Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Are you in?

So.  I have this friend.

Let's call her Shannon.

Shannon is new to blogging and she has been searching for the blog that hosted the Fat Tuesday link.

100 (meaningless) points to whomever can remember which pointless blog hosted that one.


Ok.  It was mine.  And I gave up because I had no time.  Or goals.  Or discipline.

But I had an idea!

What if I hosted Fat Tuesday again temporarily?  I think to have it every Tuesday forever and ever would be excessive, don't you?

I mean, really.  Who wants to commit to good health and exercise all year long? 


It's best to take these things in small spurts.  That way, you can gain back what you lost, mourn and wail, and then start all over again!

See?  Brilliant.

So.  I might start it up again if enough people are interested in doing it.  I would run it through Mid-April.

Here's the deal if you are interested:

1) The purpose of Fat Tuesday is to keep people accountable to their health/diet/fitness goals.

2)  I do not promise to be inspiring.  Or helpful.  Nor thinner when this is over.

3)  If you would like to participate, simply say, "I would like to participate."  And you can join in whenever.  I do not care.

4)  State your goals.  Check in each week.

5)  You can check in via comment or with a blog post in Mr. Linky.

6)  Do you know who Mr. Linky is? 

7)  If you choose to link a post, you can link up anything that would relate to healthy living, like recipes or exercise tips. 

Ok.  So are we all on the same page?

You may ask, "Taylor!  Why are you doing this?"

Well.  I joined a Biggest Loser Competition.  And I am in 4th place thus far, holla!

And I thought it might be fun.

Ok.  Here are my wins/fails for the week.

I have lost 3.4% of my body weight in two weeks! 


I am still trying to figure out why people enjoy exercising.


I have actually followed Weight Watchers for two weeks in a row!


Did you know that all fruits and most vegetables are now zero points?!


Did you know that you actually have to exercise in order to lose tummy fat?


I have a lot of tummy fat.


I am not pregnant.

Sanity Win!

Yet, sometimes I look like I might be.

 Ego Fail!

Sweet Pea told me I needed a new driver's license picture today.  She said I look way older now.

Sweet Pea Fail!

I still drink this all the time


Delicious Fail!

Alright.  That is all for now.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Make sure to go say holla to Shannon.

She's new to blogging and her blog is quite good!

You should leave her a comment.  It will rock her world.

For reals.

Or realz.

Whichever you prefer.

Oh, and she is trying to beat me in this Biggest Loser competition.  So maybe you should try to sabatoge her somehow for me.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. My first question for you is this: Are there more than four people in your BL competition? Hahaha! I crack myself up. I'M IN!

  2. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!! That is FUNNY!

  3. I would join, but alas, I AM pregnant, so I think I can say with certainty there will be no loss of weight until this kiddo pops out, hopefully in June. That's what I'm pulling for. :) Because to say July 1st, which is the due date, sounds way longer than June. It is, okay? Just go with me on this. I'm pregnant. I have hormones. Now I'll go eat a brownies. Oh, and take brownies to Shannon, she'll be so grateful. (pretend it's a congratulations on the blogging or something) Also, make yourself elk brownies so that you won't eat them but will feel victorious in NOT eating brownies. Good luck and Godspeed!!

  4. MindyLou, in blogland, you're mean. Taylor- Keep your brownies, and I may even workout due to MindyLou's comment. :) Bring Fat Tuesday back because it's fun, and you can brag about your weightloss. :) Thanks for the blogging plug- it's true comments do make my day.

  5. Congrats on the weight loss!! And not being pregnant! And to our friend Shannon on her new blog! Go check her out Lumberfans!

  6. Ok. I wanted to join when Fat Tuesday was going on a few months ago. Alas, I feigned shyness and the opportunity passed. Now, however, I have made enough long, random and idiotic comments on this fun (not pointless) blog that you know the true me. Why be shy?
    Because baby #5 is almost 6 months old. And he is not fatter than me. Boo.

  7. Hmmm...I don't really need to lose weight. Don't be a hater. I have good DNA, and I am on a vegetarian, no sugar, no processed foods diet, which has nearly completely slimmed me down in four weeks.

    But, when I saw your Coffee Mate, I had to sigh.

    I do not drink coffee, but last year, I had amazing coupons for Bailey's Irish Creme (the kind you buy at the store for coffee, not the liquor). I got about twenty bottles for free because I am also a coupon princess.

    Anyhoo, I figured out that you can mix a bit of this heavenly delight with a few splashes of Amaretto.




    I am not a lush, mind you, and if Amaretto came alcohol-free, I would be just as happy. But the thought of this delicious toddy makes me smile.

    Have a good day!

  8. ELK BROWNIES!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I really need to do this...but I will have to do some studying to see if I can. Come by my blog and enter my giveaway!! I hope you succeed in the Biggest Loser contest!!

  10. Okay, I tried to use the html tags and it didn't work the way I wanted...I'm so lame!!

  11. Oh and I want to hear more about your Biggest Loser competition...is there a grand prize??? is it just a group of friends or formally organized by a gym or something (I'm guessing there are no gyms in ruralville....but you never know!)

  12. Woo hoo! excited about this! I'm in! My goal: to be able to put my jeans on without doing a dance and/or lunges to stretch them out enough to get them on. :-)

  13. As one of your previous "Fat Tuesday" ladies, I am totally in. However, if you look back on my entries, there's no way anything I said was helpful or motivating either. But, maybe this time....

  14. Watch it, MindyLou!
    There are 10 people in the competition, thankyouverymuch.

  15. 10 people are in, each person chips in $50 and the person who loses most body percentage wins $500. You can lose weight however you want, but no surgery. It is just friends and I don't belong to a gym. There is definitely NOT one in Ruralville! :)

  16. Yay! You are in! WooHoo!

  17. Yay! I am glad you are in!

  18. Alright, well join in if you would like!

  19. You're IN! WOOHOO!

  20. I am marking you down for "in"

  21. I want in!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have been trying to talk myself into doing something to work out, I cannot afford a gym membership but I do have a Wii and Wii-fit, I will try that, some people actually do lose weight with that, (I hope!)...

    This will give me the swift kick in the rear that I need badly, I am sick of my blubber!

    NO BROWNIES!!!!!!!!! And I am off to see Shannon....

  22. There is a Lumbergym in Ruralville. You chase kids and a dog all day long!

  23. I am in for Fat Tuesdays in that I will come on here and tell you how much weight I am losing. (I have lost 50 pounds since September, by the way.) I will not post on my own blog however, because I find dieting tips boring and I hate exercise and fitness. Did someone mention brownies? Can I sniff them, please?

  24. now i am off to visit shannon....holla!!

  25. u KNOW i'm in gf!!! =) not that i am ANY help AT ALL....jus sayin' =)

  26. Nice job on the 50 pounds!!!! So glad you are in!

  27. Glad you are in, Michelle!

  28. WooHoo, Alyssa! :)

  29. Not in. I tried the Wii fit once. I was pregnant. It kept making me choose an option to explain why I was gaining weight. Pregnancy was not an option.

    Oh, and I'm pregnant again. And I'm so upset that you actually have to work out to get rid of belly fat. No. No. NOOOOOOOOOOO!

    I think I need a cookie.

  30. This preggo will have a cookie with you. I was gonna borrow a Wii fit, but now that I read your story, I don't think I will....thanks for giving me an excuse! :)

  31. I started the Wii Fit, now I am hurtin'...
    BUT, I was a good girl all week... Fruit smoothies NO SUGAR for breakfast, only 1 coffee per day, (UGH) only fruits and veggies for snacks.... Not easy, and my tummy grumbled for a couple days, but I think I am on the right track... HOLLA!
