I have nothing of importance to say, yet here I am, starting a blog post.
Lucky you.
First off, I must share with you a few more of the Christmas gifts that were given to me. Because you care. I just know it!
1) New silverware.
This is exciting on so many levels. Something strange has happened to our forks.
They are all twisted-like.
Turns out our loved ones have had enough of us serving them my delicious cooking with those poky forks.
Oh, sure. There were a couple of good ones in there. David and I always used them and gave the poky forks to the kids.
It's good for them. They are hearty, rural folk.
But now, I am all fancy-like with forks that have straight prongs. I am getting a bit "highfalutin" for ruralville, if you ask me.
2) I got a new purse!
Remember my ginormous mom purse?
Justin loves it when I post that picture of him.
Anyways, my mom got me a new purse. Handsome Dude really wanted to model it for you all. For he is all that is boy.
It is much more reasonable, don't you think? It is called The Sak. My mother also has the same one in brown-ish. I feel it is cute. If I am wrong and this purse is only for those persons closer to my mother's age, please to do not tell me. I want this purse to work out for me. Thank you.
We got the kids Super Mario for the Wii for Christmas. Last night we decided to give it a whirl.
We were stuck on this screen for 30 minutes and I am not exaggerating one bit.
We couldn't do anything. But all the mushroom trees were moving, causing to Little Dude to furiously shout:
"Why are the TREES dancing?! Why!?" every fourteen seconds. It was a blessed family memory.
Eventually, after 30 minutes of trial and error, Sweet Pea finally discovered that if you push the button bearing the letter "A", the Mario character-type peoples finally start their adventure.
Unfortunately by that point, it was time for dinner.
That was money well spent.
I am greatly enjoying my Christmas break and not teaching the home school. I mean, don't get me wrong, home school is a barrel of laughs, but sometimes it is nice to take a break, you know?
Today, I was putting Handsome Dude down for his nap.
Which is a glorious moment if there ever was one.
HD (short for Handsome Dude . . . keep up!): Mom. Did you fix your hair?
Me: Yes! Do you like it.
(I had curled it)
HD: Um. It looks like you died.
Me: What?
HD: I mean, I think it's not done. You should do it more. Good night!
That boy is lucky he is so cute.
He is pretty precious these days. He loves helping around the house and vacuuming. He is the world's worst vacuumer, but I do not want to crush his spirit, you know? Lately, he has also taken to organizing the pantry for me.
He insists on doing this and it totally messes me up. He puts everything in different places and I pretend to not notice the stash of marshmallows he has hidden for himself.
Sneaky, sneaky.
Saturday is the last day of the year, and also Sweet Pea's birthday. She is going to be nine, if you can believe it. I sure can't.
I saw this post on Money Saving Mom about things some new homemade things she wants to try and make. I was thinking of trying to make some new homemade things, since I am a 30 year old, rural, home school mom and all.
I already make my own laundry soap. My dad makes fun of it.
If you can believe that.
Anyways, here are some new things I am considering trying:
Baking my own bread (we go through a lot)
Homemade Face Soap
Homemade OxiClean
Homemade Hand Soap.
I know, right? Could I be any weirder?
I think not.
Anyways, I think one of my New Year's Resolutions is going to be to do more homemade things to save money and cook healthier-more cooking from scratch and exciting stuff like that.
What about you?
Have you made your own face soap? And if so, does your face look weird?
Do you have orange whites like I do? Darn well water.
Does your son tell you your hair looks like you died?
Did your husband fall asleep on the couch at 6:53pm?
Are you able-minded enough to play Super Mario on the Wii?
Is my purse cute?
Darn. I should probably exercise more next year, too.
Do your forks bend all weird after a few years?
Talk to me! Chat with me!
My husband did fall asleep before 7pm. It's the least you can do.
Or not. The choice is yours.
Happy Thursday!