Monday, December 19, 2011

Don't Mind if I Do!

So, David and I were helping in children's ministry last Friday night.  And, believe it or not, my husband, David Maliblahblah, is super energetic when thrust on stage and given a microphone and a captive audience of 5-8 year olds.

My husband?  Lively and dynamic?

david sleeping at beach
Who knew?!

I have a lot of fun helping out with Mr. Microphone on Friday nights.  And apparently the kids love him, too.  There was this one little girl who would not stop talking to me all night.  We'll call her "Besides," because that is how she started every single sentence.

"Besides, I have a story."

"Besides, can I sing you a song?"

"Besides, I need a drink of water."

"Besides, how OLD are you?"

Little Miss "Besides" came up to me.

"Besides":  Besides, hey!  Do you see that boy?  That big boy?

She was pointing to David.

Me:  Yes.

"Besides":  Besides, come here.  Besides.  I need to whisper you a secret.

Me:  Ok.

"Besides" (whiper-shouting):  I HAVE A CRUSH ON THAT BOY-MAN.  DON'T TELL ANYONE!

My husband.  The heartbreaker that is clearly is.

Moving on.

After church, we surprised our kids with a special treat.  In the town that we USED to live in, there is a huge display of Christmas lights and a hotel that serves delightful desserts.

Desserts such as this one, my friends.

butterfinger sundae
The Butterfinger Sundae.

And is it Sundae or Sunday?  Writing "sundae" makes me feel pretentious and like I DON'T live in a hillbilly-redneck-world.

Sundae it is.

The kids were tickled and delighted and all that jazz.

kids dessert 2011
Downtown is so pretty this time of year.  We found it humorous, albeit annoying, that our old house, of which we still PAY FOR, sits about 1/2 a mile away from The Butterfinger Sundae and glorious city life.

On Saturday, David and I dropped off all the kids with my parents (Holla!) and went to David's work Christmas party.  Which was fine and glorious and David, in the spirit of all things farm and ranch-y, broke out a brand-spanking new pair of Carhartts to dazzle me with.

And dazzled I was.

Next, we went to the hotel to redeem our free night's stay!  WooHoo!  Included with our stay was a voucher to eat at their restaurant.  So we went to eat MORE food at 10 at NIGHT, which is completely reckless behavior for us 30 year olds.  On Sunday, we spent the entire day shopping and David did not complain once and was even a good participatory shopper.

He even purchased us festive lattes.  It was a day that I will treasure in my heart forever.

And now, I am home enjoying Christmas break and not schooling the children.  The power just went out and I am angry at myself for not brewing coffee earlier.  Such is life.  I am frivolously wasting the battery on my computer and phone to bring you this rubbish.  Be honored.

I had a bit of a frustrating morning.  I received two very large bills totaling about $300 from the eye doctor for Sweet Pea and Little Dude.  I loathe calling doctor's offices for insurance questions, but I put on my big girl panties and gave them a ring, because something didn't seem right.

It was a good thing I did, too, because they realized they had made a mistake and we owe another $100 for Handsome Dude.

Because calling doctor's offices to encourage them to find out how much more they can charge me is what I do best.

While I was on the phone increasing my bill, I had locked the bedroom door to keep the dudes at bay.

Meanwhile the dudes got into a tiff and Little Dude, gasp, broke Handsome Dude's glasses.

So that was a pretty expensive phone call.  Yes, it was.

To cheer myself up, I resorted to looking at humorous things on The Pinterest.

And now I shall share them with you.  Because I aim to please.

For the Facebookers:

For the bloggers:

For the Pinners:

For the Wives of Men Who Love To Camp:

For the Teachers:

Oh!  The power just came back on!  I am off to make some coffee!

Later, Dudes.


  1. That picture of the text message conversation literally made me lol! And the one about the boy practicing piano. And the one about pinterest. Ok...they all made me laugh! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Besides, I love this post and all the funny pictures.

    Besides, does posting on your blog qualify as telling Besides' secret? ROFL!

    Too cute!

  3. You should have told Besides, "Me, too! Fight you for him!"

  4. Thank you for giving me a laugh today! It sounds like you had a nice weekend, and I hope you have a super relaxing holiday without too much hi-jinx and such... and that first picture of your hubby? Hysterical....!

  5. I was laughing so much at this post: the crush, the glasses, the electricity, the piano nerd, etc. that my 4-year-old came over to see what was so funny and noticed pictures of your boys on the right and asked, "Is that me or _______?" My response, "I don't know his name; that's Little Dude and Handsome Dude." He corrected me with their real names, since he is a smart lil Cubbie! 8)
    I needed good, solid laughter on this lazy first day of break. I shall call it my abdominal workout today! Thank you for waking me up with your humor after my nap. Yes, I napped. I did say it was break. Ahhhhh...
    Oh, and I REALLY hope you don't actually owe anything for all your vision visits.

  6. Thanks for the laugh...But that glasses story is just NOT funny...I don't care who ya are!

  7. I love the Ally Brosh reference :) Thanks for that!

  8. Besides, seriously I think this is one of the BEST posts ever!!!
    Besides, maybe you should show Besides the first photo on this post, maybe she will figure it out that her crush isn't always that energetic!!!

    I also seem to always make my bills go up higher, so I just don't call anymore, too expensive lol!

    Have a great Christmas break!

  9. Sounds like you had a perfect date. :)

    Enjoy your coffee. Have a cup for me please - with extra creamer.

  10. I have often wondered why the Lumberjack family doesn't live in the city house in the winter and the wilderness house in the summer? Best of both worlds.

  11. Love the piano boy caption!

    Why not get LJ to sort out the glasses fee sitch? Isn't he good at sounding stern on the phone and reducing the price of things?

  12. Did you tell little "Besides" that you had a crush on him too? Does LJ realize he's a dreamboat hearthrob? DM - love the earring bling. I'm down today, don't know why. Send any cheer my way.

  13. Glad you had a fun night out. The LJ and the microphone and the groupie....hmmm. This is definitely a side of him you have neglected to share.

  14. Thanks for the laughs!!...and sorry about your eye doctor bills. That is disheartening.

  15. Little girl crushes are the sweetest. When my best friends daughter was 2, she had the biggest crush on my brother Mike. She would argue with his wife that he was her boyfriend. She called him Mi Mi and would say thats my Mi Mi. Ah the good old days. Shes 16 now and a typical teen lol, I miss her being 2.
