Friday, January 28, 2011

Donna? Oh, Donna?

A Friday List.

1.  I am tired.  I suspect it is because I had the audacity to wake up at 5:45am and do an exercise DVD.  Which was asinine, on my part.

Fun Fact:  Did you know that when you say "asinine" it sounds like you are being a potty mouth, but you really aren't? 

It's true!

And I looked it up, just to be certain.

2.  After we did our morning school session, I decided the house was in dire need of a massive clean up.

3.  I scrubbed the tub and shower and the toilets and the floors and vacuumed and did laundry.

4.  This was also asinine.

5.  I had plans to also organize a bunch of junk that is all junked around and to maybe even tidy up my closet. 

6.  But I have instead collapsed on my bed.  And since I was just on the computer to send in some school stuff, I decided to blog all about nothing.

7.  Lucky you.

8.  Would it be weird if I took a bath right now?   I certainly don't have to worry about any surprise company popping in.

9.  However.  Two times in the past month, a strange man has come to my door demanding to know where Donna is.

10.  I know not this Donna of whom he speaks.

11.  Do you know Donna?  Maybe you can help him.  He seems certain that she should be here.  He's slightly frustrated with me and my lack of knowledge about said Donna.  I am afraid next time, he might use potty language.

12.  I might get a table with eight chairs tomorrow off of Craigslist.   Does this excite you as much as it excites me?  If not, did you notice the part where it said EIGHT chairs?

13.  We are having people over for dinner next Saturday night and they have four children, so it would be nice to be able to seat at least half of the people.

14.  Four children!  Can you believe some people?  I mean, come on.  Enough is enough.

15.  Poor Little Dude.  He is stuck in the high chair until we get a new table.  For we can't fit everyone at our current table.

16.  Poor Little Dude.  He is also stuck in a crib until we are able to get him into his own room.

17.  Poor Little Dude.  We have to put a window into this aforementioned room before he can sleep in it.  According to my handsome and dashing Lumberjack, this will require a concrete saw.

18.  Raise your hand if you did not know concrete saws existed.

19.  The boys were playing hide and seek last night:

Handsome Dude:  Cokey.  You sit here on the couch and I find you!

Little Dude:  O-Tay!  Come and get me!

Handsome Dude:  O-Tay!  Just a minute!

Handsome Dude runs down the stairs

Handsome Dude:  One, Two, Free, Four, Seben, Nine, Firteen, Firteen, Firteen, Twenty!  Here I come!

Handsome Dude runs back up the stairs.

Little Dude:  I'm on the couch!

Handsome Dude:  I found you!  O-Tay!  My turn!  I hide on the couch and you come and get me!  O-Tay?

Little Dude:  O-Tay!

My boys are bright, yes?

20.  Someone once asked me on this very blog why Little Dude is called Cokey.  Well, Handsome Dude has a hard time saying Little Dude's factual name, so he just calls him, "Cokey,", "Cokes," "Cokey-da-bear", and "Co-Co."  So, if you hear me say any of those names, just make sure to remember it is Little Dude.  And if you know us in real life and cannot remember which one is Little Dude, then you will have to refer to the helpful pictoral guide located on the right sidebar of this here blog.

Keep up, people!

21.  I have recently purchased new, albeit cheap, bubble bath at the not-so-local-anymore Walmarts.  I thought you might need to know this.  In case you were still debating about whether or not I should take a bath.

21.  Why do I clean my house?  It is all in vain.  I bet it already looks messy.  I am just too tired to get up and look.

22.  This is a good reason why people shouldn't exercise.  I mean, if they have to get up at 5:45 in order to escape the cranky-morning-children-and-their-demands-for-chocolate-milk to be able to exercise in peace and they are so exhausted from having to move so much at such an ungodly hour, then I ask you, dear readers, What Is The Point? 

23.  I am hungry for a snack.

24.  I might make pizza tonight.  If I can get up off of my exhausted bum and go prepare the dough.

25.  Oh, yes!  I must make my own.  For we have not pizza deliveries in Ruralville.  Nor do we have Donna.

26. This post has gone on long enough.

27.  Drat.  I have two "21"'s.  That's a shame.  Now I look like an idiot.

Happy Friday!


  1. Maybe you shouldn't answer the door when the Donna-seeker returns.
    Just a thought.

    Because I like to read your blog, and if he kills you I would not be able to read it anymore.

    Happy bathing!

  2. I have a Co-Co in my life :) my adorable one yr old nephew cannot say his biggest brothers name, therefore we all call my 15 yr old nephew CoCo. He loves it. Not really. But we all love calling him CoCo, so it may stick. forever. :) everyone needs a CoCo, or a Cokey in their lives :D

  3. Do NOT answer the door when creepy Donna guy comes next time!!! I have a hard and fast rule: Just because someone knocks/rings the doorbell, I am NOT required to answer it. This may have something to do with my husband's profession and the fact that he is superparanoid and always has creepy stories, and since you are in the Middle-Of-Nowhere, the cops are a long ways away! No answer door!! It doesn't matter if he can see you or not--ignore him! Creepy Donna guy needs to get lost. And you can show up with one of those handy husband weapons and scare him off through the window or something. I don't know. It sounds good. And I loved the randomness of your blog today. It just fits well with the day, well, my day. Hope you had a sweet bubbly bath sans kids!

  4. I LOVE your blog and your ridiculousness.... is that a word?, well it is for you. You are my friend and you don't know it! ha!

  5. I'm with everyone. Don't answer the door to the Donna seeker. Three houses ago we had a phone number that belonged to a girl named Jennifer. I'm certain Jennifer was a lovely girl but she had an acquaintance living in the Maryland House of Corrections. He called our house several times a day. It seems he wanted to speak to Jennifer very very badly. I don't think he believed me when I told him Jennifer was no longer at that number and I worried he might take it upon himself to verify that fact in person. Once he was released from the House of Corrections. Or broke out but still, we changed our number. I never answer my door to a stranger. Sad state of affairs but its best not to end up on an episode of Law and Order. Are all these comments making you paranoid? I hope not but do take care!

    Take a bath. A bath makes everything in life seem more manageable.

  6. Making your own dough? They might not have delivery in ruralvile, but I'm sure they have Digorno in the freezer section of Walmart (I had to reference the first 21 to make sure you have a walmart and you do) Much easier and that leaves you time to take the bubble bath!

    But homemade pizza will probably be quite delicious so hopefully it's at least worth the effort!

    Oh and I'm too freaked out by the DonnaSeeker to even comment on it. We have way too many strange people come to our apartment door and it always makes me glad I have a peep hole! I'm with Joyce on this don't have to answer the door to anyone you don't want to!

  7. LJ has guns, right? Other than on his arms. I think I remember 17 or something like that.

    So, the next time Donna-wanting-man comes to the door, holler "Just a minute" in your sweetest sing-song voice.

    Grab a gun, load yours. Give each child a gun (unloaded with the safety on of course), and then open the door, with the children lined up behind you.

    Depending on the gun, some of them have that nice little cocking sound. Make that sound as you open the door.

    I bet Donna-man won't come around again. If he does, are the rules the same where you live as they are in Texas? Make sure he is partially across the thresh-hold, then shoot him! In Texas, they only have to be on your land, and you can shoot ;)

    OK, so I am jesting. But, standing there with 5 guns pointing at Donna-man sounds so much more fun to do than sulking behind a locked door and calling the police. But, you probably should sulk and call. Then, just imagine the "last stand in rural-ville".

    My hubby grew up in No-where-ville. When a stranger drove down their driveway/road, his momma would holler, "Son, go get the gun." Every unannounced visitor got met with a shot-gun pointed by my strapping man (who was then a child).

  8. I hate that people feel free to come to my door. How rude!!! Don't answer. OR!!! ANSWER the door by yelling from an upstairs window with a gun in your hand. Not pointing it or anything, just holding it so he can see it clearly. This is what I would do. But, I am crazy. I would probably also point out that clearly Donna doesn't like him enough to leave him a forwarding address.

    You should take a bath. Baths are wonderful. The whole world seem like a much more maneagable place after one has had a bath. Unless of course, the house is coming down around your ears when you step out of the bathroom. Not that that has ever happened to me or anything.

    And, with regards to the Cokey/Co-Co thing. One of my sisters was named Ca-Ca by my daughter. That will get you strange looks when you say things like, "Go with Auntie Caca while momma loads the groceries in the cart!" while you're out in public.

    P.S. Your comment on my blog totally cracked. me. up.

  9. Ok, I am with everyone on this...

    What if his "Donna" story is just a ruse, and he is really checking at what times you are all alone with the kids? DO. NOT. I REPEAT, DO. NOT. OPEN. THE. DOOR!!!!!!!!!!! Gheez... Now I am worried about you!

    Listen to your lumber-cyber-friends, we don't want anything to happen to you!!!

  10. Donna-Man is wee scary. Do not open the door. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Maybe I over embellished his crazy-ness and now everyone is worried." Am I right? Yes I am. I don't care. Do not answer the door. Right now, immediately, do two things. 1) write that man a note explaining the Donna situation to him and put it in your mailbox. 2) Hide snacks in Little Dudes windowless room. The next time he comes to the door, just yell through the door, "You've got a note in the mailbox!" Then hide yourself and your kids in Little Dudes windowless room and live on the snacks until the Lumberjack comes home. Or you could just shoot him. Now I'm not sure. Crap.

  11. Yup - you don't want to get mixed up with any Donna-seekers. If I don't know someone I yell through the door. Once I demanded to see ID from a package delivery guy (he was not wearing any recognizable uniform). And don't worry - 21 is a lucky number so it's permissible to have two number 21s.

    Rachel from Superior, WI

  12. Soooooo....Are you freaked out by all the warnings of direness coming from Donna-dude?

    Sleep well tonight Taylor...

  13. I hope you had a lovely bubble bath.

    I cleaned my house today too. Luckily, the only people I have around here to mess it up are Justice (I know- person/dog whatever) and the husband.

    Marla @

  14. No pizza delivery...God bless you!! I am all for making pizza dough, but after two days working at home (for my job) with a sick child, the last thing I want to do is make pizza!! Loved your blog.. so real and enjoyable :)

  15. Baths are gross! Although, you did just clean your tub, so it's probably fine.
    You make me laugh.
    Also, as with everyone else...I am a little bit freaked out by the guy looking for Donna repeatedly. Does the Lumberjack know about this man? Has he gotten his concrete saw yet?

  16. Not a single one of us would have noticed the 2 21s. Have a great weekend!

  17. It's a sad sad fact that unlocking/opening doors and talking to unknown people is a way of the past. Even in suburanville but especially in ruralville. What exercise DVD did you do?

  18. Love the hide-n-seek game :)

    Pizza dough is easy--put ingredients in breadmaker, turn on. Wait. Ta-da!

  19. You could rename Lucy Fur and next time the man asks for Donna, hand him the puppy and say, "Here she is, she's all yours!"

  20. We play hide-and-seek the same way, only usually the person is required to toss a blanket over them. Because you'd never spot a person sitting on a couch with a blanket over them. Oh, and if my husband and I dare try to shake things up and move from the designated hiding place, "You're not playing right!" come the squeals. It's nice that our children's bar of expectations are so low now, don't you think?

  21. I made it through the whole post. And never noticed the extra 21. Thanks. Now *I* feel stupid.

  22. I love Chef Boy ArDee pizza mix--or how ever you spell it. Except for the cleaning up part, it is better than the delivered kind! I love the way your boys play hide and seek! And I hate exercise!

  23. Oops, I forgot. I'm coming over from Hoosier at Heart.

  24. Ha! Your list had me cracking up. I'm a HUGE Craigslist fan/shopper so I am super excited for your table and chairs (all 8 of them) find.

    Do you ever watch In the Middle? They have three kids and the third one got stuck with a lawn chair for him to eat at the dinner table. So Little Dude is kind of lucky. :)
