Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Home Schooled Basketball Player.

Sweet Pea started basketball practice last night.  We live in a real rural area, but there is a small town about 15 minutes away and she is going to be playing on their team.

Poor Sweet Pea.  I suspect her P.E. teacher has failed her.  She has not one clue what is going on, bless her heart.  But,  she was all smiles as she was attempting to dribble and run down the court.

After the practice, I was a bit nervous to talk to her.

Me:  So, did you like it?

SP (all smiles):  Yes!  I'm not that good.  But, oh well!

Me:  Oh, you are fine!  We will practice at home.  Did you meet anyone?

SP (all smiles):  No.  No one really talked to me.

Me:  Oh.

SP (all smiles):  Wait!  One girl told me I was doing everything wrong.  That's it.

Let us all have a moment to applaud the courageous spirit of my daughter, who is THAT HOME SCHOOLED GIRL that nobody knows, playing a sport she has never played before.

Holla, Sweet Pea.  I don't think I could have done it.

Henceforth, her father and I have bought her an early Christmas present:  a basketball.  She is out there practicing some skills (or skillz, whichever you prefer) as we speak.  And this most certainly did not cause weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth from the three other children wondering why they, too, did not receive a basketball.  Nope.  We live in perfect harmony.

We are officially on Christmas break.



We have decided to start our first annual "Christmas Home School Party."  Because we aren't nerdy at all.  We are making appetizers and Christmas cookies and will be doing all sorts of festive things.  David will be thrilled.  Perhaps we won't invite him?

I kid!  I jest!

His attendance is required.  For he moved us out here and he must feign delight in our whimsical ideas.  It's the rules.

I have some fantastic news.  We are going to be K-I-D-L-E-S-S this Saturday night!  We are going to a Christmas party and then we are going to stay in a H-O-T-E-L.

Please.  Try to contain your jealousy.

We won a hotel stay awhile back and we shall be redeeming it.  My parents are taking all four kids for the night and are to be commended for it.  As payment, I created their Christmas card with them over the phone last night.  It was torturous, as one might imagine,  and my services are worth more than fine rubies.

Mom:  Hmmm . . . I'm not digging the brown where it says "Merry Christmas."  Can you change it?
Me:  No.  It is Costco's template.

Mom:  Can you just change the color?  To black?  Or red?

Me:  No.  It is Costco's template.

Mom:  Ok.  Then put a picture over it.

Me:  I can't.  It's the template.

Mom:  I see.  Well can you swap it with the pattern from the other card I liked?  Or move it?

I suspect she is not familiar with the meaning of a template, no?

Anywho . . .

The Christmas season is upon us.  I would love to hear about some of your family traditions and happenstances that you have going on.  If you feel so inclined to share.

I am feeling a bit lonely today and I fear I have already bugged my Facebook friends enough.  What with my meaningless status update and whatnot.

I just need interaction!  That's all!  Not too much to ask!

So, yes.  Tell me something fantastic!  Share with me!  Visit with me!

Or not.  I'll live.


  1. I hope you will be taking some epic pictures of fabulous Home School Christmas par-tay!

  2. the highlight of my day is reading about the highlight of your sad is that? *<=o\

  3. I'm a little worried of what the other readers might say of my Christmas plans. I shared last year and many people had pity on me and said they were glad they are not part of my family.
    I absolutely think a homeschool Christmas party is needed and agree that pictures need to be posted from it.

  4. We hosted a homeschool Christmas gathering of some sorts at out house a week ago. It was not called a party per se...but we ate cookies and drank cocoa after sledding down ice slides with several homeschoolers....does that count?

  5. Must be that ruralville has much more sunshine than good ole North Pole, Alaska. I will not be hosting a homeschool Christmas party, I have not enough vitamin D to do so. I wish this computer monitor would give off vitamin D.

  6. Oh, your posts always make my day, and today is no you care!
    And..I am jealous of your night away... but like you care!

  7. Oh, now I am going to have to try to find that comment from last year! You did have the best proposal story-you had the one that included vomit, right? Or was it fake vomit . . .

  8. I am currently hiding in my room because I've had too much interaction.

    Sweet Pea is my hero.

  9. You must be doing something right if S.P. is that confident. I'm confident that your posts make me laugh out loud all the time. I love that you have a blog. What would we all have done without this blog if we had been born 20-30 years earlier? Your stage in life would have happened in the 80's and no one had heard of blogging then. Anyway, I have nothing important to say, just thought I'd add to the convo.

  10. I added PE to our homeschool curriculum after working at Bible camp one summer and noticing that all the home teached :) kids didn't know how to dribble, run bases, or anything. Of course, they won all the Bible memory contests, but they totally stunk on everything else. So, I started teaching the kids what little I knew about each sport and made them try it a little.

  11. Yay for Sweet Pea! You go, girl! I love to see little girls who are comfortable in their skin and don't care what others think.
    I posted the other day about a new tradition we started as a result of our advent devotional. Check it here:

  12. Congratulations on thinking ahead and buying S.P. a basketball to practice with! The others will certainly keep busy helping to chase after it. Pretty soon you'll find that a few more basketballs will spread the fun, and the others will then have their own balls to play with and there won't be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Different sized ones add to the spicy mix.
    Nowadays I read your blog before PW's! I don't cook much at all. Why do you think I read your blog? So I'll have something to do during the day, that's why! Plus, I can't figure out what to post on my own blog, my kids having grown and moved away out of reach of Mom's eyes...
    Yes! I too want the computer screen to give off vitamin D!

  13. Well my youngest daughter arrived home yesterday and we both bought new dresses first thing today. We intended to go Christmas shopping but got sidetracked : ) In our defense we have a wedding to attend this weekend. Yes-the weekend before Christmas. Not in our town. Not even in our state. It will be fun but I have instructed my girls they are not allowed to marry in December!

    I hope you're feeling better tonite...we baked white chocolate cherry shortbread. They are delish!

  14. You tell Sweat Pea that Aunt Meagan think's she is the bee's knees and will play basketball with her any day.

  15. PS
    When you want to use that adjective "uber", please note that one must spell it either "über" or "ueber" as it is a German word that means "above, excess, surplus". It is also used as a preposition meaning "over"

  16. Okay, so you often use "uber" in your posts, which is a German word, technically spelled, "über", although the ü is not a letter in the English language. So, when you want to type ü, or any other letter with an umlaut (two dots above the vowel) in English, you write it with an "e" following the vowel that would generally have an umlaut, i.e. "ue" when you can't type ü . The English language is a conglomerate of French, German, and Latin and we get the English word "super" from the German word "über". Without über there is no super, so love it, use it, and spell it correctly.

  17. You are being ueber know~it~all~ish.

    How was that?

  18. As much as I love reading your blog, the highlight of it all was you and your sister. Okay our Christmas traditions mostly revolves around food lol. A few days before Christmas we make goodies, of course we say we do this early so it doesnt interfere with making dinner and all that but really its just so we can start in on the goodies before everyone else shows up and digs in. This started with my mom and I but then I received sisters in law and they gave me nieces so now everyone plays along. I am going to give you the simplest recipe.
    1 bag of butterscotch chips
    1 cup peanut butter
    melt these together in the microwave and pour over 6 cups of rice krispies, pour into a 9x13 glass pan. Let set about an hour. These are so good.

  19. Okay, so I too read your blog before the PW's (sometimes I don't even read hers!) and what's worse is I sit here like a melon reading every one of your commenters whilst soaking up pseudo vitamin D. Indeed. What would we do without your blog? Who would my friends be? (I've had to refer to you as my friend for to cover up my dependent blog life dream world.) What would I do for fun? Would I ever laugh again?

    Sweet Pea makes me smile! I hope she carries that attitude forever!

  20. rock on, homeschool mom.

  21. Ok. I was so blinded by jealousy whilst reading the k-i-d-l-e-s-s and h-o-t-e-l part of this post, when you mentioned your parents were to be "commended" for watching the kids, I read "condemned". I was feeling their pain. Then I realized that might not be what you meant.
    Yes. Well. Moving on.
    As a wee lass, I went to one of those regular type schools. However, I could only jump rope backwards. In addition, no ball handling skills. At all. Like not even for 4-square or tether ball. Apparently I never learned to crawl and we shall blame all lack of coordination on poor parenting. Yes? Good? Ok. Thank you.

  22. Wait. Not blaming your parenting, blaming my own parents. Like that's fair. Oh, this hole is just getting deeper.......

  23. I love your blog. I usually read it at work. (Shhhh it will be our secret) and then I share it with the family at dinner. You are a hit.
    Years ago I said NO MORE to the traditional turkey, ham, dressing. ALL DAY long cook-a-thon that Christmas was. I mean I just did it at Thanksgiving, SOOOOOOOOOOOO
    I make homemade mexican on Christmas and we buy a family movie that we watch together. The kids love our tradition and it took a lot of stress out of the day.

    High 5 to Sweet Pea. I am not that confident.
    Hope your homeschool party is great and your night alone even better.

  24. Yes that was me! It was fake vomit, but looked pretty real.

  25. I have never read the PW's blog and really have never even heard of her until I started reading this blog. I really don't have much desire to read her blog either, is that bad? I hope I'm not going to be kicked out of the blog universe by admitting this!

  26. Holla, Sweet Pea! Before you know it she will be all handsome with her b-ball skillz and will become ueber talented on the court! And a special thanks to Sister Megan for the French-German-English-Latin spelling lesson...except it sorta gave me a headache.

  27. Sweat Pea is my hero. I hope she is like that forever. Way to go Sweet Pea!!!!!!!

  28. Absolutely not bad at all! She is funny, has some great photography tutorials, great recipes if you like to cook and an interesting home school section, but don't get started on another blog if you can help it! You shall not be kicked out of blog anything! Besides, you have all you need here at Lumberjacks, right? :)

  29. Sadly, it wasn't as epic as I had hoped.

  30. Sounds more fun than our "party"!

  31. Oh, thanks :) Thank you for reading!

  32. I appreciate those who read my nonsense . . . .like you care ;)

  33. We are also lacking in vitamin D round here. It would be splendid if computers gave off vitamin D!

  34. Yeah . . . I think we are going to have to do something like that, too!

  35. Thanks for adding to the convo. Yes, I am proud of SP. :)

  36. Thank you for reading! :) Yes, Sweet Pea is exciting to learn more about basketball.

  37. Alas. You live about 10 hours away . . .

  38. Have fun at your wedding! I want some shortbread, please.

  39. Thank you . . . yes I hope she has that attitude always!

  40. Those sound delish. But I might have to change chocolate chips for the butterscotch. Would that work?

  41. Her blog is really well done and was the first blog I ever read! She is pretty humorous.

  42. Sister Meagan got all handsome on the German lesson, didn't she?

  43. I love the Mexican on Christmas thing-I would love a tradition like that. I get tired of HAM. Thanks for reading-nice to meet you!

  44. Sure that would work, and dangit now I gotta try that lol.
