Monday, October 10, 2011


It is finished.

Yes.  I know.  My photography skills (or skillz, whichever you prefer) are to be envied.  And, yes.  You are looking at a picture of a deceased fly on this top-notch blog.

Did you catch that?  DECEASED fly.

That's right.


There it is!  And only $4.72 at The Walmarts.

Ok.  That picture is kinda bad.  David took the camera hunting with him, so all I have is my phone.  I know you all expect superior photos from me, but it shall have to wait.  Patience, my friends.  Patience.

You may ask:  "Taylor!  Why on earth does David need a camera for to hunt?"

Well, readers.  I cannot be certain, but I do believe it is for the "rack" picture.  Do you remember the rack picture from last year?

Sure you do.

You know.  When I had to take 4.2 million photos until we got the EPIC photo that made the "rack" look huge and glorious and got all the "points" in it.

Are you listening to me?  Do you even care about the "rack" picture?  Do you know what "points are?"

Neither do I.  Let's proceed.

I am finding dead flies everywhere since I sprayed and It. Is. Glorious.  I am thoroughly enjoying myself.  In case you weren't up to speed, my home has been plagued with flies for weeks now.  WEEKS, I tell you.  It was disheartening, really.

In other news, due to all your helpful makeup tips yesterday, I added eyeliner to the mix today.  No one noticed, but I felt like a million bucks.  While I murdered flies.

In other, other news, my knee is KILLING me.  This is not surprising.  I took a Tylenol PM about 15 minutes ago.  So.  Yeah.  You've been warned.

David is off on his hunting trip and has left us ladyfolk in charge of the bunnies.  He mostly left my girls in charge because I am afeared of the bunnies.  And no, afeared is not a  real word, but I like it.   The girls told me that one of the rabbits is dead.  This is a crying shame.  Not just because it is dead, may he/she (Did you assume I checked it's gender?  You are mistaken) rest in peace, but somebody is going to have to deal with it.  And David is not here.  Hence the crying shame.

Rabbits are freaky creatures, dudes.  They just drop dead for no reason.  Its quite mysterious.  Now, honestly, if  the dead, genderless rabbit was in a private cage, I would just leave him/her there for the time being.  I did marry David after all.  I will be taking advantage of the perks.  (Rack picture taking is NOT one of them)   But he/she is in a group cage and I am not sure I trust the other rabbits with the body.

Rabbits are freaky creatures, dudes.  I would not be shocked if they nibbled a bit on their dead friend.  Yes.  Nibbled.  I said it.

So.  That will be tomorrow's adventure.  Removal of the rabbit body.  May he/she rest in peace.   I'll have to put on my lady ranch-wear for the occasion, which always makes me look like eye-candy.

Oh!  A fly just buzzed by.  I am going to let him live.  I admire his die-hard spirit and his fight for life.

But as soon as I sleep this Tylenol PM off, he's a goner.

And on that note, I shall bid you adieu.

Oh!  I almost forgot!  I found this to be hilarious-

It was David's "hunting packing" list, written on The Babysitter's Little Sister Friendship Club paper.

Because THAT is uber manly.

Alright.  Goodnight.


  1. so long, farewell......gooooood night, gooooood night, goooooood niiiiiiiight!

  2. Okay I clicked on the link above the picture to read that post, I wasnt reading back then, my bad, and you had a picture of your son that was the scariest thing I have seen in a long time. It totally freaked me out lol.

  3. I'm glad you found a weapon that works! Good luck with the larger creature tomorrow-ewww. I am not good with dead animals. My girls still talk (laugh at me) about the time I accidentally picked up a dead hedge hog from our pond. It was upside down and appeared to be a leaf. It was not. I almost needed resuscitating. Happy Tuesday!

  4. Eyeliner is essential.

  5. Does it matter if anyone notices your makeup as long as it makes you feel better? After taking care of the rabbit that has departed this plane of existence, Make sure to scrub up and then apply all your makeup.

    It will help you feel better.

  6. rabbits are wee disgusting. good luck and God speed

  7. So glad I could be solely responsible for you discovering the joy of eyeliner...

    It was me, right? I'm sure you just forgot to thank me and then link up to me. But that's okay. I am basking in your unspoken gratitude.

  8. I will spray two and only two things..ants and flys. Your David took the camera for the same reason my husband took the camera this week...they have hopes and dreams beyond their wildent imagination of having this unbelievable hunt and taking pictures and getting their story published in Hunting Fool magazine! and winning this absolutely amazing rifle that they can't afford because of us buying makeup ...all. because they got on the cover of Hunting Fool magazine. However...we still have the original digital camera ever made and less pixels than your cell phone...ha! and in order to get published you need at least 14mp....woe is he.

  9. Got to love a man who is willing to write on girly note paper. Or desperate. Whichever!

  10. I am so sad for you about the rabbit...I could never take care of something like that myself. In fact, when we had a pool several years ago and a rabbit decided to go for a swim (which ended up being unfortunate for him [her?]) and Mike was out of town my neighbor was kind enough to rescue me (the rabbit was beyond rescuing) and get it out of the water using a plastic grocery bag. There were also many mice that summer. I did not enjoy having a pool.

  11. every part of this post is hilarious. I mean, the ending made my nose hurt, I snorted so hard.
    I think I would take care of that bunny now, before there's nothing left but bones...and yes, I just wrote that to freak you out. I'm sorry. I don't have much going on tonight. :)

  12. In my house, we're going through some really hard times and I've been walking around on the verge of tears for 3 days....but your post actually made me laugh so hard I forgot about it for a little while.


  13. those darn wasically wabbits (100 meaningless points if you can tell me who i'm quoting) ;)

  14. I killed a spider today with hand soap. I just squirted enough on it (like half the bottle) so it drowned/suffocated to death. I'm going to check in a minute if by some miracle it made it out alive. If it did, I'm going to be grossed out because there's no telling where it'll go.
