Friday, October 21, 2011

Ukeleles and Meat Grinding

Today, I made a ukulele out of cardboard.  And it has been the highlight of my day, if that tells you anything.  Oh!  And I did give my mom a Facebook profile picture.  Sister Meagan and I are basically doing Facebook for mother.  So, that's progressive.  Maybe next month, we'll tell her what her password is.

Speaking of mother and Facebook, let's do the COW.

This week's goes to Mindee.

I’m kind of tempted to try to friend your mom just to see if she’ll
a) freak that strangers are stalking her via facebook or
b) accept my friend request and pretend she knows me and spend three days racking her brain trying to figure out how.

Do it, Mindee!  It will bring me much amusement.

It's been a blah day today.  A day in which I wonder why on earth I am homeschooling.  I have those days often, it seems.  We have lots of things to do because on Tuesday, the girls and I are boarding a plane and heading to Tennessee!  For to see Bimlissa!

It occurred to me that we get back on the 30th at 11pm.  Therefore, I need to figure out Halloween costumes.  And I loathe Halloween costumes.  LOATHE.  We raided the dress up bin and found the following:

Little Dude:  Cow

Handsome Dude:  Monkey (Repeat from last year.  We don't care and neither should you.)

Daisy Mae:  Tinkerbell

Sweet Pea:  American Girl Molly when she was dressed up as a hula girl.  But everyone will just think she is a hula girl.  But we shall pretend, because I don't have time for her to come up with something else.

Sweet Pea's costume is why I made the cardboard ukelele, if you must know.  And all I need to purchase is a lei for Sweet Pea to adorn around her neck and we are ready for stupid Halloween.  Of which I loathe.

In other news, I am loving Pinterest.  I found two homeschool lessons on there this very afternoon!  I also have an entire pinboard devoted to crafts I want to do, but am unable to, due to my lack of a brain, general hand/eye coordination, and sewing skills.  Or skillz.  Whichever you prefer.  This pinboard is suitably named:

"Crafts to Talk Lisa into Doing With Me."

Lisa is my sister-in-law.  Please try to keep up.  She is more woman that I'll ever be.  And she even has an extensive knowledge of power tools. She is probably at home darning socks or sewing a new slip cover for her couch at this very moment and NOT reading this blog.  But what-ev. She is crafty.  I am not.

Here are some of things that Lisa (hint, hint) should do with me.  Sometime.  Soon.

Flower Wreath

And this one:

T-Shirt Ruffle Scarf

While we are at it, someone needs to show me how to properly wear a scarf.  Because that is also something I fail at.

(If anyone needs an invite to Pinterest, email me at  If you want to follow me on Pinterest, here I am)

While we are on the topic of Things Taylor Is Not Good At, let us talk about my poor skills as a hunter's wife.

Now.  People.  There is an elk carcass hanging from the ceiling in my garage at this very moment.  I believe it is there to dry out the blood.  If you must know.

Tomorrow a hunting-man-friend of David's is coming over to help us grind the meat ourselves so we do not have to pay anyone to do so.


Quick!  Help me come up with reasons why I can't be out there grinding said meat!  I think I am going to use the kids as an excuse.

But, pray tell, what shall I do if Hunter-Man-Friend brings his wife?  Oh, for the embarassment of it all.  I can't be inside while the three of them are grinding (ew) away!

Maybe I need to get the flu?

Please Advise.


  1. Easy out for the grinding party - he's left you all alone to hold down the fort and you need Starbucks STAT! Also, you'll be dealing with the elk meat for the next year. A one day reprieve is only fitting.

    Just in case....I'll pray for the sniffles if you want. :) Good Luck!!

  2. Oh the pressure of Halloween costumes. When your kids grow up they think of their own. There are some things I don't miss about the early years

    Tell lumberjack you cannot help grind meat because
    A. You have to wash your hair
    B. You have an important call to make
    C. You have delicate sensibilities and cannot stand the sight of blood.
    D. You birthed the children-he has to grind the dead animals.

    Have fun in TN!

  3. i adore pinterest also!! it would seem i have nothing better to do all day than to sit and in things!! ...sigh... *love* :o)

  4. 1st time commenter here :) We too dug in our dress-up box for Halloween costumes and are repeating one costume from last year. My 4yo will be a cowboy (again) and the 6yo will be a construction worker. I'm just glad not to have to waste, I mean, spend $$ on a spider/super/bat/insertsuperhero-man costume that will make my boys want to both kill and save each other at the same time. Phew! Crisis averted.

    Weren't the kids sick while The Lumberjack was hunting? I think that alone should excuse you from the elk grinding. :)

  5. I love winning the COW. It makes me all smiley inside and out. If you weren't so secretive like with your name and locale I'd look her up and friend her to return the favor.

    My neighbors borrowed the meat grinding attachment to my KitchenAid mixer to grind up the dead deer hanging in their garage. When they gave it back I stuck it in a cupboard without looking at it.
    About a week later the odor from that cupboard was nasty and so I pulled out the grinder and found it had not been cleaned thoroughly. Therefore, little bits of rotted deer meat were stinking up my kitchen.
    SO - your job is not to grind the meat, but to be in charge of the VERY important job of cleaning the bits.

    Darn, that's not actually much better is it?

  6. you REALLY need to get the flu. Start licking things, stat!

  7. Here is what I do when my husband processes a moose which is huge a takes a few days. I keep the two year old inside and "watch" him while they process. We taught our older three Blessings to do such things so that I don't have to do much. Well, that is why I taught them, my husband just enjoys the extra hands. You can also make a run to town for processing bags that you just happened to forget before hand or maybe ice cream? Find excuses and run says the lady who was outside at 11pm while 6 months pregnant grinding and bagging ground moose...thankfully that little baby has relieved me of meat duties or at least gotten me light duty since his birth. I better start shopping for those small sized latex gloves and start teaching the little guy to be useful at the processing table!

  8. Since you are heading to TN on Tuesday, surely you need to spend ALL of the meat-grinding time tomorrow putting in extra homeschooling time with the girls while the boys watch their dad grind elk. See--double win. No elk grinding for you, and homeschooling with the boys occupied elsewhere.

  9. You just tell them it makes you sausage, you know?

  10. I don't know about you, but when I take a long trip with 4 small children, there is MUCH list making; laundry (washing, drying, folding, and putting away!); house cleaning; meals for the husband-turned-temporary-bachelor making; school finishing; errand running; and, of course, packing to be done. You absolutely do not have time whatsoever to be grinding meat! (At least, that's how I would present it to the hubs, if I were you!) Good luck! Personally, I just flat out refuse to help in processing the meat. The smell of gamey meat is enough to make me vomit. It's bad enough that I have to cook it, there's no way I could process it!

  11. Now would be a good time for Handsome Dude's glasses to ........break.

  12. Promise Hunter type men all the special Taylor made rice crispy treats they can eat if they leave you in the kitchen with the children like people.

  13. Do it yourself meat processing is a man chore - Grody! Use whatever excuse you can to get out of it!

  14. I think the same rule as fishing should apply here...You caught (shot) it...You clean (process) it.

    As for Pinterest, wow you got so many followers...I only have a couple, guess my pins are not as interesting to other folks as they are to me lol.

    Blessings Kelsie

  15. My pinterest board includes one entitled "When I learn to be crafty," which sadly will probably never happen because blogs appeal to me more than yarn. Too bad I can't decorate with blog posts all over my house. Oooh - maybe I CAN - it will be a new trend.
    As far as costumes, I have always (always in my case means in the two years I have had a child with which to celebrate Halloween) bought costumes resale for my son, but this year I have enlisted my very seamstressy mother to make my boys' costumes. It's the least she can do since she did not pass on her sewing skills. :)

  16. I have the perfect reason why you can't grind elk meat! Explosive diarrhea! Someone in your household always seems to come down with that, so whether you or the kids are claiming the ailment, clearly it's not a good idea to mix that sort of thing with elk meat grinding! Of course, your meat-grinding friends may decide they don't want to come over very often anymore, but hey, no excuse is perfect.

  17. I too loathe Halloween.

    Last year, I bribed my children to let us skip Halloween by promising to buy them all the chocolate candy they could eat.
    It worked so well that I am planning on doing it again this year! ;) You're welcome.
