Friday, December 16, 2011

Come and get me, Cowboy!

We had our First Annual Home School Christmas Party last night.

hd homeschool christmas party 2011
Yes!  The boy has frosting all over his pajamas!  I'm glad you noticed.

ld homeschool christmas party 2011
Yes!  Little Dude has a drizzle of Tootsie Roll drool down his shirt!  I'm glad you noticed.  You also might notice our tree looks a bit more reasonable.  This is because David trimmed it.  What a man!

Fun Fact:  Little Dude has started to lick me instead of kiss me.  It is quite nasty.  Quite.

So.  You might be wondering what one does for a homeschool Christmas party?  It is pretty much kinda lame.  But whatever.  We made cut out cookies.

I LOATHE MAKING CUT OUT COOKIES.  Turns out I'm not as fun and easy-going as one might imagine.

hd cookies 2011
It's just so messy and it is SO MUCH WORK and this kids want to help and usually by 4:30 in the afternoon, I just want them to GO AWAY.  Turns out I'm not as fun and easy-going as one might imagine.

ld cookies 2011
Little Dude, thoroughly confused as usual, kept wanting to put the Christmas tree cookie on the Christmas tree?

So.  We made cookies.  David came home and wondered why we were having a Christmas party.  And I may or may not have snapped "Because it's FUN!"  We ate dinner and only one drink was spilled, so that's progress.  We watched the Jim Carrey "Christmas Carol," which was an epic mistake on my part.  For it is WEE SCARY.

And that was our night.  It was merry.

We need to do a couple of COWS.  I think instead of Comment of the Week, I should call it Comment of Whenever-I-Remember to do it.

Today we shall do two, because two were nominated by you.  Yes, you.  The readers.

COW #1:

This one goes to Melissa K.  It is her response to my story about my NAKED boys chasing each other around the house shouting:

"Come and get me, Cowboy!"

I think that last conversation actually took place between you and LJ, and you just changed the names to protect the not-so-innocent…

I don't even know how to respond to that.   No!  I do not chase my husband around the house sans clothes shouting about cowboys.  My dad reads this blog you know.



Everyone say "Hi, Grant!"  For that is his name. 

COW #2:  This one goes to Leanna and she is referring to my girls' new rabbit and its dumb name, Independent.

I like Independents name. So long as it doesn’t turn into Codependent you’ll be doing alright, Mama.

Honestly, I don't really get it.  Because I am 30 and not privy to humor anymore.  But Sister Meagan, still living it up in her 20's informed me that it was, in fact, hilarious, and should be a COW.

So there you go.

Alright.  I must go tend to the laundry.  Laundry will be the death of me, I assure you.  When will it end?!  My husband will be bursting through the door any moment and we must rush to get the children out the door for the church services.  Of which we will be late for.

First, Sir Lumberjack must gear up and go outside and do all his farm and ranch chores.  Because, have you met him?  He is odd and has created a ranch lifestyle for himself.  I will need to change my clothes and scold myself for not exercising more.  All of the children will be dumbfounded when we ask them where their shoes are, and let's not even get started on Bibles.

Where do they GO?

And someone will be missing a coat.

Oh!  And good news!  David and I, the dymanic couple that we are, volunteer in the K-2nd room at church.

I am the worship leader and David is the energetic announcer-man.

It's true, it's true.

So.  If you go to my church, and you know who you are, you might want to consider helping at the Friday night 7 service.

Do it for the children.

The children who are not sure as to why I am leading them in songs of praise with a microphone.

That's right.  A MICROPHONE.

  The children are hilarious.

Child:  How OLD are you?

Me:  Guess.

Child:  Um . . . 87?

Me:  NO!

Child:  Ha!  Sorry!  I meant 9.

That's more like it, missy.

Later, Gators.


  1. Thank you for brightening my day Mrs. LJ!! Keep it up.... ;-))

  2. You need to ask him what you taste like!
    Also, have you tried licking him back? :-)

  3. Thank you for the honor.

    As far as how to respond to my comment, I'm sure David would say that you should act it out...

    (Oops! Sorry, Grant!)

  4. 87, ha ha. Kids are mean! My son licks his wifes face to gross her out. I dont get it. I have never, not once looked at someone and went, hmm, wonder what they taste like, lol.

  5. We used to do cow kisses to random people. You go up to them (it's better if you know them) and say, COW KISS! - in a shouting, loud manner. Then, you lick their cheek. Yep, it's gross and I was wee young when I was cow kissing, but the look on someone's face was priceless. Ah, the folly of youth.

  6. Cut out cookies and children are a bad combo. Quite.

  7. The fact that you even attempted cut-out cookies with children makes you a better woman than I and I salute you. My poor children shall remain without that timeless tradition this year.

  8. P.S. We did our cut-out cookies today. The kids love it, and I know it's ultimately for them. But as I dealt with the carnage afterwards, I was wondering if any other moms out there silently send up a cheer when it's. finally. over. I feel better knowing I'm not just some big bad party pooper.

  9. My youngest son is in a 'puppy' phase, and when he is really pleased with me, he slurps in my direction... like an 'air lick' It's a sign of affection. Maybe your kid just really likes you.

  10. The Christmas cut out cookies I grew up on were the tubes of Pillsbury sugar cookie. My mom bought it once a year for she was an incredible baker but for some unknown reason, refused to make roll out sugar cookie dough. Perhaps for the reasons you describe. That stuff makes great cut out cookies if they are put on a baking sheet and chilled before baking. I, too, was not as much fun as you might think with my then young children. I'm a lot more fun as a grandmother. Age makes perfection and messes over rated and under rated.

  11. Oh dear, you make me giggle!

    Hi Grant!

  12. Hmmm? Very interesting cooky cutters! I LOVE your Christmas tree. Fresh, huge, free. I would fly to Ruralville just to see it, if I could.

  13. PS I also hate cooky cutters, it's so messy but the kids love it and it's making memories. One of 'our' traditions is we always note on the calendar when we see our first Christmas lights on homes. And we always leave Santa a Coke and a hot dog because he gets so much milk and sugar everywhere else.

  14. Dude. Cookie baking would be much smoother and easier to clean up if you had Roul'pats. Ask MindyLou. she will fill you in. Also, via that same wonderful personage, I will pass on to you (whether you like it or not! :) ) a recipe for "cookie mix" that can remain on the shelf or in the freezer and all you do is measure 2 cups of mix and add the egg and vanilla. Kids can mix it themselves, it makes it super easy on you, then Homeschool Christmas Party Day really will be fun!

  15. I went to eat lunch with my son this year right after my 30th birthday. He told his friends I just had a birthday and they, of course asked how old I was. When I told them one girls jaw dropped open and then another girl informed me, "Wow, that's really old, my mom is only like 24 or something" Umm, I had my son when I was 24 (a few months before turning 25) I felt very old at that moment, and was a little depressed for the rest of the week.

  16. Not as messy cut out cookies:

    You roll the dough out between sheets of parchment paper, refrigerate them in a stack (like 10 minutes, the first one is chilled by the time you get the last one done), cut them out and leave them on the parchment paper (take out the negative(?) dough), then slide the parchment paper onto the cookie sheet. Without the extra flour for rolling there is a lot less clean up (this doesn't include when they smear dough all over their clothes or decorating with sprinkles). Yummy.
