Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wreaths, Pinterest, and Yams

Hold on to your pants, folks!

We've got a lot of ground to cover.

1.  Do you remember back in aught-nine when my husband went on his hunting trip and my children became horribly ill?

No.  You don't.  No one read my blog back then.  And if they did, I can assure you, they've long gotten sick of me.

Anyways.  You can read it here, if you are feeling frisky.   It seems that whenever my husband goes on his hunting trip, things go wrong.  And, guess what.  The kids MIGHT be starting to get sick.

I am going to pray that they don't.

Join me.  I implore you.

2.  My ma and pa came to camp at my house the past two nights and I am pleased to announce that I have unlocked the secret to homeschooling:


Brilliant!  I took one child and my mom took another and BAM!, we got 'er done, tag team style.  It was epic.  And my dad entertained the dudes, which was like Christmas for me.  So, we got done in record time and we had a little extra time for some craftiness.

Oh yes, we did.

3.  We made coffee filter wreaths.  Mmmm-hmmm.  Bimlissa's mom (she's kind of a big deal) she has this tutorial on how to make a wreath out of coffee filters.  You can check out her tutorial here.

Now.  My mom and I were too special to do it the way Bimlissa's mom suggested.  So we made our wreaths entirely out of a) brown coffee filters (these are essential) b) hot glue gun and its accompanying sticks and c) a wreath thing.

Here's my mom doing her thing:

She puts on her glasses when she is being uber serious.

Daisy Mae "helped."

Yeah.  So you take a coffee filter and you kind of smoosh it.  Or something.  And then you glue it onto the wreath.

I know what you are thinking.  "Why DOESN'T Taylor start a crafting blog?!  She's obviously a natural!"  I know, I know.

Here is the finished wreath.  This is a horrible picture, but you were expecting that.

I took it last night.  With my phone.  Sure, I could get up now and try for a better one.  But that would require effort.

4.  Are you still holding on to your pants?

5.  Since we were getting all handsome on our craftiness, my mom mentions that she enjoys The Pinterest.

Say whaaaat?  My mom has heard of Pinterest?  Doth she be cooler than I?

Well.  I have abstained from Pinterest because I do not have time to pin anything.  But, my mom talked me into it and it is fabulous and I intend on becoming the world's most craftiest person who cooks delightful treats, uses raffia and mason jars to no end, paints furniture, and paints walls odd colors that strangely look fantastic.

Just you wait.

6.  Handsome Dude had to eat yams.

This did not please him.

7.  Yams are delicious.  There's no denying it.

8.  My parents found a bunch of my old books and brought them for the girls.  As we were looking through them, we found one with some sort of creepy title like, "Is Mary Home Alone?" and it showed a girl looking out her window all terrified-like.

Me:  Oh!  That one looks creepy.

Daisy Mae:  Do you remember it?

Me:  No.  I don't think I've seen that one before.

Daisy Mae:  It looks like something Aunt Meagan would read.  It's probably hers.

Attention Sister Meagan:  Ha!

9.  Oh!  Sorry!  I went to visit Pinterest and I got a bit distracted.  I'm back now.

10.  Do you think David will call me today?  I haven't heard from him in so many days.  He's totally pining away over me, I just know it.

11  And now, because I am clearly running out of things to blog about (could you tell?), I would like to tell you a story about my Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea got glasses when she was two. Now, you always hear about Handsome Dude and his glasses, but I have never told you about Sweet Pea and her first pair of glasses.

She hated them.  We would be driving and she would just chuck them at my head, the loving child that she is.  Anyways, one day David and I were at the mall-(yes!  the mall!  with David!) and we had both girls in the double stroller and we were running around all stressed-like, because who enjoys going to the mall with a grumpy husband and two little children?  Anyways, at one point in the mall, Sweet Pea did her "cute" glasses-chucking thing and we have never seen that pair since.

We ordered her some new ones and they forgot to put the little ear loopies on them.

You KNOW.  The ear loopies.


Turns out it was the ear loopies that she hated all along!  So, there you go.  A helpful glasses tip for those of you with kids.  Anyways, once she put on regular glasses, she was a precious angel in the glasses department.

My babies!  Where did they go?

And then.  God said, "Let them have a boy who needs glasses."

And, clearly, that has gone well.

12.  This post is coco-nuts.  Even I'm confused, and I am the mastermind behind it.  It's that darn Pinterest!  It keeps capturing my Interest (get it?)!  This must be a hard post for you to read, seeing as how my posts are always so clear, beautifully-written, and inspiring.  And on that note . . .

13.  I, yes, I, Taylor Maliblahblah, put on my big girl pants and removed a dead rabbit body.  It took a lot of squealing (on my part of course, not the rabbit's), running in place, and an extra long shovel, but I did it.

And that is all I have to say about that.

So, on that note, dear readers, you can let go of your pants.


  1. P.S. I'm so proud of you for getting your crafty pants on!

  2. David's pining and you're pinning.

    He'll get over his issue. But you, my friend, are in trouble. There will soon be Pinterest intervention groups popping up all over, I'm sure of it.

    Isn't it absolutely delightful, though?

    P.S. Follow me! You know you want to.

  3. My mom doth be WAY COOLER than me and it's WEE ANNOYING!! She has this cute Grandma thing going on and I sport "frumpy mom". And don't even get me started on our houses! Where did things go so wrong???

    I've been at the mall with an all-business-and-jet sort of husband and it's certainly a far cry from relaxing and inspiring. Especially when one is working on the "frumpy mom" thing. No help at all and then when kids are involved . . . . I think I'd rather clean a bathroom.

    The yam picture is hilarious! I sort of get them down my kids by making sweet potato fries which they promptly drown in ketchup. (My kids put ketchup on their ketchup.) Or cubed with garlic/rosemary olive oil and roasted until they're caramelized and then that coarse sea salt. My husband even likes them that way and that's sayin' something! That last idea was from my way cool mom ~ which is still annoying.

    Nice job with the rabbit. Big girl pants are over rated though.

  4. I love your blog, and I follow it. Can I pin it? I could find a way... right? And whenever you said "Pinterest" I stopped and thought about the things I could pin on there. It went something like this: read-read-read-SQUIRREL!-read-read-read. But instead of SQUIRREL!, it was MASON JARS!

    Here's my dead rabbit story... my rabbit died inside it's little rabbit box where it liked to sleep. Except it was sideways in the box. And rigormortis had set in. And my sweet little bunny was STUCK in his rabbit box. Dead. I felt horrible for yanking and pulling, but I couldn't get him out. My dad had to take the rabbit box apart to get him out. I haven't had rabbits since.

  5. I heart Pinterest! And I am so proud of you for disposing of the rabbit carcass, don't know if I could have done it.

  6. Wow, look at you and your craftiness!!!!!!!! That wreath is beautiful, I am so proud!

    My honey loves to shop with me (back off girls, he's taken!) He follows and waits for me to try stuff on, and never complains and can do that all day...

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwe for the bunny, seriously, I think I would have just put the other bunnies in another cage and waited for your husband to come back from hunting.

  7. i am loveng polyvore right now, it's similar to pinterest or so i gather only it's only fashion...i do not envy you being home with sick kids, that is no fun at all!! hope they are just faking!! ;) yay for extra teachers!! :)

  8. Your old post made me snort out loud. Love the illustrated song! And your kill photography skills are much improved.
    Also the running in place has me cringing - I did a DVD called Killer Buns and Thighs yesterday. OUCH.

  9. I've been meaning to ask you, when in the heck do you blog??? (I can say the "H" word because my kids aren't looking over my shoulder.) I started one a couple of weeks back (inspired by you) because I thought it would help me see the funny side of life, it would be a great out let, let my far off relatives who I never have time to call keep up with our life and blah blah blah. I have posted a grand total of two lines. I can't figure out which activity I should replace with writing my blog, quiet time with my Bible and coffee? my short workouts? breakfast? lunch? dinner? homeschooling my little people? Is your house in order when you blog? I can't sit down if it's untidy nor can I think. SO. How in the world do you do it??? When do you do it? (blog, that is) :) Can you blog in a messy house? Maybe your house doesn't get messy. I can't figure it out.

  10. I am so impressed with you and your Mother/Daughter crafting time!! You did a great job! And I know you also are dying to follow me on Pinterest too......

  11. I'm a total pinhead -ha. I'm going to look for you. I'm at
    I've used a lot of the recipes I've pinned, a few of the decorating and party projects and best of all I pinned a sweater and scarf I liked and my daughter bought me the exact thing for my birthday. Who says pinterest is a waste of time?

  12. Whats your screen name on Pinterest?

  13. You.
    I'm so glad you're on Pinterest. I LOVE it. I find it especially helpful when I don't know what to make for dinner. I just give it a glance and find inspiration. usually the inspiration has garlic in it. I'm a tad obsessed with garlic. Don't kiss me.

    ANYwhoo, I'm so glad the dead rabbit is done, and I would have done the scream/dance in place. Actually...i would have cried. Good for you.

    Letting go of my pants now.

  14. I don't even know where to start. I should probably start with my own dishes, but...I am going to write here instead. You should probably not feed HD things that make him sausage, you know? That looks a little too...headed for the danger zone. I am so happy that the rabbit did not scream, because that would have been over the top, even for your blog. Although Sweet Pea could have just chucked her glasses at the rabbit and then you would not have to worry about any more rabbit hollering. May your home be free from sickness, dead rabbits, and full of dead flies. Okay, not full of, but...may the flies no longer be causing your insanity. I'm guessing something else will come along to take their place, if your life is anything like mine. (Actually, I am very grateful that the Lord did not deem me strong enough to handle the Lumberjill's life. I could not do it.) I love you though, you are tough as nails.

  15. I'm going to need that book back.
    I'm going to record myself reading it and send it to you via the information super highway and you shall command the girls to listen to whilst they lay their pretty heads on their cold pillows.

  16. find me on pinterest!!!

  17. That pic of Handsome Dude made me LAUGH OUT LOUD!!!

  18. Well, I've always admired and respected you.....but now that I know that you're related-by-friendship to 'Mrs. Little Brown House'.....well, I may have to curtsy before I read your blog each morning! She's like blogging royalty!

    Pinterest is the best!

  19. Pinterest is wee addicting! Could be the Raid spray. That stuff makes all of us sicker than dogs, even with the windows open.

  20. I haven't been on Pinterest yet because I fear I would never stop pinning things! And when I did finally stop I'd be left with an endless set of projects. Though I am now totally considering making a wreath like yours! See the madness begins and I haven't even joined yet!

  21. I'm avoiding pinterest but people keep trying to suck me in. I am not crafty. I do not like DIY projects. My fashion sense is sketchy at best.

    I fear pinterest will just make me feel inferior.

  22. Dare I ask, what is pinterest?

  23. Cute wreaths! I'm feeling your pain on the Pinterest thing too. I joined...with the excuse that I could pick up helpful classroom ideas.

