Monday, January 31, 2011

Fat Tuesday, Week One

Welcome to our first edition of Fat Tuesday 2011.


I trust you are all thrilled.

You may ask, "Taylor!  What on earth is Fat Tuesday?"

Well.  I would describe it as a accountability day for those of us who are trying to meet some healthy diet/fitness goals.  Anyone is welcome to join in anytime.  Also, anyone is welcome to bail anytime.

See!?  I am super hard core and will help you be accountable.

I am going to pump you up.

Let's go through this week's Wins/Fails, shall we?

I actually followed the Weight Watchers plan and I even tracked in my handy dandy points tracker thingie-ma-bob.


Except for on Saturday.  Saturday was kind of a free for all.


And Sunday.


But the rest of the week was golden!


I lost one pound!

Super Duper Shocker WIN!

I exercised with my friend Leslie Sansone two, count them, two times!

Leslie Sansone: 4 Fast Miles [DVD]

Surprising WIN!

I even walked the entire four miles each time.  Without skipping.  Or quitting early.


Except for the stretching.  I always skip the stretching.  Who needs it?

Serene and Soothing FAIL!/Time Saving WIN!

On Saturday, I hauled a lot of brush and branches for my darling, Lumberjackish husband.  I will count this as exercise, cause I certainly can't count it as fun.


I also cooked elk meatballs.

Good Wifey Win!

Sanity Fail.

I ate garlic bread.  Yum!


I ate a second piece of garlic bread.


I ate 3-5ish more pieces of garlic bread, depending on how truthful I am feeling.


I was 4thplace in the Biggest Loser Contest I joined.  But my friend SHELLY messed up with her math calculations and I was really 5th.

Shelly FAIL!

And, for all you smartie-pantsies out there who are snickering, NO, there are not FIVE people in the contest.  There are TEN.


So, how about you?  Did you meet your goals?  Do you have any yummy, lowfat recipes to share?  Any fun exercise ideas?

Did you also eat garlic bread?

Let us know in the comments section.  If you have your own blog, leave the link to the post in the comments section if you would like, or just check in with a comment.

Happy Tuesday!

PS-I also ate a french fry.  Or seven.  But it was off someone else's plate, so it doesn't really count.


  1. I think you know how this post is going to end - scads of people around the world going out for garlic bread tonight.

  2. For the record I know French fries , French fries and I are close friends and those my dear were no French fries!

  3. I actually did very well this week! Have changed my eating habits - finished with the dissection of any and all processed foods from my diet, (excuse me a mintue whilst I cry silently over NO MORE CHOCOLATE!) and have kept up with exercising. Since I live in the sunny State of Florida, that basically requires a gym membership because, really, here where the humidity has been known to reach 3000% and I really don't look good with a head full of me, NO ONE can rock the look of frizzy eyebrows! Anyway, made it to the gym 4 days last week, so now I only have to keep away from garlic bread and I'm home free!

  4. I did not eat garlic bread this weekend, but Megan is right: Now I want to.

  5. Major diet fail this week. I didn't exercise, I didn't eat well. But I've been sickly, and I will use that excuse for as long as possible. (Probably even once I feel better! ha!)

  6. more power to ya!
    I ate tater tots for dinner the other night. Yep.
    oh, and chocolate milk!

  7. My goal is to not step on the scale all week! I find it rather depressing when the numbers don't change! :)

  8. All righty, I am going to join this Fat Tuesday thing as I just completed my first week of Weight Watchers yesterday. I lost 3 lbs! I fear it may have been more had I NOT indulged in Baskin Robbins Friday night, but I am determined not to dwell on what might have been.

  9. I had a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast this morning. Is that a win or a fail. Wait...I only ate one! That's definitely a WIN.

  10. I had a chocolate chip cookie for breakfast this morning. Is that a win or a fail. Wait...I only ate one! That's definitely a WIN.

  11. Taylor, congrats on all of the WINs! Focus on those!!!!

    I just passed my one-month mark of being on the Daniel Fast. I have not eaten sugar, meat, or anything processed since December 27th. My waistline is whittling down, my belly does not hang over my pants any more, and my thighs actually have space between them when I stand.

    It has not been easy, but the payoffs are WORTH it!!

    Go girl! You can do it!

  12. I think garlic bread counts as a win... afterall, it has 3 food groups in it:
    Butter (Milk)
    Garlic (Veggie)

    On that note, I am getting hungry!

  13. I want to know what people are eating. I am so sick of salad with chicken/tuna/nothing on top.

    Do you like the walking DVD? I've done something stupid to my knee so I've not been doing anything but walk the past week and a half.

  14. I have not lost any weight since I said sign me up for Fat Tuesday. Fail! I think I am cursed now. I did go to the gym once last week and once so far this week. (I'm working into this exercise thing slowly.) Win! I always start out watching what I eat, but I usually cheat by the end of the day. Fail! I wonder if that last statement has anything to do with the first statement?

  15. I'm going on a cruise.

    To eat.

    Sign me up as a FAIL for next Tuesday.

  16. i, too lost 1 pound, but i think that was all month...FAIL!! oh well, at least i didn't gain!! WIN!! today i started my program again, and i EXERCISED!!! WIN!! although, i didn't feel good after my "work out" FAIL!! ...i hope to not feel like that after every time or i don't see it happening much....

  17. I made homemade pizza and chocolate chip cookies last night. ~ FAIL
    I only ate one cookie ~ WIN, but I ate probably 3 more cookies worth in dough ~ FAIL
    I bought lots of fresh fruits and veggies at the grocery store today ~ WIN
    I also found a recipe for crispy chick peas that I really liked. I will post it on my page. My mom said she used to make these when she was on Weight Watchers.

  18. I lost 12 lbs this week! Oh wait. It's because I had a baby - does it still count :)

  19. I've been sugar free for three days! Yay!
    I have also been exercise free for, like, five weeks. Boo!

  20. Rock on Sister Friend! Childbirth is my favorite weight loss plan!

  21. And CONGRATULATIONS!!! on your new baby! :)

  22. I've lost 18 pounds so far this year - since I've decided to really try. And I've stopped eating sugar, and refined grains, and really anything that tastes wonderful. But 18 pounds - that's a win! And I'm exercising 5 times a week (But let's be honest, it's quite motivating when I get 2 hours of childcare!)
    But, seriously, all I want is a Frosty and some fries. Here's my post about my Fat Tuesday update -

  23. Aww garlic bread is a tease, isn't she. I had a pretty good week. I am trying my da*&edest to do this. Why does sugar haunt me?? I did Miss Leslie 3 times. I like the one with the 5 miles and I do the middle 3 b/c it is 2- 12 min miles and a 10 min mile,. I never stretch. I simply don't have the time.... that is my story anyway. Luckily, my neighbor and I do it together or I would not even do it.
    Today I skipped it is an ice storm here and it would be wrong to do it w/o my friend. Plus I have a bad head cold. That is legit, right?
    See ya here next Fat Tues, hoping to be Less fat Tues.

  24. Last night I made cornbread. The night before that I made bear bread.

    I will forgive your for the garlic bread this one time. :)

    Marla @

  25. I've been eating a lot of fruit to curb cravings (no sugar added)--WIN!
    I've eaten a Luna bar every morning for breakfast just to make sure I eat breakfast--WIN!
    I haven't tracked it on WW even though I should and can--FAIL!
    I haven't exercised--FAIL!
    I craved McDonalds yesterday and ate it--FAIL!
    McDonalds made me sick to my stomach resulting in not much consumption today--WIN!
    Oh, and I still need to buy a scale.

  26. Oye. All this weight loss is making me anxious. Sure, I'm preggo now and have an excuse to gain weight, right?? RIGHT?? But alas, pregnancy doesn't last forever and in six months or less I will have to join you all in your endeavors. Sigh. I'm gonna go eat something. :)

  27. I like using the Flat Belly Diet Family Cookbook. It is delightful recipes, such as, Lemon Pound Cake and Chocolate Stuffed French Toast. Yum! I’ve lost 34 pounds following this plan.

  28. It counts! Weightlosss is weightloss!

  29. I did not give the right web address for my blog! Oops!

  30. Good job, ladies! I'm down 2.4 pounds this week. Woo hoo! For an update on my weight loss adventures check out

  31. Win (albeit a small one) .4 yes, 4 tenths of a pound loss for me this week. This makes a total of 44.6! Try a spice cake mix (dry) add a small can of pumpkin and bake in a 13 x 9 pan (lightly sprayed with Pam) at 400 degrees fro approximately 20 minutes. Serve with Fat Free Cool Whip. 1/12 of cake counted as 4 WW points, haven't recalculated for WW points plus yet. I too did Leslie 4 times this past week.

  32. Yay for everyone's WINS!

    I am down 2 pounds this week, Mr. Wii fit told me so... I have been good, Fruit smoothies (no sugar, low fat yoghurt) for breakfast all week, salads for lunch and light dinners.

    Did better than I thought I would with the Wii fit, and have been drinking lots of water. YAY, hopefully this week will be even better, but I have a dinner on Friday and a girlie breakfast on Sunday, I guess I will have to do more excercise :(...

    Go go go, we can do it!
