Friday, December 23, 2011

All Because We Fell in Love

David had the day off today, which is rare for him.  I was bummed because I had many things to do today, and was looking forward to a day off with him on Monday.  But now, he has to work Monday.  Lame.

But that is neither here nor there.  As I just mentioned, David had today off and was being "helpful" with the kids so I could spend all day in the kitchen.

Would you like to see how David "helps?"

Sure you do.

First, he entertains Little Dude.

ld high up on cabinet 2011
By sticking him up on high places.


ld cabinet 2011
Hmmm . . . .

ld shelf 2011
It's probably my payback for my new sign that states:

"All Because We Fell In Love."

Do you see it there?  In  the shelves?  Do you?  Do you?

all because we fell in love
Oh, he loathes it.  He truly does.  But it was on clearance for about $1.99, so he needs to get over it.

And now, whenever the kids are acting up or glasses are breaking or I am walking by with my 9 millionth load of laundry for the day, David gleefully calls out:

"Hey, hon!  It's All Because We Fell in Love."

Such a punk.  And I love him.

ld refrigerator 2011
It's like David's version of Elf on the Shelf.

Have you guys heard of this?  I hadn't until I saw them on Pinterest.  But anyways, we don't put elves on shelves.
Just our children.

David also helps by helping the children get in touch with their creative sides.

david drawing on ld 2011
He gave Little Dude a tattoo and did this to the girls:

kate face 2011
dm face 2011
Can you believe him?

He did, however, peel 10 pounds of potatoes for me with a twinkle in his eye and a song in his heart.

Plus, Handsome Dude was begging and begging him to take him on a bike ride all day long, and he did.  And it was like, 22 degrees outside.  What a dad!

So, I guess I can get over it.

Just like he can get over my "All Because We Fell in Love Sign," because I have to deal with this business:

david's deer mount in kitchen
Let's move on.

We made "flat" gingerbread houses.  And, yes, I got the idea off of Pinterest, and, no, I do not spend a lot of time on that site . . . why do you ask?

Here's what they are supposed to look like:

And here's what our decorating party turned out like.

Daisy Mae

dm gingerbread 2011
Handsome Dude

hd gingerbread 2011
He was pretty modest with the amount of candy he put on his first house, don't you think?

Little Dude.

ld gingerbread 2011
Little Dude NEVER sits on his bottom.  He is such a rebel.

Sweet Pea.

sp gingerbread 2011
Sweet Pea is going through a "Don't take my picture" phase.  It's not annoying at all.

My houses:

taylor's gingerbread houses
The one on the right is either A)  Santa, B)  A Puppy, or C) Santa-Puppy.

Your choice.

David's houses.

David was quite proud of his houses and declared them the best.  He also informed us all that he had taken a cake decorating class in his youth.


This was news to me, my friends.  He may have been lying.  As he oft does when he is at home "helping" me.  I will have to go straight to the source on this one and get back to you:  his mother.

And now, it is almost Christmas Eve.  We have a very busy weekend ahead of us and the children are about to burst from all the excitement and whatnot.  We will spend the morning at home.  I will attempt to make my own clam chowder for lunch, which should be interesting, seeing as how David is the only one who likes clams.

But, he enjoys the clam chowder and his mom used to make clam chowder on Christmas Eve, so I will give it a whirl.

If I can cook elk, I can simmer clams.

Then we will go to church for Christmas Eve service, which is my favorite part.  Afterwards we go spend time with David's family and eat finger foods, open gifts, and do a white elephant gift exchange.

On Christmas morning, we are opening presents and the like and then my parents, sister, and her friend will be coming over to join in on the merriment.

And yes, I am hosting a big dinner.  Because I am 30 now, and these are the things I must do.  But before I impress your socks off . . . my dad is bringing and preparing prime rib.  I am to be trusted with only the side dishes.  Which is fine by me.

I hope you all have a wonderful time with your families and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33

And I must share one, last thing with you.  The very first Christmas after David and I met, I spent Christmas eve with his family.  We had a wonderful time and he even surprised me with a diamond necklace.

This is because he had a job, but no house payment, car payment, electric bill, children, a not-so-efficient diesel rig, and a four-year-old boy who is not so gentle with the glasses.

But I remember that Christmas.  I knew that night that I was going to marry him.

Not because of the diamonds, people.

Because I just did.

And here we are, 13 years later from that first Christmas.  We are blessed with four healthy, children.  We have bills that seem to add up too quickly.  Appliances break.  The gas tanks always seem empty.  We never have enough milk.  And there is always somebody crying.

But God has blessed us and we have everything we need.

family photo 2011
All Because We Fell in Love.

all because we fell in love

Did you see what I did just there?

That was smooth.  There's no denying it.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Oh, you are so good ;-). Love the flat gingerbread houses - great idea! Maybe I should check out this Pinterest you speak of....

    Merry Christmas to the whole Maliblahblah family!

  2. Merry Christmas to you Taylor and all the Maliblahblahs! I absolutely love reading your blog, you always put a smile on my face. I don't comment very often but I think your family is great!

  3. "Maybe I should check out this Pinterest..." Whatever, Sharyl. You're not fooling us.

  4. Forget about Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. YOU are the cheesiest. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  5. Great segue to be able to show us a picture of your totally awesome sign. And you should move it to about the head on the wall and add a note under all because we fell in the reason I let him leave this on the wall lol. I was dating my husband on Christmas 8 years ago, we were having dinner at my best friends house and he got up to run to the store to get something and he said I love you as he walked past me, and I said I love you too. Only I had never said this before to him. I was stunned and amazed, I teared up a little. Guess what? He didnt hear me say it lol. My best friend did and we were hugging, she was saying are you sure, and all this went right over his head, ahh love lol. Three days later he asked me to marry him and actually heard me say yes and I love you.

  6. Oh dear, this made made me laugh and cry! I love your hubby's version of looking after the children!! Maybe he's read 'Hinds feet in High Places' by Hannah Hurnard, eh?! Either way, I am SO not giving any ideas to my hubby. He needs little encouragement as it is.

    And yes, that was a smooth ending to your post - but also very touching!

    Happy Holidays!

  7. I wish someone else was cooking prime rib for me. We are military and therefore, far from family, so we have invited my friend and her 2 girls over for Christmas dinner that I am cooking. She is bringing oreo truffles, holla! Her husband is deployed, so the idea is to entertain & fellowship with them and lighten the load for a little while. We are having ham, scalloped potatoes, broccoli salad, and whatever else I can figure out between now and then. I have a small prime rib that I'm saving for New Year's, but I've never cooked one. If you dad has some tips, let me know.

  8. Merry Christmas, my dear friend! As your present, I promise to keep "letting" you win at Words With Friends. :)

  9. I love reading your is my favorite! Love the flat gingerbread houses....awesome idea and so much easier. I helped 10 six year olds build trains out of graham crackers and royal icing......yikes!

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Merry Christmas Taylor!! Elf on a Self....LOL so funny! At least he is a cute little elf!

  11. Merry Christmas to the whole Maliblahblah family!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Btw, I just noticed in a few pictures that Little Dude does in fact, sometimes sit on his bottom... Maybe if you tell him to pretend his is on a shelf he will sit down to dinner??? ;)

    Have a gread Christmas!

  12. Sweet post...Merry Christmas Taylor!

  13. What a sweet story and post. I love reading as usual. One should put the "all because we fell in love" sign under the elk/deer/whatever that is hanging in your house. It would give it a nice touch I think. Merry Christmas to all the Maliblahblahs and mom, dad, and sister Megan!!

  14. I loved this post.

    Merry Christmas Maliblahblahs!

  15. You are so smooth and that Lumberjack is such a card. :) I like your Elf on the shelf better than those other ones.
    Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    God bless you all,


  16. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to your entire family! *<=o)

  17. Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  18. LOVE it. and please update us on the cake decorating madness AND how the clams took to being simmered. You live on the edge lady.
    I love that santa/puppy/santapuppy.
    Merry Christmas yo!
    we were going to go to Christmas Eve Service but I'm a'feared I may be getting a Christmas stomach flu...and it's probably all because I fell in love.


  19. Holla Melissa hilarious

    Smooth LJW, very smoooooth. Enjoy

  20. Oh, and Santa brought me a sign that says: Love is blind. But marriage is a real eye opener.

    We have been laughing at it all. day. long.

    Because we are romantic like that.

  21. I know what you mean about him loathing the sign. I have "Always kiss me goodnight" above our bed and my hubs rolls his eyes and " hemhaws" about it all the time! You know that deep inside they like it.....??? :)

  22. I am thinkin you have some very nice built in cabinetry. no? yes? all that natural tone wood and whatnot. lotsa shelves. I have shelf envy, it's true. No shelf for the elf, if we did that sort of thing. which we don't. but if i had shelves...
