Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Why do you hate Christmas?

I trust you all had a Merry Christmas, no?  I am feeling a bit overwhelmed as to how I shall recap ours for you, so I shall go with a list of the top memories from the holiday season.

Please try to contain your excitement.

1)  David and I took the kids to our church's Christmas Eve service.  The dudes had a hard time acting "appropriate" for "big" church.

Little Dude (whisper-shouting and pointing to a lady near us who was singing and raising her hands up):  Why HE have his hands up?

Me (trying to figure out how to explain this):  Because SHE is singing to God.

For the next song, this dear lady opted to not raise her hands.  As was her prerogative.

Little Dude (whisper-shouting):  Mom!  Why HE not sing to God no more?  Does HE not like God?

Handsome Dude decided to kneel on the floor and stick his upper body through the seat in front of him.  Therefore, his lower half was in our row and his upper half was in the row in front of us.  Because he is well-behaved like that.

He was singing "Silent Night" super loud.  I mean really loud.  We had several adults nearby looking around for the source of the not-so-heavenly noise.  Everytime someone would spot Handsome Dude, sporting his glasses, stuck in a folding chair,  and singing his little heart out, they would chuckle and smile at us.

It was presh.

And isn't it annoying when someone writes "presh?"  I mean, how hard is it to write precious?

2)  After church, we celebrated with David's side of the family and I did not get one, single photo.  We had our white elephant gift exchange.  Little Dude opened a garage-sale rabbit cage that my sister-in-law had stuffed with stuffed animals.

It was, quite possibly, his most favorite all-time gift and it sits in his room right now where he lovingly stores all of his furry friends.

animal cage
3)  On Christmas Day, I woke up at 5:45am and no one else woke up until about 7:30.  Daisy Mae was the first to come upstairs.

Daisy Mae:  Mom!  It's Christmas!

Me:  Yes!  Merry Christmas!

Daisy Mae: I remember in, like, October, I thought to myself when will Christmas be here?  And now it is here!

Me:  Yup!

Daisy Mae:  Also, I thought to myself, "When will I be fourteen?"  But that might take longer.  You know?


Why 14?  I cannot be certain.

4)  My family came over on Christmas Day.  I did remember to get pictures of this event, mainly so I could send some pictures to my Auntie Datenut who lives far, far away.

Sweet Pea

sp christmas 2011
My mom and Handsome Dude

hd grams christmas 2011
Me and Handsome Dude with my gift from Auntie Datenut.

taylor hd christmas 2011
Please notice how the wrapping paper says "Taylor."

David with the cd Auntie made him.

That smile is about to break his face.

Handsome Dude with the pj's Auntie made for him.

hd pajamas christmas 2011
Little Dude trying on his new cowboy boots.

ld boots christmas 2011
Daisy Mae with the outfit Auntie made for her.

5)  For Christmas dinner, my dad made prime rib.  My mother insisted I take a picture of the hunk of meat for my blog.


So here you go.

\ meat

My parents have discovered AllRecipes.com and are quite proud of themselves for doing so.  I haven't the heart to inform them that this site has been around for a bit. They found this recipe for prime rib where you leave the meat on the counter for like 5 hours, which sounds a bit shady to me.  Then you put it in the oven at 500 for one hour and shut off the oven and let the meat sit in there for two more hours and NO ONE CAN OPEN THE OVEN DOOR EVER until that 2 hours is up.

It was extremely stressful.

6)  My mom got me boots for Christmas.  The kind of boots that go up over jeans.  You know?

Like this:

magic boots

And yes, that is exactly how I expect to look when donning my new boots.  I may be a couple of years late to this boot party, but I am finally here, nonetheless.

7)  Yesterday, the day after Christmas, Handsome Dude was trying to re-hang an ornament that fell down.  Instead, he knocked the entire Christmas tree over.

No.  I did not get a picture of the tree once it had fallen.  It was pouring water everywhere and we could not walk through the living room, so I decided I had better get the tree up post haste.

David and his large muscles were, conveniently, at work.

As I lifted the tree I knew that there was no way I could lift the tree.  All of my babies were in the "fall zone", so I got that super cool adrenaline rush and somehow got the tree to rest against the wall.

tree large
Be impressed.

8)  As a result of my heroic moment, my neck/shoulders/back area is killing me.  I literally cannot move.  It hurts so much.

9)  When David came home from work, he helped me put away all the Christmas decor and remove the tree of death.  Little Dude, who was apparently unaware of our plans to un-deck the halls that evening, came down the stairs and shouted in fury:

"Mom!  Why do you HATE Christmas?!  Why?!"

Happy Tuesday!

PS-Is today Tuesday?

I have no idea.


  1. Little Dude cracks me up. My 3 y.0. has started trying out the word "hate" as well, but its use has been a little more benign. :)

    Tell your beautiful, SKINNY mom that she's making those of us who are a decade behind her look bad. Seriously, though--she looks fabulous.

  2. I am pretty sure I couldnt eat meat that had set out for 5 hrs. I am sure it was yummy, I dont eat beef except hamburger but it looks good. I would just be stressing out about ecoli lol. I LOVE allrecipes.com. Awesome website. My favorite feature is ingredients. I put in what I want and which ones I dont and voila instant recipe.

  3. I'm sorry your tree of death is gone--but that's the way of Christmas Trees, right? I'm ready to put ours away, but lack the energy and stamina.

  4. Your dudes are the best. Just sayin' :)

  5. You are SO funny! I love that you hate Christmas. ;) Your mom looks like she could be your sister. What was she, twelve when she had you??? :)

  6. I wish we had been sitting by you at church! I could've blamed my kids' noises on yours! Kids under 5 in church = stressful for parents and hilarious for everyone else.

  7. Do the boots also keep your feet warm? There is no fashion in Interior Alaska...only the need for warm feet. Did you know we wear our snow boots to church? We don those boots with our skirts and thermal "underwears" under our skirts...if we are brave enough to wear skirts. Yes indeed, we do! I am therefore jealous of your boots, and your attendance to the boot style party. My boots are not cute...but my feet are warm. Amen.

  8. I love your children, they are so funny. I love that is another family as
    crazy as mine out there. Have Blessed New Year.

  9. Ah, the fashionable boots. When hubs and I went shopping last week, EVERY OTHER woman at the mall was wearing the tall boots with the tucked in jeans. And by every other, I do not mean one was and the next was not and so on in a pattern. I mean every woman at the mall with the exception being me. I thought I was happy in boot cut jeans and fatbabys. Perhaps I have not yet come to terms with being years behind in "the look" department? Alas, my current figure cannot support the tucked in jean trend, so I will play the "I live in ruralville and fancy boots would just be ruined" card to pacify my desire for cute footwear. and perhaps there is solace in the comfort of fat boots versus fancy boots?
    You, LJW, will pull off that look effortlessly. Ruralville or no. Holla.

  10. And yet another gift for me - lovely photos. Y'all know how I luv em. Way to go LJ smiling in a pic jes fer lil ole me... aaah shucks.

  11. HD really IS getting big!

  12. Also, way to go sis in law - a rabbit cage for the stuffed animals! Fun for the child. Tidiness for the parents!

  13. your mom has gotten so skinny she will blow away in the next good size breeze! Wow, what an accomplishment... I am seriously jealous. Loved the "literally" comic. I shouted out loud in laughter and then had to explain why to the hubs sitting across from me.

  14. First of all I am loving your hair color. You look very super model-ish in that photo with the Taylor wrapping paper.

    I loved your description of Christmas Eve...there is a Handsome Dude in every church in America : ) Happy New Year to you and your cute family!

  15. Sounds like you had a good Christmas. I love allrecipes.com. A friend of mine gave me a recipe for jalepeno popper dip and I found it on allrecipes.com Here is the link if you or parents like that sort of high caloric goodness. It doesn't have to be spicy. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/jalapeno-popper-spread/

  16. I am just joining the boot party as well. Only I don't have any skinny jeans that can tuck into them. So now I'm on the hunt.
