Monday, January 24, 2011


Sister Meagan to Handsome Dude: Hey, dude!

What's coming out of your nose?

Handsome Dude:  I not know!

Sister Meagan:  Dude.  You've got like blue and brown snot!

Me:  Did you put candy up your nose?

Handsome Dude:  No!  Cokey did it.  I not!

Lest any of you are confused, "Cokey" is his nickname for Little Dude.

Sister Meagan:  Gross!  There's tons more!

Me:  Did you sneak into Dad's M&Ms?

Handsome Dude:  Ummm, no!  Ummm . . . . yes.

Me:  Did you stick an M&M up your nose?

Handsome Dude:  Yes.

Me:  Dude!  You canNOT do that!

Sister Meagan:  Seriously, buddy.  Do not stick things up your nose!

Handsome Dude:  O-TAY!

Me:  Hey, Meg?  Did a peanut happen to come out?

Sister Meagan:  No, why?

Me:  Cause those were peanut M&Ms.

Sister Meagan:  Nice!


My son can't be the only foolish boy who has stuck something up his nose . . . right?



Alright.  That's all for tonight.

PS-We have yet to find the peanut.

PPS-Are we not proud that he is wearing his glasses?

PPPS-They have since broken.

PPPPS-Are we surprised?

PPPPPS-This post script has gotten excessive, has it not?


  1. MAYBE he ate the peanut and stuck the "wrapper" up his nose, you know, because you have done such a good job teaching him not to be a litter bug.
    Or, maybe he's going to have a peanut plant growing out of his nose soon. "I not know".

  2. Why do the dad's always miss these precious moments?

  3. JoAnn, you made me laugh so! ha! No wrappers. David had the Costco sized bag of M and Ms. So the candy is plentiful and unwrapped!

  4. what a goober, a peanut goober that is.

  5. i am the goober- I meant to write a candy goober that is. Sheesh!

  6. goober booger haha same letters... now I will quit commenting! For reels.

  7. buuuutttt the SHELL could be misunderstood by a young person to be some sort of wrapper, holding the delicious peanut within.
    What the costco bag? Does someone have an OBSESSION?!

  8. I have friends with lots of up the nose stories. Beads, candy, rocks, dog food, etc. None of mine have done it, thank the good lord.

  9. Look at that beautiful sunshine!!

  10. My oldest son once put a skittle in his nose. We took him to the E.R. because we thought it was a crayon. We had to watch him all the time after that because he started sticking things up his nose a lot. Luckily we finally taught him how to blow his nose. As for handsome dude, hopefully he does not still have a peanut in his nose.

  11. Clayton put a pea up his nose when he was little. It never came out...well, it probably dissolved and such and..ya, gross!

  12. Ours stuck a light bright peg up her nose. That cost me one trip to the ER who couldn't get it out, so they sent us to a pediatric ENT. They did and her sister wanted to keep the light bright peg. Uh...NO.

  13. In fairness to the Lumberjack, he did get the first round of the M&M out of Handsome Dude's nose, I just got the second and third rounds.

  14. I heart Handsome Dude, we shall be friends. I stuck peas up my nose once upon a time...or so my family likes to remind me.

  15. Haha! My brother once stuck a canned mushroom up his nose... and my mom didn't find it until it started... smell. (SO GROSS!!!!). They had to remove it at the clinic, and the very next week he stuck cheerios up his nose!!

    Talk about not learning your lesson...

  16. Umm, yeah.
    They always "not know".
    Always "owieimynoz".
    without straining the brain in recollection:
    broken crayon
    berries (though not of the purple gold variety)
    popcorn kernels
    and as of last week -
    That made for some colorful kleenexes.

    and it's pretty much a boy thing. One of my girls has tried it. Once. And the others learned from her painful example.
    Boys, not so much.

    Have fun with that.

  17. Um...can he blow his nose? Can you get him to stick his face in the tub and blow bubbles with his nose?

  18. I know how to get the peanut out! You use over the counter nasal spray which shrinks the nasal passages and it falls right out.

  19. Prince had bubble gum up his nose once. It was oh so lovely trying to get him to blow his nose to get the rest of it out. And once he put a piece of a cracker in his ear and we couldn't get that out till someone suggested we put a little water in there to soften it up and it came right out. Boys are gross and they think of really strange things to do with food.

  20. happens ALL the time. My granddaughter stuck a frozen pea up her nose. Luckily she was able to blow it out. I saw a kid in the ER with an entire crayon up his nose. But, you know you have to go have this checked out right? If the peanut went into his sinus cavity there could be big trouble. Sorry to state the bleedin' obvious.

  21. my kids never put things in their, i always miss out on the fun stuff... ;)

  22. You guys crack me up! :) Hope you found the peanut. :)

  23. My nephew put a bean up his nose a few weeks ago. It was so far in there they had to go to the insta care to have it removed. He's STILL traumatized .

  24. Yuck! Boys do the strangest things. I hope you find the peanut!

  25. One of my favorites was a wad of tin-foil up the nose - it became very sharp and therefore causing bleeding, which of course freaked the kid out!! For the love of Pete.....

  26. Ouch! That sounds REALLY uncomfortable! I have not had one single incident of something up the nose. Besides their fingers. Ew. Maybe baby #3 is going to be the trouble maker.......

  27. Sarah's yellow bead up her nose pales in comparison to those stories! Wow!

    so about the flannel sheets! Love? Hate? Please share this riveting info!

  28. Okay, so my sister Paula totally has to blog her son's magic trick with a rock up his nose. It involves snorting up one side to be blown out the other...Only after a trip to the ER and an ENT, I'm not sure it worked out quite how he planned...

  29. One green bead got "lost" (in her words) up my daughters left nostril when she was 5. Very far up. The ER team tried blowing up the other nostril to shift it (actually, they made me do that), tweezers, nose spray to dilate everything, suction. Finally the doctors swaddled her in a sheet, gave her gas till she giggled hysterically, and suctioned it out.

    I blame her fathers side. Apparently he and his brothers had a penchant for blueberries.

  30. I have read this post twice now. I am still laughing about the missing peanut. YIKES! Did you find it?

  31. hahahhaaaaaaa you dont know how often we see object stuck up noses, ears, and other places! You are not alone :)
    And I have always thought Meagan is gorgeous, too bad we can never see her face ...
