pour into graham cracker crust and freeze. It's best to set it on the counter for about 20 minutes or so before serving so it won't be so hard to cut. Enjoy!!

  9. Apple crisp! It has fruit in it....that's healthy, right? I bet the girls can help peel the apples too.

    8 apples
    1 tbsp sugar
    3/4 cup oatmeal
    1/4 cup flour
    2 tbsp brown sugar (or white sugar or whatever you have on hand!)
    2 tbsp melted butter
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1/4 tsp salt

    Peel, core and slice apples and toss with a tablespoon of sugar. Put the apples in a 13x9 pan that has been lined with foil (no dishes! woo hoo!) Combine all other ingredients and spread on top of apples. Bake at 375 for 30 minutes. Easy easy!

    If you divide it into 8 servings, it's 3 points. If you divide it into 6 servings, it's 4 points.

  10. I am glad you had a great day yesterday. I love it when school days go like that. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it is really nice. Your brownie recipe looked delicious and I think I might have to try it out.

  11. If the girls don't know how to peel & core apples, they would probably be kicked out of the Mali-blah-blah family.

    They are hardcore about their apples.

    HardCORE! I made a pun!

  12. That was quite rare for me to make two phone calls in one day =)

  13. Those brownies look good!!

  14. Horray for fabulous days!
    Mine is going pretty well too. For some reason I took it upon myself to clean the bathrooms and the hall before 9 a.m.
    I know.
    I'm thinking hubby slipped some redbull in my cereal or something.

    So, I feel a great sense of accomplishment, although the laundry pile looms. When does it not?

  15. Now that sounds like an awesome day. It also makes me wish I could hang outside all day.

    Silly job.

  16. Hoping your weekend is also fantastically wonderful : )

  17. Hi Taylor! Haven't commented in a long time but have been here all the while, quietly lurking. (That sounds so creepy. My apologies.) Having just joined Weight Watchers myself, I am curious to know the points value for that delicious brownie concoction. Do you happen to know?

  18. Oh, I love fabulous days like that! How wonderful!

  19. Yum-o on the brownies! They look delicious! I have a HUGE weakness for sprinkles....
