Monday, October 24, 2011

Road Kill Casserole

Let us continue on with the illustrations about the crazy world I call home, shall we?  Today, I was chatting with a few other ladies about our manly-man-hunter-husbands.

Here's the sitch:

1)  All of them have tasted, and enjoy venison/elk/moose, etc.

2)  Many have also helped grind their husbands' kill.  And none of them understood why I was scarred for life.

3)  And, lastly but not leastly, one gal, who enjoys hunting as much as her husband, just pops her screens out her window and shoots her meat right from her house.

Because this is where I live, where I dwell.  These are my people.  We are one and the same.  Kinda.

My dad was not a hunter man, so this whole hunting world is just so strange to me.  David saw this little newspaper clip and told me it reminded him of yours truly:


And while we are on this lovely topic, let us reward the COW.

The COW stands for the Comment of the Week and in no way refers to anything my husband may or may not have shot.

Leanna wrote:

Now, my Daddy was also known to pick up ROAD KILL and feed it to his family (that would be me). Oh yes, oh yes he did. Fresh road kill, mind you. We would drive to church down this one particular back country road and I kid you not, he picked up three or four huge dear that had “just been” hit by vehiculars. Most times, the car that hit it was still there and he started carrying a TARP around in the back seat because there was no way no how that he was letting that critter go to waste.

I’m happy to say I’m still alive and we never contracted Road Kill’itis. I’m also happy to say I married a man who refuses to eat venison, or anything other than beef, pork and chicken because quite frankly, I was foundered on venison. Absolutely foundered.

The end, brave woman, the end.

Remind me to hide all tarps from my husband. Let us move on.

The girls and I are boarding a plane for Tennessee on the morrow.  In order to accomplish this, we will have to leave the house at 4am.  This means my boys are going to be hellions.  Maybe I should fill their sippy cups with coffee to help perk them up?  It always works for me.

We are off to see my dear friend Bimlissa, or as she is known everyone else, Melissa.  Bimlissa has a daughter my girls' age, and they have missed their friend so.  The three of us are very excited about our trip.  I believe we will be driving to the American Girl store in Atlanta during the trip.

This may cause my girls to have heart attacks.  Their dolls are all dressed and ready to go.  They are not to be packed in the suitcases, but must be in the carry on bag.  Because everyone knows that dolls love plane rides.  I am just hoping the doll season lasts awhile longer.  I am not ready for my girls to grow up.

Anyways, I might be a bit quiet for awhile.  But would you all mind praying for my dad?  He is having some scary health problems and the doctors cannot figure out what is wrong with him.

Thank you all and have a lovely week!




  1. Prayers for your dad, sweet T (get it? Sweet Tea?). I hope all is figured out and remedied, and fast. Prayers for a safe trip for you and your chitlin's too (That's back-country talk for children...I think.) *HUGS*

  2. oh I'll pray. And I'll miss your face! Have fun!!

  3. Oh no, not yee ol' Daddy! :( Will definitely be praying for you.

    And I have to say, Road Kill anything in the title tops the list for best ever blog post title! I might have to steal it just for kicks. After all, this is "where we live" as you said. :) Haha!

    Well, you've surpassed me! You were once jealous of my blog getting a real live comment from the Pioneer Woman's photo mentor. But now I'm ARE practically the pioneer woman. 400+ followers? AWESOME. Keep up the fun and randomness.

  4. I will pray for your Dad. If you are going to fill the Dude's sippy cups with coffee, be sure and have someone document it! I am all growed up and I would love to visit the American Girl store! Have so much fun!

  5. Sorry to hear about your Dad. I will be praying for him. Keep us posted!

    Have a fun trip tomorrow. Wish I was a little closer to TN.

  6. Ha! Loved this! My dad and I have been known to get in trouble for shooting our deer too close to the house. I don't know why Mom doesn't appreciate guts in her flower garden...

  7. I know you will have a great time on your trip! Tennessee is such a beautiful place, and I hear that Bimlissa family is pretty awesome:-)

  8. Praying for your dad. Also, as you drive from TN to ATL, wave at my parents for me. Thanks.

  9. Praying for sure.....That I can do.
    Enjoy your trip. Wish I had thought of coffee in the sippy cup when I took my trip from Spokane, WA to Australia with Mr 2 1/2 y/o, single handedly......I was advised by the medical community to take along benadryl and administer dose 1/2 hour before flight. Well, that didn't work!! Wired 2 1/2 y/o awake for 18 hours!!
    Coffee it is going to be next time.

  10. Praying for your dad. Have a great trip!

  11. Have a lovely trip, I'll be praying for your dad!

  12. I have eaten moose and venison-neither are bad. I have never tried elk. I will not eat squirrel.

    Have fun!! I think you have a few years on the dolls. I got an American Girl catalog in the mail the other day and my girls told me to save it. They still love looking at it all and they're in their 20's. : )

  13. Will be praying for your Dad.

    Have a wonderful trip with your girls! It is best to keep the doll stage as long as possible!

    And...Wow! Leanna - you deserve more than a COW!

  14. I've eaten pheasant, goose and quail that my dad shot. He won't shoot anything furry thank goodness.

    Sorry to hear about your dad. I hope you're able to enjoy your trip anyway.

  15. Your filling your boys sippy cups with Coffee and then who are you dropping them off on? All Hyped up on caffene??? Just wondering..did I miss it?

  16. Good luck to your Dad. The yet-to-be-diagnosed problems are always the scariest.

    And you must tell us if you grew up looking at American Girl catalogues! Did you have yours picked out from age 10 like I did? I was going to collect Samantha and all her cool accesories from the historical series. Of course, the earrings and bracelets in Claire's spoke louder to my hard earned detasseling money every year. And to add insult to injury, they retired Samantha so now I can never buy her and fulfill my childhood dream. *sob*

  17. Oops. I said it twice, but I couldn't decide how 'young' I wanted to pretend to be!: ) Sorry!

  18. Good luck to your Dad. The yet-to-be-diagnosed problems are always the scariest.

    And you must tell us if you grew up looking at American Girl catalogues! Did you have yours picked out from age 8 like I did? I was going to collect Samantha and all her cool accesories from the historical series. Of course, the earrings and bracelets in Claire's spoke louder to my hard earned detasseling money every year. And to add insult to injury, they retired Samantha so now I can never buy her and fulfill my childhood dream. *sob*

  19. will definitely pray for your dad!! hope the dr's figure out whats wrong soon!! have fun with bimlissa!! :)

  20. I will be praying for your dad. Unknowns can be so scary!

    And I am excited that you are coming to TN! Even though I won't see you seeing as how we are pretty much strangers...but it is exciting that you will be so close! I am sure you won't make it over to the Knoxville area, but just in case you do, wave to me as you pass by! Too bad you weren't here the past couple of days, it was in the mid 70s! Now it is going to get all cold and rainy again! But I am sure you will have a wonderful trip anyways! Have fun!

  21. Praying for your dad.
    I also hope your trip is great. I wish I had something to say about all the meat grinding, but if I type anything about it I think I might have to run to the toilet.

  22. I snorted at that COW when I saw it on the original post. I think I would have been skinnier as a kid if my dad had tried that...

    Have a most awesome trip.

    Praying for your dad.

  23. Oh yes, I am still getting used to the things my husband brings home after hunting. Great post, and praying for your dad.

  24. What is the most mind boggling of all? That you were actually in a GROUP of women who are acquainted with the hunting mind set! My vote is to let the predators keep the deer family population down, like mountain lions, bears etc. But the 'sport' or practice of hunting surely supports a lot of jobs and manufacturing. Yes, also praying for Dad.

  25. Since I never had girls, I'm also enjoying the doll stage. Besides, I have too many patterns for dolls I haven't used yet. Girls Rock!

  26. Prayers for your dad. Have a safe and fun trip!
