Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Saturday Evening Post

I am sure you have all been dying to know if I went to the large women's event today.

Just to clarify, it was not an event for "large" women, as some of you were mistaken. 

And I thank you for that.


I stayed home. 

I woke up to a very cheerful husband.  He was listening to his odd Chris LeDoux jibberish and making waffles.  Or as the boys refer to them, "wabbles!"

My poor husband.  Ruralville is his dream place.  And he never sees it in daylight.  He leaves at o'dark thirty and comes home at late dark thirty.

Today was a much needed family day.  A day to just be together and get stuff done and not spend our time driving and rushing around.  We got all geared up in our outdoor work clothes.

Which look fantastic, I must say.

And my husband, the smart man that he is, made sure to tell me I looked cute before we headed out.

Since I am shallow and easily flattered, I helped him build a rack to hold various shovels and rakes out of PVC pipe and glue.

We are like a dream team, I tell you.  That tool rack rocked.

We cleaned up the place.  David took the kids on a four-wheeler-ride and I made elk tacos.

This is now my life.

But I did have my taco sans elk.

I am slowly transitioning into my new redneck life.

After lunch, David and the girls searched on Craigslist and found the deal of a lifetime.  A rabbitry.

You may ask, "Taylor!  What in the world is a rabbitry?!"

Well.  A rabbitry, I think, is like a rabbit breeding business.  David has made a deal with the girls that if they can save up so much money, he will let them have a horse.  To earn money, they are doing chores and recycling aluminum cans.  The rabbit business would hopefully bring them in more money.

This is the way my husband thinks.  Do we understand him? No.  But we love him.

Darn our luck, some other lucky Craigslister snatched up the rabbitry before us.

So, they went back outside and I stayed in to make my super duper homemade laundry soap.

If you are lucky, dear readers, perhaps some day I shall share with you the recipe.

Don't make fun of me.

I know you are.

Some day, making your own laundry soap will be all the rage.  Just you wait.

Then I had to remove not one, but two, wads of gum that were stuck in my carpets.  Not that my boys would ever be so naughty as to steal gum from my purse, chew it up, and then hide it amidst the carpet fibers.

No.  My boys are angels.

Speaking of the boys, Handsome Dude drew a picture for David today and really wanted David to take it to work with him.

So he stuck it in David's lunch box.

I found it to be super sweet.  Even if his ability to color within the lines is mediocre at best.

Little Dude has been obsessed with his puppies and his blankie lately.  So David, in the spirit of David, decided it would be humorous to torture my poor boy.

He will probably be scarred for life.

We had soup and cornbread for dinner and finished the night off with a family movie night.

And we watched "Beethoven's Big Break." 




We had  a good day.

And after yesterday, you have all convinced me to at least try the flannel sheets.

As weird as it might seem.

Later Dudes!


  1. Sounds like a great day and much needed.

  2. I use homemade laundry soap, too. My friend makes it, though. I use ONE TABLESPOON per load. That's it. It is amazing.

  3. Please share your homemade laundry soap. I am a farmer's stay-at-home wifey now. I need to be able to brag about homemade soap!

    PS- I am checking your blog from Hawaii. Feel special. :)

    Marla @

  4. Glad you had a good day at home =)

  5. -happy hubby making 'wabbles'
    -completing projects
    -fostering children's financial independence
    -not making another trip to town
    -making elk tacos without actually eating them

    all very good.

    looking cute in cold weather work clothes?


  6. You looked cute in your outdoor working clothes and didn't share a picture with us? Hubby cooking breakfast is an awesome thing! Sounds like you had a great day and made the right choice with staying home. My kids watched the same movie last night. I guess great minds think alike.

  7. Sounds like you made the right decision. And look at you with your homemade laundry soap!

  8. I love Saturdays like that!! Glad you had such a good one. We had a Home & GArden Show going on and I opted to stay home with my guys. I cooked stuff to put in the freezer, we took a walk on our 20 acres and I put a "Grab my button" on my blog! I feel I got much accomplished. Oh...our movie was "Big Fat Liar". Riveting, also! :)
    Have a great week Taylor!!
    PS...Feel free to "grab my button"..whoever you are, I'm going to be running a giveaway soon.

  9. You are getting ever so domestic! I believe I may become intimidated. Laundry soap, yeast bread, elk tacos, building tool holder thingies.....

    Would it scare you if I told you we don't use laundry soap?

  10. Taylor,
    I have become very fond of you due to our blogland friendship. That fondness prompts this overly long and bleak comment based on my 4 1/2 years of horse ownership. . . .

    Did you know that horses are expensive? Did you know that if you get a "deal" on a horse that you will get exactly what you pay for?

    We found that out the hard way just so you know.

    Other fun facts:
    - horses are herd animals so you really need at least two.
    - two horses cost more than one horse.
    - no matter how much you spend on the horse, that's just a drop in the bucket.
    - Saddles? Not cheap. And they are not one size fits all so you have to have more than one per horse.
    - other fun things you will have to buy: bridles, bits, brushes, pails, combs, picks . . .
    - then there are the lessons. Someone has to teach the kids how to ride the darned things, and unless that someone is you expect to pay $25+/hour.
    - if the kids are good at it, they are going to want to compete and show. To do so you will have to get the horses off of your property. This will require a trailer. Go ahead and google the cost of horse trailers. You'll be making laundry soap until you die.
    - Horse feed. You'll need to buy more bales of hay than you can fathom to get through the winter and you'll need a place to store it that is dry. An average sized horse eats a bale every two days.
    - They also eat grain. Grain attracts mice.
    - I'm assuming you have a fenced pasture so I won't get into that. Did you know though that you have to seed and water that pasture so that it has the right kind of grass?
    - A farrier has to come out every 6-8 weeks. Your horses will get pedicures more often than you do. If you have barefoot horses that's only about $30/horse. If your horse wears shoes it runs around $80.
    - Good news! You can give de-wormer yourself. Bed news! They will need vaccinations at least twice a year requiring a vet to come to your house.
    - If your horse gets sick you will have to make truly horrible decisions.
    - There is much physical labor involved in horse ownership. If you leave town to say, go camping, it will still have to be done twice a day.

    Having said all of that, we love our horse and Reagan has gotten an amazing experience out of owning and training her. Of course we have to board ours because we do not live in Ruralville so I avoid a lot of that list.

    Perhaps your girls would like dance lessons?

  11. Darn that other Craigslist person!


    Just sayin'.

    Not that you care what I say....

    Now, carry on. Carry on.

  13. Perhaps the pony idea should be tabled for awhile. Instead, why don't you come to my parents and ride their horses and/or pony and save yourself the time and money associated with them? :) You are welcome anytime. Maddy is going to have her bday there so all her friends can have a pony ride, so you're on the list. :) I'm glad you stayed home. Family time is uber-precious. Good call.

  14. I must concur with this list. We had horses in my youth (not that I'm old). I still remember having to inload only God knows how many bails of hay and we won't even talk of the stacking of it. Then there was the lovely job of cleaning the stalls......Good times, good times. Actually, I do have fond memories but I also was not paying the bills:)

    By the way sounds like a great day!

  15. Your husband actually said that you looked cute? Y'all are one lucky woman! Thank your lucky Craig's list stars. I've had pet rabbits and they take a lot of care. And selling them for meat is awful. AWFUL. But that soap of your's? You and the girls could market that stuff. I'd buy some.

  16. I have to admit... I'm a little bummed about the lack of rabbitry. You obviously would have rocked that.

  17. A family day at home is seriously priceless! Glad you got one! However, you did miss my mad cheerleader skills moves on the stage at the "Large" women's event.. don't cry...

  18. What is the 'large womens event'? This post needs more photos, not that you need any more chores to complete. Maybe you could co-own a horse in future. Like families with kids who want to ride and care for etc etc could all chip in? Absolutely hate flannel sheets. Can't slide around on them. Too much heat and energy to dry because they are so much thicker. Regular sheets warm up quickly but I love the coolness on my face of cold sheets and pillowcases. I have lived in the cold and I still hate flannel sheets.
