Thursday, October 20, 2011

Boys and School and My Uber Cute Wallet.

David drives a work van to work.  No!  He is not a lumberjack.  He is an electrician.  I don't understand why everyone is so confused about this?  Anyways, my boys think that work vans are the coolest thing in the world.  And they are.  Obviously.

Yesterday during Bible class, we were talking about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

I would like everyone to know that I spelled those three names correctly on the first try.  Be impressed.

I was explaining that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego worked for the King.

Handsome Dude, in his most scholarly voice:  Yeah.  And they drove a work van everyday to work.

I thought my girls would never recover.

Later on in the day, I was reviewing our Latin sounds and vocabulary.

Yes!  I teach Latin.  Be impressed.

Anyways, Daisy Mae kept getting confused on the letter A sound in Latin.  "A" in Latin sounds more like "ah" as in "father."  So, I kept going over the sound with her.  Little Dude was just above us in the loft, playing trains, as per his usual custom.

Me:  What does "A" say?

Little Dude, SHOUTING, because that is what he does best: A like Apple!

Poor Daisy Mae could never even think about what I was asking her.  Mr. Know-It-All just kept shouting the "A is for Apple" phrase over and over in his most "why AREN'T you getting this?!" voice.

Young children and school.  So helpful.  So wonderful.

I was talking with my friend, Rita, yesterday, who is also a homeschooling marm.  We were discussing the young children and homeschooling conundrum.  I am sure many of you fellow homeschooling marmies also have this issue.

So.  What are your tricks for occupying your little ones while you homeschooling your older ones?

Here is what I do.  And my house is always in a peaceful, happy state, so you should take heed of my advice.

1)  If the boys are on the main floor, which is where we are homeschooling, they must be playing quietly.  I have puzzles, blocks, coloring supplies, etc that they can do.

2)  They can sit at the table and do "work" with us, but they must keep quiet.

3)  If they want to race trucks through the house and yell and holler to each other, they have to go downstairs.  And trust me.  This is their favorite activity, bless their hearts.

4)  I have a whole hope chest thing full of special activities they can do during school:  lacing cards, pattern blocks, games, puzzles, etc.

This plan is working very well this year and I have hardly ever had to resort to using the television.



Last night, I went shopping.  All by myself.  Can you believe it?!

As I was paying for my items, the sales gal noticed my wallet.  And rightly so, because my wallet is uber cute.

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Dave Ramsey, but we try to do his "cash envelope" system.  Anyways, one of my biggest problems was I would always leave the huge, bulky envelope system thing at home.  Which is super unhelpful when you are trying to buy stuff with cash.  So, I ordered a wallet that has the cash envelopes built right in.

I love it!  It's the cutest thing since sliced bread!  I got it from Melissa from A Time for Everything.

Anyways, if any of you are interested in such a thing, you should check her out her shop.  She has lots of cute stuff.  And you know I wouldn't lie.

Alright.  I must now begin the homeschooling.  Feel free to share any homeschooling tips and tricks for the young ones in the comments.

Have a lovely day!


  1. oooohh...i love that wallet, i am off to see what else she has !!!! cya!!

  2. Sooo cute and so responsible! Good girl! ;)

  3. One of my toddlers skipped all the cool manipulatives and would spend hours peeling all the wrappers off my coloring crayons. It made a HUGE mess, but it was the only time this hyper little don't-feed-him-sugar boy was quiet.

    I loved using my muffin pans for sorting and counting activities. I would cut out colored circles and have them sort the counting bears into them. If I put numbers in the bottom, they had to put that number of bears in the spot.

    One of my older kids once complained, "Mom, we should put the little kids in daycare so we can homeschool without being bothered!"

  4. I'm having a day where i just want the boys to go away and be quiet.
    Aren't they lucky?

  5. I also have lots of activities for the Littles to do while the older boys are doing school. But honestly, lately, I've just waited to start school until the afternoon when the Littles are down for their naps. By the time they are awake, my husband is usually on his way home so if we aren't done with school he can occupy the Littles. I know. I'm a cheater. But, you do what you gotta do!

  6. I only have one boy to occupy, so that makes it easier. He does his yelling solo. His main occupying deal is Lego. And his 10am apple, which he starts asking for at about 9:30. Loves him some apples, cut "Australian," in a "bowl-plate." He's technically in kindergarten now, so he also does a few minutes of workbook work each day.
    Oh, and the Australian apple thing? Learned the technique here:

  7. I was just reading about The Road to Phonic and their Latin program via an email from The Old Schoolhouse magazine. Is that what you use for Latin? What do you think of the Latin approach so far? I HATE switching programs because it means I have to learn something new and who has time for that?? But, my boys are dying with the workbook approach which means I am dying from the workbook approach. Is it helpful, hard, too time consuming? Sorry for the all the questions . . . seriously need help, seriously searching.
    For the younger kids, duct tape and zip tie's work wonders!
    I KID, I JEST!! Bless their little hearts!

  8. I may homeschool my boy in the future (he's only 7 months so I have a lot of time to think about it) and I'm taking notes as you seem like you have this homeschool thing down pat. Latin? Really? Now I'm nervous...

  9. Make that *Phonics*. (I'm clearly qualified to teach my kids.)

  10. I enjoy the fact that you think I "have this homeschooling thing down." :)

  11. Hey, thanks for the free advertising! ;) I'm glad you like your wallet.

    You are way more on the ball than me with keeping the little ones occupied. I do have three designated drawers with activities for them, but they're not very exciting. I need to get a little more creative with that. Lately they've been resorting to interpretive dance while listening to their praise CD, which I can't complain about... it's pretty stinking cute.
